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Everything posted by Phobos

  1. Steam... I didn't get it, I just read the reviews. and yes, it for the PC. I have no idea how the console is doing.
  2. I hope the Fallout launch for PC goes better than the Black Ops launch is going... apparently it's suffering from the same issues as Arkham Knight did, or so i'm told. I never did like those games.
  3. PC Master Race checking in! I couldn't take any days off, unfortunately. I downloaded that new Fallout companion app Bethesda put out. It's kinda cool. Too bad I was unable to get a pip-boy edition to go with it...
  4. Interesting. I wonder how well that model is going to work for them. Hopefully they go with the long story arc (DS9) as opposed to the 'alien of the week' trek likes to do so much. Either way, i'll check it out.
  5. Hmmmmm. I'm not really liking the character & Valk designs. I'll still give it a shot, but i'm a little worried about the direction I THINK this is heading. Then again, the trailer was only a minute or so. I could be completely wrong. We shall see!
  6. I always did enjoy their work. Good for them!
  7. Finally got my preorders in at CDJapan & HLJ. Now, the wait begins....
  8. 27,000?!?! BRING ON THE PREORDER!!!!!!!! Seriously. I may be more excited for this than Star Wars..... I missed it the first time around.
  9. Thanks for your hard work, Gubaba! I cant wait to start reading this tonite!
  10. Most overrated movie ever. It seemed like a scene for scene remake of the first, only bigger. And with Chris Pratt! I still can't believe this pile of crap made a BILLION dollars. I blame Michael Bay.
  11. Yes!!! My grail Valkyrie!! I'm not letting this one pass me by this time.
  12. What?!?! I JUST got mine from them last week... I paid full price for it, too
  13. It would be available again after I blew my toy budget on a GX-34r & a VF-11b... Grrrrr
  14. Thanks for the heads up! ordered!!!
  15. I'm glad I decided to pass on this train wreck. It seemed so promising leading up to launch day, too.
  16. Thank you for the posting & translation of the article. It was an interesting read.
  17. Definitely seeing this at the theater.
  18. What a great idea!
  19. Decisions, Decisions. I'm torn between this and the new Evangelion box set...
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