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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. You can get the same trailer from the actual japanese site... look here for it.... no need for bittorrent. I'm not gonna theorize on just who the wheelchair person might be, but I will say this... I wish square would stop making their lead males all look the same. Not gonna gripe too much, as Cloud was the original, but I think you know what I mean... And it would also be nice for the men to look like... well, men. I'm sick of the androgeny that's so hip in Japan these days....
  2. Heh... if you only spent 30 bucks on a sushi dinner, you got off cheap. It usually costs me over fifty for a good sushi outing.... `bout the same I paid in Japan, but got much more food in Japan for that cost....
  3. Clear nail polish. Always does the trick for me.... Use the 'long lasting' or 'hard nails' stuff, whatever that's called....
  4. Bought this the other day.... Kinda bums me out that there's no plans for a John Doe set... I really liked that show. It and Firefly were the first network shows since The X-Files that I actually made a point of watching.
  5. I'm just not much liking the art style in this one... mainly Deunan. She just looks way off.... I'll wait until I see it to hack it completely, but it's going to have to improve a bit before I say I like it....
  6. Meh... I don't really care. Provided they (other fans) don't irritate me, I could care less. One thing that does irritate me, though, is the fans who think they can speak Japanese just because they happen to watch the subs instead of the dubs....
  7. Heh.. isn't that the truth.... I wish I had the cash to lay out and the skills to do something like this. My conversion skills are pretty rudimentary, and I don't have a lot of experience with resin either, for that matter....
  8. Great show... I was supremely pissed when Fox yanked it. Losing it and Farscape have pretty much caused me to swear off of anything that's not a cartoon or a documentary. And ended my history with network television... and Scifi Channel, for that matter....
  9. Gotta agree with the Disco man.... I really enjoyed this series, but only the Collectors Edition is viewable... the non-Collectors version is highly cut and almost nonsensical.... I was highly surprised to see the U-Jin brand on this one, as I don't tend to enjoy his work, but this one is the exception...
  10. Killer Klowns From Outer Space.... Come on, it's scifi... they're from space....
  11. gnollman


    I think I'm gonna hold out and see if they make a green or purple one...
  12. I'd recommend you pick up the Bubblegum Crisis 2040 vocal collection As Sekiria. I like that one pretty well... I also like the BGC 2040 OST 1, but it has mixed reviews... You'd probably like .hack//SIGN OSTs 1 and 2, Noir OSTs 1-3 (even if the anime sucked, the music rocks). I also enjoy the first Nazca OST. I'd also recommend the Final Fantasy Tactics OST and the Chrono Cross OST. Hell, you rarely go wrong with Squaresoft OSTs.... If you're into Jazz music, I'd say you'd have to buy the Cowboy Bebop OST 1, as well as the Ask DNA single from the movie. Crest of the Stars has some very good orchestral music, as well as Now and Then, Here and There. If you can find them, the game OSTs from Soul Edge and Soul Calibur are very nice....
  13. Gotta agree... I'm a big fan of this one as well. It's got plenty of humor, and just a bit of supernatural evil... that always seems to faceplant somewhere along the road.... Worth your time....
  14. Very nice... I'm not how sure these Yukikaze planes will fly, but god, I sure do enjoy looking for them. Beautiful, skwong, beautiful....
  15. Depends on current exchange rates... now, not as good as it was a year ago... Still, current exchange will buy you a 1/48 for between 135 and 140 USD.... and Fast Packs between 50 and 55 US. But then, the dollar has been trending weak against the yen for quite some time, now.... So, about what you'll pick them up for here in the States, but you don't have to pay shipping... but those are awfully big boxes to fit in your luggage....
  16. gnollman


    Heck with a Glaug... I want a Regult... plain, light and heavy artillery, AND recon...
  17. Briareos is one of the three brothers who were together known as the Hecatoncheires (sp?), fifty headed, 100 armed giants. The other two brothers were Cottus and Guges (recognize that name from Appleseed?)....
  18. Too bad you can't return these....
  19. Seeing as it's a Bandai release, I can almost guarantee that Bandai will be releasing it over here. I'm not sure licensing is an issue....
  20. Anything that didn't get translated generally gets explained later on. I can't really think of any points where the Japanese is actually important enough wo need to understand where they don't explain it later.... My friends are always bothering me about that...
  21. Got a nice new Dremel and some other bits and squidge. Gave my brother a Yammie 1/60 VF-1S Roy for X-mas....
  22. gnollman


    Hmm... around 30 cm, then....
  23. Me. No, really, digital translators (programs and the like) aren't really up to the task of translating any language, much less one as potentially complex as Japanese. Or at least, not the ones available free of charge....
  24. Another excellent book... I agree with yellowlightman, this book is most certainly worth reading....
  25. Excellent show... bought it myself... still haven't watched the extras disc, though.... I've got no major complaints, except for the samurai uniforms... no such thing existed... Well, that, and the obvious production errors (swords under armpits and the like)... but I'm willing to overlook these seeing as when it was produced...
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