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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. Well, it finally happened. My early release PS2 has finally crapped out on me. And after I just bought FFX-2.... Here's the deal. It won't play PS2 games. It'll still play audio CDs, and original PS1 games, but it won't play PS2 games or DVDs anymore. I just get a "Disc Read Error" when I put them in. Every so often, (very rarely) it will actually boot the game. Anyone else had this problem? It sounds like the laser lens is either dirty (can't resolve the finer compression of DVD software) or that the lasers are out of alignment (again, can't resolve). I'm gonna buy a lens cleaner this weekend to have a peek. If that doesn't work, I'm thinking of sending it to Sony to fix. Anyone have any experience with this?
  2. Hopefully... I really don't feel like paying over 35 dollars for a 1/100 scale fighter... and one as lightly detailed as this...
  3. Looks good... maybe I should get back into the Robotech comics....
  4. I'd say it's likely the same size as the two Christmas figures released with Vol 7 a couple years ago.... but it does cost 500 yen more, so maybe a bit larger. I'll have to remember to keep an eye out for it in April.... edit: hmm, seems like doublebyte characters not supported....
  5. Looking great! man.... wish I had that tlent with sculpey...
  6. This is true... as usual, the manga is best.
  7. I'd agree that New Tank Police probably has better animation and less slapstick, but that doesn't make it better, in my opinion. Both were fairly (fairly....) faithful to the original character design... remember that Dominion art isn't as clean as GitS or Appleseed.... New Tank Police does have a more coherent episodal plot, but then, hey, if you're a Shirow Masamune fan, you're not really looking for that in the first place.... I still think that the original Tank Police has a much better 'feel' to it.... much closer to the original works. And I just like it better....
  8. Heh... ditto that....
  9. New Tank Police and Tank Police have pretty much the same characters, but I think most people would agree with me when I say that the original was much, much better. It was also based off the original comics (loosely... very loosely) whereas the New Tank Police series isn't. The original Tank Police is also way more over the top than the second... and therefore much funnier. I don't know the difference between the sets.... I own the second one with Anna and Uni on their bikes....
  10. Only ever seen the original story, but no real interest in the second series... Saki for me....
  11. Supposedly there's a method to do this by sanding, but I'm not sure I recollect how to do this properly... I'll have to see if I can't find it in my FSM magazines....
  12. I always hate these polls, because I have such a hard time choosing.... Here's my favorites... which one is actually my current favorite depends on my mood or the moment. VF-5000 Star Mirage VF-11B Thunderbolt VF-4 Lightning VF-1 Valkyrie Had to go with the VF-5000 today....
  13. Anime Magic, certainly.... Same thing for control surfaces in space.... not to mention thrust and velocity....
  14. I'm crazy, main....
  15. Yeah, for Battlestar Galactica. I never watched Taken..... not so much into the alien abduction/alien conspiracy stuff these days....
  16. You know.... I'm not sure if that means it's a good thing or a bad thing..... Haven't seen it... but I want to.... I'd have to chime in with the 2001 crowd, as well as bump elbows with the Battlefield Earth people.... No matter how highly acclaimed 2001 may be, it still bores the hell out of me and I'd rather watch... well, Battlefield Earth....
  17. Isn't that the truth.... The screen gets very busy.... you're hitting one button to keep your gunplay going, and another button to assign attacks and the like, while trying to keep an eye on what is actually happening on the screen... it is most certainly fast.... Love your .sig, David... almost used that one myself on another forum....
  18. Heh... it was the only thing I watched on Sci-Fi channel.... I'll turn in on December 8th for the first time in months and months.... Good to hear about the possibility of a final wrap-up.... though I'm still aggravated they canned it in the first place....
  19. This is a great one, but pick up the Collectors edition instead. It makes more sense and is uncut... If you're looking for Comedy.... Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai (not in distribution yet, but licensed) Azumanga Daioh (likewise) FLCL GTO Card Captor Sakura The Ping Pong Club Iketeru Futari (not licensed, fansub only) If you're looking for Sci-fi action..... Evangelion Crest of the Stars Banner of the Stars Banner of the Stars II Outlaw Star Action/Supernatural Action.... Neo-Ranga Gunsmith Cats: Bulletproof Cowboy Bebop Fantasy.... Rune Soldier Louie (great comedy to this one, too) Hentai.... Koihime La Blue Girl (always a classic) Sakura Diaries (light hentai, nothing overt) Romantic comedy, etc.... His and Her Circumstances Onegai Teacher Onegai Twins
  20. I dunno... too small to read....
  21. I dunno... I'm really enjoying the new one....
  22. Picked up the non-supersized 4 disc set after work. I'll watch it this weekend when I have some time....
  23. You can get the little ten or fifteen minute short from the Japanese FFX International Version on a demo disc from the December issue of Playstation Magazine.... might be hard to find now. I went by Best Buy today to pick it up, but the guy told me that they wouldn't be getting it in until the 20th due to distribution errors.... I was pissed. I might drop by Target tomorrow and see if they have it....
  24. Looking good... as you can tell from my avatar, I'm an IG player myself.... I think the hands might be a bit too slender, though... need to beef them out a bit.
  25. No kidding, those are some really good prices..... No kidding... I wonder if any of them are bootlegs... some of the $12 dollar discs I wonder about....
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