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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. gnollman


    Too small! Are there any larger kits made?
  2. Damn! That's badass! These people who do this really put me and my skills to shame....
  3. Put me down for both.... though if push comes to shove, I prefer the YF-19.
  4. Some nice pics of the Koenig in there...
  5. I know the TIE/Advanced is an AMT kit. I had the same kit.... I seem to remember them saying that the standard TIEs were SMT, but I could be wrong.
  6. I can't remember.... I want to say that they were SMT kits, but I don't remember SMT making Y-Wing kits. I'll ask my brother if he can remember... I know those standard TIEs were from SMT....
  7. I love it, personally.... but not everyone thought the same. I think it's great, myself... great mix of goof and action, with a bit of in-joke on the side.
  8. How about some news that it comes to some station other than UPN? I'd love to see the series, but my cable provider does not, and has no plans to, carry UPN. I'd rather see SciFi pick it up.... might be reason enough to start watching it again.
  9. You guys scare me....
  10. Yes... those were very cool dioramas... I can't believe he made that AMT TIE/Advanced look that good. That thing is one rough kit....
  11. That's it. Guy was letting it go for 100 bucks even. I'm a fan, but I didn't think the kit was all that worth $100. It looked like a textured lump of resin... thouh there was a guy who did one for the contest that was lighted...
  12. There were some really cool models in the competition though. A heckova lot of SMT kits, and someone brought in a scratch built pod racer that must have been every bit of three feet long, and friggin gorgeous to boot. And excellently weathered... I'd have loved to talk to the guy who did that one. The big ass space station/dry dock thing from Star Trek was pretty cool, too. Some really nice stuff, but much heavier on figures than I expected. And very low on the anime stuff.
  13. There was very little Macross stuff that I saw.... Thor got a VF-0S model kit, but that was all I saw. There was a 1:48 VF-1S Roy 1st ed. for sale there, for 150 bucks or so. That was the limit, though... I almost bought a Moya resin kit, but didn't. I did buy one of those Enterprise NX-01 kits from Polar Lights... at 1:350, it's friggin huge. Bunch of cool stuff, but with a much heavier emphasis on Monster/Horror stuff than I expected. Very little plastic model kit stuff going on.... Pretty cool, though. If you are a Star Trek modeler, then it was the place for you.
  14. That Priss looks like a 2040 version... Glad to see it, but I'd rather have an original series version.
  15. This thing looks great in person! I got to meet Thor and have a look at his Spartan WIP at Wonderfest this last weekend, and I gotta say, it is gonna be one beautiful kit when he gets done with it. I'm sure as hell gonna buy one or two.
  16. Loving the fact that Tsukihime got licensed. My vcd copies died on me.... Still... I'd love to see someone distribute the games. Anyone know where I can get them?
  17. See ya'll later. I gotta go buy a Gamecube....
  18. Heh... love it. Which anime studio is that, Emote?
  19. Day-um.... you constantly amaze me, william.... Great stuff! I wasn't too hot on this bird before, but after seeing what you've done, I may have to pick one up after all. Course, mine won't look like that, buy hey....
  20. It has its moments....
  21. This is extremely cool, but all the same.... ... I don't get the Anime Network. So it affects me how? Not at all....
  22. Yes.... Cody is insane. He has great hints, though... been using his hints and recommendations for a while, though. Love his Shiranui Mai buildup.... his skin tones are absolutely incredible.
  23. Whoo... that's lots of goodies.
  24. Personally, I like the Star Wars glass and figure line up.... reminds me of the old RotJ premiums that Burger King had twenty years ago....
  25. It says Event Information May 14, 2004 Shizuoka hobby show Mecha lineup New Macross equipment Votoms Ideon Mini-figures Rurouni Kenshin Berserk Shounan Biker Gang New Lineup Batman Asamiya Kia's Batman figure series Lots of other new characters are also planned for display.
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