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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. oh ho ho... The box art compeleth me... I must have!
  2. It has some not too bad eye candy, but I can't recommend it on that alone.... Unless that is what you are looking for, that is. Still, nothing too graphic in it.
  3. Oh ho ho ho! Now THAT is worth looking at..... finally, a cosplayer who's site I'll check out....
  4. Indeed. Fox really went out of their way to kill this show in the first season.
  5. Sweet.... I'm still pissed about the cancellation, but this is good news....
  6. Love that VF-0D.... That SV-51, though... it only looks good in fighter mode, as far as I'm concerned....
  7. Very nice work! I especially like the Minmei figure in the back... I sure don't have the skills for work like that.
  8. Ah, but what a wonderful drunken slurm she is.....
  9. Sweet.... Tifa looks so hot in that scene.... Always liked her better than Aerith anyway.... I guess the lot are still around... the website says that she is currently working at Seventh Heaven and watching after Marlene and the orphans.... says Barett is searching for a new type of energy to replace Makou.... doesn't say much about Vincent, but it does say that he has some idea of what is going on in the world. Just says that Cloud is off on his own in the world. Nothing about Aerith.... or Yuffie, or Red, or Cid, or Cait Sith, etc, etc.
  10. Looking good!
  11. I really enjoyed the first one... but I don't understand this idea that the AGWS couldn't be healed.... there were frame HP items around, and there was the guard cleanser accessory that healed when you guarded with your AGWS anyway.... I rarely had a problem with keeping my AGWS in the fight. Just guard a bit, and you'll pop back up in HP real quick. Personally, I'm really looking forward to the next one....
  12. Probably something done off the front line.... though you have to wonder what pilot would carry a three shot wonder into battle rather than their trusty GU-11....
  13. Ooh, very nice.... hows the work on the YF-19 coming?
  14. Now THIS I like! Oh, and that's one disgusting avatar.....
  15. That Priss hardsuit looks pretty damn nice, actually.... any word on a release for that?
  16. Eh? What? More info, pray tell.....
  17. Yeah, all my japan knowledge is five years out of date... and it's not even Tokyo related, to boot.
  18. Looking good... Still wanna see it in motion.
  19. Congrats! Is this your first?
  20. gnollman

    Dirty Valk

    Looks great! I think it could be improved a bit by a blackened heat effect on the strike cannon barrels, though....
  21. Oh, I am so buying this set....
  22. what's this .rar extension on the download files?
  23. I don't know the 来たれり grammar, but I'm gonna take a leap here and translate that as 'I am arrived' Yeah, I know that's not grammatically correct, but it's all for emphasis. You could say "I have arrived' or something like that....
  24. Man, I would love to have that soundtrack... love the opening song of the first season. Neo-ranga doesn't get enough love from the anime community... 1. Barou 2. (I got all this one but the last hiragana are throwing me off.... are you sure these are correct?) 3. Not mistaken
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