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Everything posted by varitechs

  1. Really execellent, i like so much
  2. My test was good but not perfect... finaly i use the same ball joint as you. the result is really very very good, thanks for the idea
  3. Good idea, thank you Exo
  4. yours are orange?
  5. Wihch ball joint did you use?
  6. This is an excellent idea You are the best
  7. Lol :D not realy, but french is not easy
  8. Very beautiful collection woll622
  9. Hé hé yes but i trust you, your are the best
  10. I like so much the "Toynami bookends" color version
  11. It's just Plasticine :-)
  12. i had ordered several balljoint and it's seem that the best choice is this one: HOBBY BASE DOUBLE BALLJOINT PPC-T05 So i made some test this afternoon, not bad isn't it?:
  13. The Condor appeared in episode #11 of the TV series (The Secret Route) in Lancer's flashback. Source: http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/mbr-12.htm
  14. 2014 IS the Mospeada Year !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  15. according i want 2 guys... i better like a price near of 140...
  16. Not for me... all our toys are in 1/48, so it's thé good size :-)
  17. i guess it will more than the troop*r but the problem is always the same..... more the price is expensive = less buyers... and if there are not enough buyers, captain won't create it...
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