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Posts posted by Urashiman

  1. 4 hours ago, Dobber said:

    My U.S.S. Kelvin is almost done. Still need to do just a touch more paneling and then the hatches for the turrets. (While cool, IMO) I don’t want them deployed on the model as it disrupts the lines of a Federation Starship. Then some minor weathering, decaling and done.  I did use resin upgrade and photo etched upgrade parts from Green strawberry. Notably the nacelle end and bussard collector, deflector dish, and planetary sensor on the underside of the saucer ( the kit was just a smooth lump there with NO structure or detail, they completely missed it)








    Nice man - love the aztecs. Awesome work!

  2. 8 hours ago, MechTech said:

    Looks like it is the same basic kit - from the 70's! The "new parts" are probably weapons, sensor pods, and the like. "New tooling" would be a new kit.  - MT


    Yeah, the green line goes all back to the 1977 kit. It's not branching somewhere.


    9 hours ago, arbit said:

    I knew full well how sh***ity this was and ordered the MZero anyway.  It was so cheap I couldn't resist.  And heck no I am not going to rescribe that thing.

    I also have ulterior motives: this is the only 1/72 F-14, that I am aware of, with retractable wings (because motors).  

    Question: If you could take the MZero decals and put them on a better 1/72 F-14 kit, what would it be? 

    Probably the newest Hasegawa mold or the Tamiya 1/72 F-14A. That'll be my guess. The Revell and Italeri kits are of inferior quality, even compared to the 1977 hasegawa mold (yes, even with rised panel lines).


    Anyway - I'll have fun with that F-14A. My old F-14A looks horrible, so I'll replace it. :)

  3. 1 hour ago, MacrossJunkie said:

    Oof... That's pretty unusual for a Hasegawa kit...

    Are you going to try to rescribe the panel lines?

    I did some research. The mold actually is from the mid 70s.

    And yes, probably have to rescribe the panel lines.

    1 hour ago, Dobber said:

    That’s their reboxed original mold. Always have to double check before you order to make sure it’s not their old mold.


    I wish I would have known that before I ordered the kit... <_<


    1 hour ago, arbit said:

    Those are the infamous raised panel lines. And I believe that the upper and lower fuselage will have part-fit issues as well.

    Oh no for #§$%&!? sakes...


    28 minutes ago, Gabe Q said:

    I think that must be the same mold Hasegawa uses in the Macross Zero F-14. The upcoming reissue will look like that so everyone beware. 

    Yes - this is the Macross Zero F-14 mold.:shok:

    Why did they use this for a Macross kit? Quick and easy money probably right?


  4. Had some time again today and made some progress on my long time project. One day, I'll 3D print it. Scale will be 1/72.

    I try to make it as acurate as possible, so I am held up on trial an error, trying to match it to Kawamoris sketches. It also took me a while to get the Macross M3 pilot suit correct and still needs tweaking.



    2 hours ago, UN_MARINE said:

    Currently doing R&D with these.


    Still tweaking the landing gear - they're pretty fragile and finicky to assemble. The paperclip is a key component (and for scale).


    What did you print that with? PLA? Looks nice :)

  5. I got a 3D pen for my birthday, and was a bit bored during Doctor who re-runs on TV, so I tinkered around with the pen and made this 1/144 VF-9. :)

    Sorry if there isn't much to see, the black got really glossy... next time I'll use other PLA.




  6. 17 hours ago, Aztek said:

    SSP? Fast packs?  :) Already have the geometry from my base model.  Just need to convert to a printable/STL format once I get the final dimensions updated on this project :)  The weight with everything is likely going to be pretty heavy.  Snapping in to place may not be enough.  I'm working on slide locks to secure the model in fighter mode.  I hope in battroid the friction joints will be stable enough!


    Oh - 3DS Max; so you are a man of culture?

  7. 33 minutes ago, MechTech said:

    Chas - That looks like it would work!

    Urashimen - Is the "Silvester cleanup" short for Silvester Stalone?:p I had friends that did that. It's funny at night. I had one friend stick a cherry bomb in a model car. It exploded and then you heard all the parts fall to the ground a second or two later! - MT

    Sorry - "Silvester" is the German word for "New Years Eve". Yeah - we did it at night, some hours before new years eve. I remember sticking a normal firework rocket into the revell 1/32 F-104 Star Fighter. It had a removable jet engine, so the rocket was fitting really good in there. The model had rubber tires and the wheels were rolling. So we put it on the street and ignited the rocket. Due to the F-104s messy aerodynamics, especially at a scale of 1/32, there was no lift off. It just raced down the street and then blew up in a glorious fireball. Later we found the lower part of the main body, with the cockpit still sticking to it. The landing gear was still there, but the rubber tires were molten due to the friction. It was awesome.

