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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. gnollman


    Jeez... the things about as expensive as a 1/48... Any ideas on scale? I know it's 1/60, but about how big does that turn out? Anyone?
  2. Heh heh... I blame enthusiasm.... And the soaring prices for YF-19's on eBay.....
  3. Sweet... any sneak peeks at the new YF-19?
  4. Basically, you buy any of the eHobby limited items, you'll be entered into a lottery to get one of the items below.... I can't see the pictures (assuming there are any) so I'm not sure I got the entire message about the items, but here's the awards... 20 94Road Rage (dunno what the number is in front) and 95Crosscut 3 25Trailbreaker 2 24Thundercracker 2 06Meister (gold plated vers.) 2 08 Streak (anime colored ver.) 1 D-56Ramjet So, 30 possible awards by lottery to all the people who buy the eHobby Limited Transformers (whatever these are.) Or something like that....
  5. I really enjoy it... A-ko and B-ko getting along (lovers?) until C-ko shows up... and then it all goes to hell... Introduce your standard galactic police and evil universe destroying empire and it all adds up to fun.
  6. Great stuff, A7.... Project A-Ko remains one of my perennial favorites... I even like the rest of the series... Anyone who ever fancied themselves an anime fan but has never seen these is no fan at all....
  7. gnollman


    Merry X-mas, all... don't let the robot Santa catch you out.... Hope everyone gets at least one thing they wanted...
  8. This is why people watch subtitles... Even if the domestic does suck, it's not illegal here in the States. Bootlegs are... even if the Feds aren't likely to do anything about it... Besides, money spent on bootlegs does not support the original companies... you buy more, they'll keep making it...
  9. My bad... I'm also on an anime web forum and have been crusading pretty heavily against bootlegs there... HK is a hot word for bootleg anime.... All the same, though... don't buy bootlegs!
  10. Not bad... but I do think it would look better as an integral item... a la the VF-11b gunpod...
  11. God, people... support the medium. Buy originals wherever possible. It's one thing when the product is out of print, out of circulation. It's another thing completely when the non-bootleg is still available...
  12. Speaking of the Star Wars holiday debacle... straight from the newsletter... Anyone actually gonna buy this?
  13. Currently my 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru Fast Pack... Gotta say though, it only barely replaced my VF-11B Fast Pack... love that thing....
  14. I should think that advanced space combat should have much less to do with actual pilot visibility and much more about sensors and electronic targeting... Hell, even today, a Tomcat can shoot missiles at targets it can't even see... what does visibility have to do with missile combat? unless you're dodging missiles, that is....
  15. When are these to be released?
  16. Heh heh... gotta match the set, doncha know... Yeah, I'll be getting these...
  17. I frankly don't like RahXephon. I've seen the whole series, but it ain't worth my coin. I like the jet designs, but that's it... don't like the other mecha.... I'd call it a renter. I do like NGE, though... but mainly for the mental stuff. All the religious stuff is just for show, frankly....
  18. I believe he was just the Character Designer and Art Director. It was based off a Japanese novel, as I recall... And frankly, I think it's crap. I only watched a few episodes, but I can't stand Peter Chung's work, frankly... so I don't much like it. Ick.
  19. What book are you guys getting these SC pictures from? Very nice....
  20. heh heh... the chi-ha had the only picture, and I thought, hey, close enough. Good enough for government work, as the saying goes....
  21. So the Navy still does that? My father was a medical corpsman in the fifties...
  22. Found it! Look here. It's a Japanese Chi-ha tank...
  23. I dunno... that offset turret is throwing me off. I have no idea.... And ugh... Fist of the North Star.... just... ugh.
  24. Well, at least Firefly is available on DVD now... I thought that was a series with real potential. I'd catch it and John Doe right after.... Is John Doe still on? If it is, I guess it's just between seasons....
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