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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. Hmmm... Site not found, and site not found. Try creating the links again, but this time fill in the entire address... the "...." in the middle of the link shows missing data, not actual address. Laptop's aren't generally all that hot for gaming, anyway....
  2. I would so buy an Angel Wings 1/48 valk.... Long before I bought a fanracer, at any rate.
  3. Hoo man, I hate being poor....
  4. Heh.... one of my favorite things is to see the idiots who install the characters incorrectly... I've seen a number of cars with the kanji on their side rather than straight up. I've also seen incorrect characters.... Most popular one appears to be kousoku, or highspeed.... spelling's a pain
  5. I love seeing good Zentraedi Mecha, so do them first....
  6. Well.. you could search for the name of the illustrator. You can read it multiple ways, though... I'd wager on Ogawa Hiro, though. You can also read Ogawa as Koga or Kogawa, and Hiro as Gou....
  7. Very nice... your scratchbuilding skills are quite impressive.....
  8. Was a Wednesday release, as I recall. On of my friends got it....
  9. You cant. The common misconception is that the PS 3d Samurai games are from the Hyper 64. They arent. Not even close. The only way to get them is to buy a Hyper 64 cab or Jamma board. I have never even gotten to play them. Tonight I just played the crap out of Samurai Shodown IV again. I love that game. Ah.... I used to play the second one on the Hyper64 in Japan back in 98, but it didn't stick around for too long... Sogetsu and Genjuro were evil on that one.... Samurai II is my personal favorite....
  10. Lovely weapons.... love the hammer and dual chainsaw.... Still not persuaded by the armor, though...
  11. Book 6 only just came out last month in Japan. Books 7 and 8 are a good bit off, I should say.... they tend to be released one a year.... Been following that one since 1998....
  12. The Samurai Spirits series is my favorite fighting series of all time... I shudder to think of how many quarters I've dropped in these machines..... I've been pretty disappointed in the PS ports of them, though... they all suffer terribly from load time and inability to link stuff properly.... Where can I get the Hyper 64 SS ports?
  13. Absolutely beautiful. I'm a particular fan of the CF for some reason (something deep in my psyche, no doubt) and these are some gorgeous examples. Keep us updated on that diorama....
  14. Hey First Border Devil... where did you get that picture? Sweet..... Never seen it before....
  15. Very cool... I think I'm one of the few peole to like Sentinels... Sure, the anime test run sucked, but the novels are much, much better....
  16. I'll think about it... but I really don't have time for a game like this right now. Too bad I'm not back in college, hell, I had scads of time back then....
  17. Well.... part of that is due to the proficiency of the English teachers. Seriously... I've met a number of the JET teachers, and I'd say only a third of them were anywhere close to proficient enough in their native languages (English) to teach it to someone else. Considering that you really have to know the ins and outs of a language to teach it, most Americans just aren't qualified.... Another factor is the native Japanese English Teachers. I worked with a number of them when I was living in Japan, and a large majority of them could barely function in the language.... Most rarely read anything in English, and very few said they felt secure enough to carry on a conversation with a native English speaker. Notice, this is all my own personal experience, so take it for what it's worth. Which, on the internet, ain't much....
  18. BGC was the first anime I started with, and the only one I've bought on VHS, then Laserdisc, and then DVD. The music and hardsuit designs are what sucked me in, and the characters kept me there. I also love the AD Police series prequels, and even the less well rated BGCrash! show... Besides, it has Oomori Kinuko in it, and I'm a big Silk fan.... I have to say, though, I love the hardsuit designs for Crash... like them better than Crisis, though the Mark II Suits in Crisis come very close... As to the 2040 series, I rather liked it. It's not as strong as the first show in any aspect, but I didn't hate it. I did like the music, though A7 is dead on the konya wa Hurricane remake....
  19. I didn't get one... and I bought mine at Best Buy.... Cheap ass dvd-concealing bastids....
  20. Best thing I've found yet for removing paint from plastic (or metal, for that matter) is Castrol Super-Clean. It's an automotive degreaser that comes in a purple bottle. The liquid is also a tasty shade of purple, for that matter... It is also reuseable, provided you keep it in a sealed container away from sunlight. If you leave it in the light it degrades pretty quickly.... Pine-sol will damage plastics eventually, but you can leave your stuff in Castrol Super-Clean and forget about it, and it will not damage the plastic. It will dry out your hands really bad, so wear gloves when handling it. You can find it at Walmart, K-Mart, Meijers... most major department stores in the States carries it. I don't know if you can get it outside of the US....
  21. P-38 Lightning and F-14 Tomcat. Nothing else even comes close....
  22. Got mine today and have already run through the extras disc.... what's this exclusive fifth disc thing, though?
  23. Meh... not a fan of this one. One of the most highly overrated shows out there. A better option would be to purchase the manga....
  24. I've picked them up and read the demo copy at newstands, but I've never really felt the need to buy one. I can get most of what I need from the internet.... Then there's the whole price issue involved....
  25. Very purty.... Got any other Macross kits? Love to see you do some more....
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