  8. On 8/13/2020 at 6:45 PM, peter said:

    Lol, it couldn't possibly be worse than the AMT 1/537 Enterprise Refit kit, hahahahaha!

    This is my second one.  Long story short, I bought my first one years ago and my dad  decided he wanted to build it so I let him have it.  My dad is a casual builder and never got too serious, so he put it together and I have a complete one to look at for reference.  There are definitely gaps in his build, so at least I know what to look for. 

    I bought a second one at a model swap meet last year, but sadly, it will probably go into the pile of things to do for a while.  I actually don't have space to display another monster like that so I have to do a little house cleaning and make some space :)

    Well, mine was standing in the shopwindow for a while. I saw it there for at least 2 or 3 years. This might be a cause of the terrible quality of the model. It has been there, standing in the sun for ages until someone (me) purchased it.

    Even after the putty it looked terrible. I kept it for a year until I decided to destroy it in the Silvester cleanup (for my family that means, sticking fireworks into discarded models and watch them blow up for fun).

    I had the TOS Enterprise NCC-1701 from AMT/ERTL. It was a terrible kit, but not as terrible as most of the Revell stuff. Most kits I bought in the 90s were Revell kits, and one would notice that the injection forms were worn out pretty much. Every kit needed putty and heavy sanding. I remember a 1/48 F-15E I've worked on. I kinda got the cockpit and nose right and the mainbody just didn't fit. So much putty and sanding. I looked aweful. So it ended up in a ball of fire after sending it to an attitude of ~50m with two D-Class model rocket motors. That day I decided to never buy Revell stuff again and I am happy with my decision. I broke my promise for an OV-10 Bronco kit, the new Trabant 601 Deluxe GDR car kit (which actually has a really good quality), a recast of the F-19 stealth kit (it just looked so nice) and the 1/144 Su-47 Berkut (which was actually a cast from DRAGOON kits that revell purchased).

    I mostly stick with Hasegawa, Tamiya, Academy and Trumpeter now.

    The good old space issue. I only have so much space in my vitrine. I usually pic out the worst looking model, put it in bubblewrap, store it in a box with the other kits in my cellar and replace it with a new build. Now, as the kits I purchase are so expensive (macross stuff and so on), they don't end up as fireworks anymore.

  9. On 8/10/2020 at 11:44 PM, peter said:

    Got excited thinking my Klingon K'Tinga decals arrived today but it turned out something else came.IMG_20200810_135837.jpg.3558e73d243bb189214f1676ed90d0b3.jpg



    Totally forgot I ordered these for a monster I picked up at a model swap meet.


    Wonder if I can make this thing look good box stock without having to buy any photo-etch or accuratizing parts......well, back in the pipe of to-do builds.

    That F-14 ... no ... no - never again. I had to use 3 tubes of putty to fill all the gaps on this one. Worst kit ever... I wish you the best of luck on this one.

  10. On 4/21/2020 at 6:29 AM, slide said:

    If they had, I would be drowning in a pile of them right now...


    The wave release is a VF-4G [same as Yamato, Arcadia, and the Bandai HMR], to date the only place to get a VF-4A [the proportions seen in FB2012] is the garage kit market.

    Arcadia 1/60 VF-4A 'Flashback 2012' Premium Finish - Page 2 - Toys ...

    Thanks to @jvmacross for the scan from the VF-4 Masterfile.

    Hey - nice info. Do you have the Master File? If yes, could you provide me with a higher resolution picture of the comparision and the side view of the VF-4A? I'd like to make a 3D model of that. :)

  11. 14 hours ago, HardlyNever said:

    Cross-posting for more visibility (since there are more model-kit type people here).  Any help on matching the light gray of the DX vf-1s would be great:


    Hard to tell from the pictures. The "Hammer approach" would be to paint everything the same color instead of trying to match one part to the color of the rest.

    Best would be to know which RAL hue is used for the plastic. (https://www.ralcolorchart.com/ral-plastics-p1/white-and-black-hues)

    You can then go by the RAL color code and match the hand to that color.

  12. 11 hours ago, HardlyNever said:

    So Tamiya racing white was definitely not the color I was looking for.  Any suggestions for matching with the grayish-white of the including hands?  I haven't tried it yet, but it almost seems like the primer itself might be pretty close to the color I'm looking for.  Is there any harm in just using the primer and not adding any paint?

    I usually use the grey surface primer on my stuff. I even used it on a RC boat and did some test driving in the water with it. The primer is resistant to a lot of stuff, so it should be okay.

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