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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. Sweet.... wish I had skills like that....
  2. Aren't most dragons/reptile like things like that? Yeah, but most of them don't rely primarily on sight for locomotion, and as a four legged/no-legged chassis, are quite stable. A large, bipedal organism is best served with a high angle of stereoscopic vision, especially if it is visually oriented (like humans). Predatory mammals, especially larger ones, often have a high angle field of stereoscopic vision.... Like I said, though, I'm mostly just nitpicking.
  3. Looking good! I know nothing about CG rendering, but I know what I like, and I like this.....
  4. I know nothing of CG mapping, but it looks great to me. I'd like to see it in motion, actually... One gripe, and that's just my biology degree talking.... the forward field of vision would be pretty unfocused. It has a nearly complete lack of stereoscopic vision....
  5. Enamels will never cure on PVC... there's some sort of chemical reaction between the PVC and the paint, or so I've heard.
  6. Okay... I'm an idiot.... what is it from?
  7. I liked it, but I also felt dissappointed by it. It felt like they were moving too far away from the magic of the place... a bit too 'real world', if you know what I mean. I thought there were some parts that should have been included, but weren't. The movie just didn't flow for me, and while I thoroughly enjoyed the settings, I don't think the directot cuts it for me.
  8. Very nice show, but I'd love to get my hands on the games. Anyone know where I can get them?
  9. Yeah, I've had both on pre order for about a month now... wish they'd pass on when it'll be released....
  10. gnollman

    Yammies per user

    My numbers have changed a bit.... 1:48 = 6 1:60 = 3 1:72 = 4
  11. I want a regult, dammit!
  12. Sweet... most certainly keep us posted.... I have needs, you know.
  13. Heh... guy bought it himself off of eBay barely a month ago... trying to make a quick buck. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...item=3189771462
  14. What Cory said. I look at it as Yune's "take" on Dana.... I'm willing to let it pass. Looks great to me.
  15. Man, that Macross one is fine... so how would we go about getting one?
  16. Nii-iiice.... Where did you get that, Ali Sama?
  17. Looking good! I really like your weathering job, and the battle damage is spot on. Great work....
  18. Good start! Can't wait to see more.
  19. Man, that is evil... I hope you can either get a replacement or cash value from the shipper....
  20. There are currently no Hasegawa kits for Gerwalk mode. There are various conversion kits available in Japan, but not for mass market. Most of what you see are scratchbuilds or conversion kits.
  21. No pleats. Pleats are only for kilts....
  22. Ack... I've bought hordes....
  23. Eh? When was this?
  24. Yeah, the sex edited out is pretty clearly between a minor and an adult, and is quite questionably consentual... in other words, I thought it was plain molestation and rape, but I understand it could be construed otherwise. This is one I won't be picking up....
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