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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. A nice new set of bagpipes.... and.... uhm.... That's about it really. People always did tell me I'm hard to shop for....
  2. No guns for me. Bladed Weapons Viking Sword, early migration period Scot claidheamh mór (claymore) War spear, Viking thrusting type Danish Axe Katana Fantasy Weapons Lightsabers (anyone who doesn't list these is lying...) M-41A1 Pulse Rifle M78 Phased Plasma Infantry Gun (also from Colonial Marines, not shown in Aliens movie) Bolter (Warhammer 40K) Shuriken Catapult (ditto) Caster (Outlaw Star) Spelling's a killer....
  3. I think you meant to do this.... Fight! Jitsu no tetsuo![/url ] I can't seem to turn the UBB code off, so I left a space on the end of the last tag. Need to remove that space between the l and ] on the end.... Done properly, it should look like this.... Fight! Jitsu no tetsuo!
  4. Looking good, both of them! I was a huge fan of these show as a kid.... Anyone else looking forward to the Sci-Fi channel redo?
  5. Pic says that the model is currently in planning and is planned for a 2003 release date. spelling's a bitch....
  6. Says it comes with a pilot... but nothing about weapons except for the removeable gunpod....
  7. Currently under development Spring, 2004. Save your pennies.... Well, that last bit is mine.... but you get the idea.
  8. Had a hard time choosing between FFT and FFX, so I just flipped a coin, and FFX won.
  9. Heh.... Valk-girls rock... Anyone see the Minmei one from the August Model Graphix? I think it's also on the Minmei Guard Strike Valk....
  10. Damn, you people have some skills.... unlike myself.... Well, at least not for drawing.....
  11. 1/72 = 0 1/60 = 4 1/48 = 1 Many more model kits, though....
  12. Space. That's the primary factor, right there. I have too much stuff..... Cash I've probably got for what I want. I'm not one of the people who try to get it all... there's just a few things I want, but I got absolutely no where to put it. Might be time to look for a bigger place.....
  13. Sweet... beautiful models/toys all around. I think I might have to invest in the NX-01 and 1701-A for myself.....
  14. Had to be PS2 for me... simply having back-compatibility was a huge factor for me.... NeoGeo runs a close second, but I've only got Samurai Spirits games for that one. Third is XBox, only place I can get DoA games, JSRF and KOTOR....
  15. Agreed. Mine has stood up to repeated transformations with no problems. Much better than my original VF-11 hips.... Those shoulders are stronger than they look. Just remember your basic physics leverage and hold them closer to the pivot and you'll be okay. I just wish that the fast packs were easier to take off.... I'm terrified I'm going to break the tabs on the rocket boosters....
  16. These things usually go for 90-120 $US. One very similar to yours ended recently for just over one hundred. Have a look. Boxes around C-8 or higher go for more, but they usually top out at about 150 $US.
  17. A lot of those in-game shots are just stills from the anime series. Sure would be nice if they would actually make an effort and get some new art out for the game..... Even the ad says nothing is known about the armor....
  18. Bah! I liked Pioneer better.... But I guess that means my Pioneer electronics won't match anything new I buy...
  19. Thanks for clearing out all the crap, KingNor.... I liked FF VII immensely, therefore I will buy this DVD. Simple as that. I also enjoyed FFX, and I like J-pop, therefore I shall buy FFX-2 when it makes it to the States. Been playing FF since the release of FF I on NES years back, and I like VII best for most of the reasons mentioned elsewhere in this topic. FF VI I also thoroughly enjoyed. FFIX, not so much. FF VIII, not so much. I also liked Xenogears, so I'll be buying all of Xenosaga, I suppose.... though I really like the new character designs for Part 2.....
  20. Ditto. I'd like to see a VF-5000 Star Mirage, though, personally.... probably one of my favorite Valks... that and the VF-3000 Crusader.... Frankly, I'd like to see Hasegawa put out a VF-11B Thunderbolt kit, tho....
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