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Everything posted by varitechs

  1. if that's what you're asking, no... there won't be any more Battlepods with a pilot
  2. Great news, I'm happy for you, it's the magic of Christmas 🎉😉
  3. yes it was less but it was a long time ago. It's been 166 for several months
  4. I agree with @jvmacross, you can't really compare a kit with a toy... I also build kits and it's not the same thing, and it's not a bit "stupid", it's an added value that pleases a lot of people, it's very cool but for take pictures, diorama, etc...... but you don't have to like it 😉 And you can add led in kits too, look my VF-17S Custom 😁
  5. Overpriced? This is the best version ever released. If you had it in your hands, you wouldn't say that...
  6. Zentradi invasion was came in France !!! 😱
  7. It's Big 😉. VF-1j left is KC VF-1j Brown is Yamato
  8. Curiously, Destroids orders are low, it's more the success of the kickstarter that boosted orders
  9. perhpas you have a chance to unlock...
  10. Less than 72 hours left to reach the second wave!
  11. I disagree, that's their creativity, their difference, otherwise what? Do the same as everyone else? I don't buy from them to have the same as others brands, they proved with the battlepod their choice of a different creativity
  12. i don't think, he is passionate so he might go about it differently., perhaps another Kickstarter for 2025...
  13. The boat is scheduled for December but I don't know when... so end of December if you're lucky or January
  14. I "ordered" this one, 28 cm is really a big size, it feels like the Matchbox era 😁
  15. As we said in this thread, they are a small company, they have a lot of ideas but not enough funds and that's the whole idea of Kickstarter, it's a crowdfunding campaign to help them produce. It's in all of our interests if we want really cool products like the Battlepod otherwise who will ? Don't be suspicious, they haven't scammed anyone and their products are good.
  16. The BBTS boat is expected in December and BBTS will send you the Battlepod. For the pilot, it's the same for everyone, we will receive the pilot later when it is ready.
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