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Everything posted by zenstudy

  1. I've got to go for the VF-4. I think it compliments the original VF-1 better than the other craft, possessing enough of a similarity in minor features to look as though it were developed by the same engineers, while different enough in overall layout to give the feel of a mission-specific evolutionary step in the manufacturer's Variable Fighter designs. My next choice would be a tie between the VF-0D and VF-17.
  2. Just wanted to chime in with my two cents here... As it stands, I think the basic VF-1 layout would be fully flight capable, assuming we're using real-world materials and cleaning up the seam lines by doing away with the transformation capability (though that wouldn't be nearly as much fun ).
  3. Has anybody seen this video yet? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgVfJBYfdsk Nothing spectacular, but still neat nonetheless.
  4. There's no doubt that I'd buy the VF-4 if Yamato came out with one, FAST Packs included or not. I do doubt that we'll see one for the price that the VF-1 goes for, as there's only a few schemes that the Lightning III has been shown to wear that Yamato could produce to offset development costs.
  5. I'd get several. We really do need to see more examples of enemy craft made. The Queadlunn Rau and SV-51 were a good start, so it would make sense to keep the villainous momentum going.
  6. You know, I've noticed that pretty often when looking at various VF-11B pics here and elsewhere, but I thought that it may have just been my imagination, combined with some subpar camera-lighting-angle work. Thanks for pointing that out, compadre. It definitely makes me feel a little better about the 11B.
  7. I'm totally in line for the VF-22S. The YF-19 repaints do have their relative coolness, though.
  8. Cyclone Trooper, the v.2 1/60 VF-1 is a completely new figure, and not simply a scaled-down rendition of the 1/48.
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