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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. I am torn between the VF-9 and the GBP..... so I flipped a coin. GBP lost....
  2. He's no Cody Kwok, but he's still better than what I'm currently capable of. I really don't like the face on that Priss figure, though....
  3. I am.... Known as the "Blind Idiot God", the center of all cycles known as Azathoth is the great void itself, infinite creation and inescapable oblivion made one. The Great God is without ego, as it has been embodied in a seperate consciousness as Azathoth has cast off the curse of self-awareness. Surrounded by the host of flautist servitors, piping the songs of the unknowable, Azathoth is not to be known by his aspirants. That is the purpose of another God...
  4. Very nice... I think that the VF-0D is my favorite of the lot from M0....
  5. Any piccies of his stuff? for us saps who don't go to anime cons...
  6. Oh yeah... I'm buying this. Now, if they'd only make me an A-wing, B-wing, and Millenium Falcon, I'll be happy....
  7. Somehow.... I was really expecting Stewie....
  8. How is it so bad? It looks like a 3D representation of the anime charicter to me, she isn't in a silly pose and appears to have good paint applications. Or maybe it's the automatic Toynami = BAD philosophy? It's the face... the face is awful. Personally, for me, the face is the most important part of the statue/figure/item. If it's not right, or looks close, then it's junk. I refuse to buy it. As a result, I own no Leia figures from the new PotF Star Wars line. Not a one....
  9. That just looks like ass.... ugh. Toynami figures just look like trash. Those Futurama I-men are about the ugliest things I've ever seen...
  10. Cool, thanks!
  11. And a very fine kit it is..... Haterist, that is one fine LEGO collection you've got there... I've got one of all the SW Model Masters sets, but damn.... your stuff is awesome. Love that Cobra army, too.... so many B.A.T.S. is a sight to see....
  12. Very nicely. Smartass. Still.... do the hasegawa kit legs fit with or without modification?
  13. Very freaking cool. So how do the legs fit in there?
  14. Congrats! Got plenty of nieces and nephews, but none of my own yet.
  15. Definitely the Hi-Detail set, and maybe a VT-1 Super Ostrich conversion kit....
  16. 15/18. I'm such a geek....
  17. I so want this game, but it's going to kill my wallet to get my computer up to snuff... Think I'm gonna wait until the IG release, though. Might as well play my love....
  18. VF-17 for me. Much love for that kit....
  19. Man, I love this show. It has nods to old anime, nods to fan favorites like the Blues Brothers, and all sorts of other in-jokes. Love it.... I just hope they keep making it. With Coop's victory over the Glorft in the last episode, I'm not sure where they will go with it...
  20. Man! Who do I have to threaten or kidnap to get Hasegawa to make a VF-11 kit! They have to realize that they would sell massive amounts of them.... they have to!
  21. A combustible chemical. Lighter fluid is primarily naptha....
  22. Holy... man, that thing is awesome. I think it's the best Macross kit I've seen for a while....
  23. Eh? Since when did we have a profanity filter on the site?
  24. Norton is a resource whore, but between it, my firewall, and Lavasoft's Ad-Aware, I've been able to keep things pretty clean.... Norton gets my respect. Hell, it even blocks poo I don't want it to.... someday I'll figure out how to view Sexy Losers without turning off my firewall.... EDIT: spelling's a bitch...
  25. please god! ARE YOU LISTENING, HASEGAWA??!! Man, I would buy a horde of those kits if they ever released them....
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