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Everything posted by Phobos

  1. I read that it was, however, it was not from a primary source, so take it with a grain of salt.
  2. I'm really looking forward to picking up this soundtrack. Johann Johannsson did a fantastic job with Arrival and Sicario. Not to mention the awesome job the Director did as well.
  3. I had a bad feeling about this movie since the first trailer dropped. The negative reviews only confirm my suspicions. I'll still see it, but damn. I was hoping that Ridley Scott's commercial and critical success with The Martian would have somehow given him a better sense of direction when dealing with the Alien franchise. I guess not.
  4. It looks good-ish. I dislike the stylized/super show-ey reloading sequence, but unfortunately that what Hollywood thinks the people want. I may see this, depending on what other book readers say. If I had no idea what The Dark Tower was, or had read any of the connected books, i'd probably give this a pass.
  5. That's a gorgeous trailer. Looks like i'll be there opening weekend.
  6. John Denver was an interesting choice. The more marketing I see for this movie, the less enthusiastic I am about it, although I can't put my finger on why exactly.
  7. Thanks! I had no idea they were available for the Wii U.
  8. I agree. I would even go further and say that everything after First Contact was bad. It was a chore watching Voyager, and while I would rank Enterprise higher than Voyager, it too fell victim to poor writing. I doubt that we would see anything as near as awesome as DS9 was. It's too bad that it's rated as low as it is by the fans. Thankfully they have that DS9 documentary coming out. As you said, they DID nail the characters for the rebooted ST.
  9. Are there older titles available in the nintendo store? I'm specifically looking for OOT and Majora's Mask. I'm not really a big nintendo fan, but i'd totally buy one if I can play prior Zelda games.
  10. I love those old Mopars. Its a shame whats become of the company. I bought a Challenger a few years ago, and I have had nothing but problems with it, not to mention the tragic interior build quality and the airbag fiasco. It sure does look nice sitting in my garage, though.
  11. This poor, poor franchise. I used to love ST, but some of the decisions that are currently being made are ruining decades of work. The rebooted movies were terrible, and this new show doesn't seem to be a step in the right direction. Even if Discovery is fantastic, I wont be watching watching it due to their blatant money grab from the fans. Not that Discovery will last very long, of course.
  12. Still with the whitewashing bit? I thought we were over this. Hollywood has been whitewashing forever. I'm not sure what the big deal is this time. I didn't hear this much uproar when they had a dude from London playing Bane, who was clearly Hispanic in the source material, or any time this has occurred.
  13. You know, this trend with splitting up the final season into two parts is REALLY starting to bug me. Was there a reason why they split the last episodes, other than to squeeze out the most $$$ from the fans?
  14. You're not fooling me again, DC. You've done nothing but disappoint me with your mediocre movies.
  15. As someone who hasn't played on a console since the PS2 and is unfamiliar with Nintendo, would I be able to play older Zelda games, such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess on the Switch?
  16. Guess i'm not getting it.
  17. Can't wait for this! I hope the story is on par with the visuals, but I'll settle for a good popcorn flick.
  18. Definite pass. I always found the beastiality aspect of this story more than a little disturbing.
  19. Looks very gimmicky. I'm sure it appeals to lots of people, just not me. I'll stick to PC for all my gaming needs. Except for RDR2... Bastards
  20. The trailer looks great, but so did the trailer for episode 7, and the movie turned out to be complete crap. I'm going to have to wait a few weeks after release to see what the general consensus is before I decide to see this or not. I'm not going to lie though, I REALLY want to see those AT-AT's on the big screen...
  21. Fantastic job. I wish I had the time/patience to build one of these.
  22. If my eyes could roll any more, they'd roll out of my head. I hope this dies a very public and painful death, as a message to others who thinks this BS is acceptable.
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