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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. Love that ELINT custom... and the late model vf22 is hot as hell.
  2. Here's the two template sets I just picked up... http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSGTL2 http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSGTP-2 and here's one that is backordered... http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?HSGTP-1
  3. I just bought some from HLJ, the Hasegawa Tritool ones, but I haven't had a chance to use them yet. They look pretty handy, though....
  4. Thought the book was better, personally.... Best thing Sagan ever wrote was The Demon-Haunted World though.... awesome book.
  5. Cool. In Juuni Kokki, what is the name of the first demon that Keiki summons?
  6. Gotta agree with that. Sonoda's characters are much better.... Like everyone else said, though, the problem is the dub. BGC has the worst dub I've ever heard.... If you watch the sub, and still don't like it, well.... We'll have the stake and pyre ready for you....
  7. How can you tell? Both the Japanese and English versions blur it out.... Must be some alien thingie, though, how he freaks out an all.... you know, Acme Standard Alien Anal Probe, or something like that...
  8. Man, I love both these shows. I approached them expecting yet another stupid harem/pervy show, but both of them really paid off by approaching it in a rather adult fashion, dealing with some pretty real problems realistically. I thought that Twins stretched the realms of belief more than Teacher (well, for a show where one of the main characters is an alien), but I don't think it really detracted much from the show. Both really captured the awkwardness of juvenile romance pretty well. I was rather disappointed in the soundtracks, but the OP/ED and image songs are great....
  9. Very cool stuff on his page....
  10. Any dates for the Atelier Sai ones, then?
  11. Anyone have release dates for these? I've been scoping out at HLJ for a while, and no news...
  12. Aha... thanks!
  13. So have the prices already been settled then? I didn't see them posted...
  14. Looks great! Keep us posted on your progress....
  15. You can buy one here. You can see a build up by the folks at Starship Modeler here. I saw and held one at Wonderfest this year, but was less than impressed. Still, for the price and the fact that it is resin, I guess that's about as good as it gets.
  16. I'm pretty damn sure those are the suits from Scoop Chase....
  17. I am SO buying all of these... maybe even multiples.... Damn, but they look great....
  18. I think I'd wait for the R1 release....
  19. Damn... some hot models! I'm not too knowledgeable about the Mospeada kits... what kits are those in the Green and Blue detail pics?
  20. The latest EGM posits the value at 250 USD... and the PS3 at 600-700 USD... ack.
  21. Celga is acceptable... sometimes they get pricey when you get multiple auctions going, but if you're careful about that, then they are pretty handy. I recently got some BGC resins from Yahoo Japan auctions from them....
  22. 70 CND.... not USD....
  23. Sweet... This is gonna be one gorgeous kit....
  24. Old news, sure.... but this one is a classic.
  25. Got it in one. Your turn....
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