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About varitechs

  • Birthday 01/02/1971

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    Bordeaux, FRANCE

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. if that's what you're asking, no... there won't be any more Battlepods with a pilot
  2. Great news, I'm happy for you, it's the magic of Christmas 🎉😉
  3. yes it was less but it was a long time ago. It's been 166 for several months
  4. I agree with @jvmacross, you can't really compare a kit with a toy... I also build kits and it's not the same thing, and it's not a bit "stupid", it's an added value that pleases a lot of people, it's very cool but for take pictures, diorama, etc...... but you don't have to like it 😉 And you can add led in kits too, look my VF-17S Custom 😁
  5. Overpriced? This is the best version ever released. If you had it in your hands, you wouldn't say that...
  6. Zentradi invasion was came in France !!! 😱
  7. It's Big 😉. VF-1j left is KC VF-1j Brown is Yamato
  8. Curiously, Destroids orders are low, it's more the success of the kickstarter that boosted orders
  9. perhpas you have a chance to unlock...
  10. Less than 72 hours left to reach the second wave!
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