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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. That's about as expected.... Can we expect any Regult or Glaug in 1/60? That's what I'm really hoping for, much more than the Q-Rau....
  2. First I ever owned personally was a Yamato VF-1A Hikaru. I never owned any Robotech toys, as my parents didn't like the show. My friend had them all, and a couple of Jetfires, so I had good exposure at least....
  3. The VF-1 kits from Hasegawa are not for beginners... I would recommend you practice a bit before tackling one of these guys. Pick up a few Revells or other 1/72 hasegawa jet kits, they don't tend to be as complex as the VF-1 kits. Basically, pick up some cheap kits to practice painting and decals on before you head into the Macross kits.
  4. Actually, you might be surprised, but most Japanese don't know the significance of the ring finger of the left hand.... My co-worker is Japanese, and I noticed she had a ring on her finger there... asked her if her boyfriend proposed, but she got all flustered and defensive, so I had to explain the significance of the finger. She was quite surprised.... Ah, and the Ashe chick is hot... but she looks an awful lot like Yuna to me....
  5. I'm a big fan of the show. Anytime you mix genetics into anime, I usually get a kick out of it.... It's a beautiful show, if a little light on the explanation side of things.
  6. Ack. Much hatred for this show....
  7. I treat them as separate entities, and therefore feel no shame or hesitation to say that I like them both. Robotech has a more epic and coordinated feel to it, simply because it has been filled in so well. All the same, though, it can't avoid the awkwardness that arises from the bastardization of storylines.... Macross I like because it makes more sense overall, and has a clearer view of humanity struggling with what it inherently has against hostile outside influences. It does have it's own continuity problems, though.... Frankly, I collect both Macross and Robotech stuff, have always and will always. I just treat them like two different series....
  8. Looks like my vcr will have to hit the late night show... there's a new Powerpuff Girls on tonight at nine.... heh heh. *takes cover*
  9. Heh heh... small be it for me to benefit from another guy's misfortune (if that is what it is), but I'm still interested in these....
  10. That is the lead female character form Onegai Teacher, Mizuho Kazami Yup. It goes on to state that is is a swimsuit remodeled edition, sold out completely, rerelease plans are pending. Which really means not going to happen in Japanese....
  11. Yes, but I am not taking orders right now. They should be available again in about a month. Sweet.... I'll keep that in mind. Do us all a favor and let us know when you're taking orders again... I'd hate to miss out.
  12. gnollman


    One of the Japanese ads had it as 300 milimeters.... so about a foot tall.
  13. Looks great. Kind of odd, but hey.... Are these decal sets in 1/55 or 1/72? First I've heard of them....
  14. Can't be here during work, but I'm here pretty much after I get out until I head for the bed...
  15. Looks great.... The YF/VF-19/A series is probably my favorite Macross kit....
  16. Heh... isn't that the truth. I'm not sure which I was more disappointed in, the Appleseed OAV or the Samurai Shodown movie. Okay, that's a bald-faced lie, but it gives you an idea how much I disliked it....
  17. Yes! Kinnikuman go fight! Loved that show....
  18. Mebbe you can macronize turkeys? *runs away*
  19. Sheez... some of you people scare me.... 1/48= 4 1/48 FP= 1 1/60= 2 1/72= 4 Hoping to pick up another FP or two.... ...and the yf-19 should it ever come out.
  20. Yes. In my opinion, the Appleseed series is Masamune's best work.... Be prepared to join the crowd waiting for vol. 5, though....
  21. Heh... only if he finally releases Appleseed 5! I've only been waiting on it for, what.... years and years....
  22. Heh heh... I try not to....
  23. That's what I do these days. I didn't have any catalyst to move from the spraybombs, though... no huge mishaps, at least. I was havng problems with graininess in some of my basecoating for my wargaming minis, and so moved over to an airbrush. I just moved to the airbrush dullcoat at the same time.
  24. Sounds like your previous paint coat wasn't dry.... but that would be odd.... What paints were you using? I've never had dullcote do that to my stuff....
  25. Already seen it... but still not hugely impressed. Like I said, I'll wait to see it before I get really upset about it.
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