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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. 14 yr old? Man, those Japs gotta get off the statuary....
  2. Yeah, I pretty much quit watching it after a couple of weeks, as well. I like the character designs, but the story and animation aren't working for me. Gundam stories so rarely do, though.... I am loveing the MEGAS XLR show, though. I thought that was Bruce Campbell, but was like 'nah....' Great stuff. Like Californium said, though, if you're trying to take it seriously, you're missing the point of the show.
  3. Looks great! I really like the chest cuirass on that, and the damage to the arm shield looks really good. Still... fella's got less of an ass than I do....
  4. I had that problem with the Collectors ed. of X-Com, and had to get a direct draw patch for it. I think you can still get them here...
  5. As an IG player for more than ten years, I second the Guardsman notion... They do look like upsized minis, though....
  6. Celga has turned out pretty good for me. No major complaints....
  7. Wierd.... I played the hell out of these games in the day. Anyone else think X-Com would make a great anime? I think it could really do well... provided they managed the horror aspects well.
  8. gnollman

    Kids and your toys

    I have no problems. All the kids know better than to mess with my stuff.... afer a few whippin's when they were younger, they know the rules now. I have more problems with my twin brother than I do with any of the kids... but to be fair, he's usually more interested in my DVDs than my toys and other goodies.
  9. The Evangelion series is the only one I'm interested in....
  10. Never saw it, but your reasoning is very plausible.... might necessitate some research....
  11. I don't think so... Man, I love this show. I remember when it first piloted last year, same time as KND (but I voted for Megas)..... Best line of the whole thing? "And you made me run half a block!" Excellent....
  12. Heh... stuff like that makes me feel a lot better about my Lego hobby....
  13. Hey.... I'd be good for two valk boosters....
  14. I might. It's not too far away for me, but I don't know much about it. What sort of goodies are they gonna have? The flyer didn't say much....
  15. I will... once. But then, I'm a bit masochistic, sometimes..... Abenobashi turned out okay, after all.... but I don't see how Azumanga will translate out of the Japanese.
  16. Frankly, FF IX is the only FF game I've never finished. Just can't much get into it. As a Square fanboy, I'll be sure as hell picking up FF XII. Only reason I haven't bought FF XI yet is because I don't have the time for it.... too bad I'm not back in school. Hell, I had all sorts of time for that one....
  17. Seen armies like this before, but never SoB before. The Pink Panther Space Marine chapter was always a lot of fun, though.
  18. Dammit! I hit the wrong button for the poll! I'm such a fool! Sakaki is just the coolest, though... Doesn't hurt that she's hot, either.
  19. I love this show! Been waiting for a region 1 release for almost two years now... and I'm loving the box set. Beautiful. Some of my favorite seiyuu, really close to the manga... excellent show. For me, it doesn't get much better than this for comedy.
  20. That is a nice little book you got there, BoB... got one myself....
  21. Obviously some hard work went into it, but baaaad accents and some other mistakes... Fun, though.
  22. Sweet ASS! I love that thing! Another question, though... where did that little girl get a TIE Bomber? I want one!
  23. That was Japanese? I didn't understand a word... text was Korean.... Great little show, though...
  24. Lancer II and a VF-4 Low Viz here... And a upscaled positron rifle from NGE....
  25. That is some extremely cool stuff... I think I'm most impressed by the Eiffel tower reproduction.... Still, though, that Angel Birds wing is just too damn cool. Good to see one of my favorite paint schemes get so much love....
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