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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. Gorgeous! If this is what the new BG is going to look like, I am gonna have to record this one...
  2. Yow! Super nice... I love the details in the damaged areas....
  3. Accidentally can have so many definitions... White? (in the manga, at least....)
  4. I can't believe no one has recommended Soul Calibur II yet! I own the Xbox version, and have played both the PS2 and the GC versions, and I'll recommend you get the GC version. The controller is surprisingly friendly to SCII (at least the way I hold it), and the graphics are only slightly les ssharp than the Xbox (barely noticeable). Link is also the best special character.... My only complaint about the GC version is the GC D-pad... it is just a bit small and unfriendly....
  5. Not a fan of RahXephon... it's a good show, but I'd call it a renter raher than a buyer.... The Cowboy Bebop manga isn't as good as the anime, but it does have it's moments.....
  6. I thought the Japanese and American servers were shared..... one and the same....
  7. Very nice... I can't wait to see some complete pictures....
  8. Watch the Evangelion series first, then the movies. Save End of Evangelion for last.... As for Gundam, throw it all away... I don't much care for Gundam....
  9. Bit over the top for my tastes, but it sure looks cool! How long did it take to wrap this one up?
  10. Really? I thought it was extremely cool... the series always focused so much on the Valkyries, you never really got to see the Destroid corps do much more than die.... I always wanted to hear more of their stories. In this instance, I really like the way Robotech: Battlecry portrayed the Destroids... they were some hard-ass bastards!
  11. gnollman


    Very nice... think that "The Sprout of Culture" is my favorite though... the touch of humanity there is what makes it great.
  12. I'd agree with you... but then, we are in the very small minority....
  13. Gotten a few of those.... if you want to report them, just forward the entire message (do not alter or add to it at all) to these addresses: spoof@ebay.com spoof@paypal.com think those are right... I've sent both a number of spoof emails....
  14. Yes, they did blow it big time on KareKano.... word is that Gainax wanted to stress the comedy aspect more, when the story is actually a romance.... The author (Tsuda Masami) got pissed and would not allow Gainax to continue the anime. I was pretty let down by the end of that series....
  15. Beautiful... looks gorgeous....
  16. Too bad I can't just get the Tomahawk and GBP....
  17. Holy smokes... I just filled my pants....
  18. Personal preference. I like Eva better....
  19. Heh... I find myself torn between Kitsune and Motoko... Only the manga versions, though... I don't like the anime art as well.
  20. Yes and no. Kanno is not responsible for the music in the episodes, that was Hashimoto Ichiko. She did write the OP theme, "Hemisphere," though... sung by a personal favorite, Sakamoto Maaya.
  21. Fighter, all the way. Fighter with FP comes in a distant second.... Some valks look goofy in one form or another, but by god, they all look good in fighter mode....
  22. I have seen it in its entirety, but I didn't find it as engaging as everyone else seems to have. I didn't much like the whole Mu stuff.... It was a fun show, but I'd characterize it more as a rental than a buyer. Character design is pretty nice, though, as is mecha design (other than the Mu and stuff...). I also like the music, but the story was just kind of 'meh' to me. It is really pretty, though....but I found Evangelion to be more interesting....
  23. Indeed... I've been fighting the urge to purchase the YF-19 ever since I heard about the upcoming (someday, right Graham?) redo version with FP.... Still... it was really painful letting that VF-19A go for only 70 bucks..... I so wanted to bid higher on that....
  24. Meh.... get the manga, it is thousands of times better than the anime.
  25. The Toshiba will run faster, and will likely make up for the difference in graphics. I'd say go for the Toshiba. Unless space is a premium, I'd still encourage him to go for the desktop. I've moved mine multiple times, and I've got five of them.... it isn't that much of a hassle....
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