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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. Not gonna buy it. Not because it's super expensive, and not because it's pretty light on feature. Not gonna buy it because I don't care about the DYRL colors. Soon as they put out a TV version, though, it's mine....
  2. Yes. Yes it is.... Any word on an EVA-04 yet?
  3. That's the first really good look I've had of the SV-51... nice.... I may have to get this one....
  4. And what the hell is 'Miguzi' anyway? Toonami at least made some sense....
  5. Meh, it was DBZ'd to death. Too damn much Dragon Ball is not a good thing... Frankly, I didn't think there were enough Teen Titans eps to maintain a daily run....
  6. Funny... I always found this song to be the most unberable of Minmays song..... every time I hear the Kyun-Kyun thing.... I fill like hurting/wrecking something. Gotta agree with Abombz on this one.... I hate that song. Her Japanese ain't bad as far as ADV seiyuu go. At least she tried.....
  7. gnollman

    What are these

    Whatever fate has decided you will get. They are unsorted, as I recall....
  8. You might try here.... CDJapan....
  9. gnollman

    Gold paint ?

    If you don't want to go the foil route, much as I hate to support anything Games Workshop, the Citadel paint gold colors are very nice.... two to choose from, one is shinier than the other.... Looking at that picture, I'd say that the Burnished Gold is the shade you'll want.
  10. Which is why I don't buy big things from them..... why I'll never buy that Stormblade, for instance... unless I win the lottery, that is....
  11. Very nice.... I'm loving all the custom 1:48 work we see these days....
  12. Yes, yes it is. I need to pick up #7, though, I don't have it yet....
  13. Must be a southerner.... only in the south can you call a person an idiot, and then follow it up with "God bless him" and everything be okay.... In short, I don't think Evangelical comment on religion has a place on Macross World. What you said was pretty much like talking about quantum physics in a third grade classroom... unnecessary, and largely unasked for.
  14. Heavy warpage. So much so that it was unfixable. Not just slight bending, but twisting and misshapen bits. It was virtually a lump of waste resin....
  15. gnollman

    Yamato rumors

    Further proof of why Babelfish will never put language teachers out of business...
  16. Picked up a few of the various doors for Rhinos and Land Raiders... quality is pretty high, generally pretty easily fixed. I've only mostly bought recent releases, though... I'd love to pick up some of the Titans, but.... too damn expensive for the usage. And also, I like the Armorcast titans better, frankly. I would like to get a Stormblade tank, though... I do have a friend who picked up an Imperial Guard Valkyrie, and the damn thing was a mess. He had a heck of a time getting it replaced, too...
  17. Niiice... I had no idea MW had picures of these things built.... I'd love to get my hands on a kit of this... better yet, a 1:48 VF-11, but I've never seen one of those...
  18. Ho boy... think I'm gonna pass out.... I would love to see those 1:48 YF-19's built...
  19. They pop up on eBay fairly regularly. HLJ will likely get them back in stock, as well...
  20. Damn... that's the most resin Macross kits I've seen in one place.... Almost afraid to ask, but how much is all that worth?
  21. Somehow, I thought you had to have a license to purchase and use liquid nitrogen....
  22. gnollman

    Would you buy it?

    Heh heh... what a scratchbuild that would be...
  23. Ugh... that song is lame! I dunno.... I like it well enough, but it really has to be seen with the video... the song by itself doesn't stand up well..... Great intro, though... much better than the SC I version. SC II kicks some serious ass, though. I had goose bumps the first time my Xbox booted up....
  24. Nice pic... besides, the variety is nice.
  25. Red was a canine? Looked more feline to me....
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