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Everything posted by Phobos

  1. Linky? I cant seem to find it..
  2. No payment request from HLj yet and they already show this as low stock
  3. I have 2 questions: what song is this and where can I find it? Thanks!
  4. $%@!?^* yamato!!! :angry: I was willing to spend $500, but this is insane. Pass
  5. Just got my shipping notice from HLJ for my elint! Now the wait.....
  6. DO WANT!!!!!
  7. I've heard alot about this series and finally decided to take the plunge and watch it, but while doing some research I found that there are a few different ways to watch this, the re-aired version, the chronological order and the broadcast order? :blink: Help please!!
  8. Just started watching Turn A. It's pretty meh so far, I hope it gets better.
  9. Dub=pass
  10. Best movie I've seen all year! Going to see it again tomorrow
  11. I was once banned from a From a Firebird site for having different political views than the majority of the site during the last U.S. Presidential election ( think of a stereotypical Firebird owner, then go 180 from that, or AKA tyranny of the majority) It really sucked cause i was in the process of doing a resto-mod to my 90 bird... bastards....
  12. Holy $hit!!! must pre-order!!!
  13. I've been watching Moonlight Mile, which is like a layman's Planetese, only with 2 seasons. lol.
  14. I've been having outages as well, and i'm in TX, but every other website I frequent is fine...
  15. quick question: i just got a copy of Ace Frontier and i'm playing though it, and i'm trying to get to the macross 7 levels. Do I have to complete the EX mission on the Macross Plus level? I've been stuck here for about 2 days now.. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  16. Mods please forgive me if this is in the wrong section, i'm a noob So today my kids wanted me to watch tv with them so I did, and they wanted to watch their current favorite show, the "Penguins of Madagascar" so i sat around mildly entertained until the end of an episode called "Gone in a flash" where I heard the intro to the opening song of the Macross Zero OST 2, Yanyan (Japanese Version). i immediatly hit record on my DVR to verifiy and sure enough, it was. I thought it was pretty random and I'd share that with you guys. I tried to find footage to post here, but alas, the internet has failed me yet again, so if you catch this on nick set your DVR's. lol
  17. Teh internets hath failed me!! Why can't I find this?!
  18. I must own this movie
  19. Saw it, and it was just ok at best. Should have went to go see Star Trek again. Oh well
  20. Just saw the movie and I loved it. The one thing that really bothered me about the movie (which i tried REALLY hard not to let it bother me, cause it makes me sound like a typical trek fanboy) was Excellent movie, and I will be seeing it again on my next day off
  21. Dumpster diving FTW Curse you Yamato!! *shakes fist*
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