I never use the auto-unfold for pepakura, because the autounfold doesn't work good. I did that part like this on purpose, I must have been drunk while doing this, but I did it on purpose, it has nothing to do with pepakura. There is a function in pepakura to make flaps smaller but I don't have the time to bother about that. If some flaps are too big I just cut them smaller when building the model. everthing u said so far isn't a problem within pepakura, it is a problem wth my structural papermodel design. You people never seemed to really work with pepakura If I read stuff like that.
No designer with some sanity in it's head uses Auto-Unfold. I'll just show some pictures.
This is what happens if you use the Auto-Unfold in Pepakura. I RECOMMEND NOT TO USE AUTO-UNFOLD!
With a little work and "precutting" it will look like this. (no auto-unfold)
I still need to fix some flaps manually here but it looks better then auto-unfold.
Things like this:
are possible. I can change the size of the flaps but I find it ridiculous to agitate about something like this because u could just use your scissors to cut that flap. I can't think what came over me with this part, but I seemed to have a reason in the moment I developed the papercraft. If there are problems with the model they are my fault, and not the tools fault. It is like saying:"your 3D model looks like poo because u should use 3DSmax instead of blender". You can get the same results from both tools if you use them properly. Same with pepakura. I'm always under deadline pressure and I may miss some critical sections while developing. When I testbuilded that thing I didn't have any problems with it. But other ones seemed to have really (in my eyes "weird") proplems with them. Getting rid of problems like this will take years if I don't get some response from people that build the models. Luckily you people seemed to have the guts to tell me whats wrong with my templates. I'll note down what issues you have with my stuff and I even fixed the VF-11 by now.