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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. I agonized over it for a bit, but wound up going for the mech. There's enough Mikimoto on the mech to satisfy me, but precious little mech on the Mikimoto...
  2. For the length, they show amazingly little.... I'll go see it, but I'm not holding my breath or anything. If I want some decent AvP stories in the meantime, I'll just go re-read my Dark Horse....
  3. I love this show. I am so buying this.....
  4. Looks fun... nice to see Japan stepping up to the CG plate...
  5. At the very high end of what I wanted to pay, but after looking at it.... hell, won't hurt me to skip a few meals. Beautiful... had a hell of a time choosing!
  6. Gamlin for me, as well...
  7. There's one of these guys on eBay right now.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...MERC_BidConfirm
  8. Probably my 800 USD Laserdisc player.... bought for my anime sickness... As far as Macross goes, my Macross Gold Book or the Macross DVD set from AnimEigo... they wound up being about the same at around 260 USD. Toys, then it has to be my 1:48 VF-1J w/Fast packs.... 180 USD. These are all single purchases, though... overall value is probably my CD collection, with my Warhammer stuff and Anime DVDs close to tied for next...
  9. For something that size, I'd recommend a jeweler's saw.... essentially, they're a bit like a coping saw, but the saw blade is very thin.... I use these when doing figure conversions for Warhammer.... Razor saws are very nice for shallow cuts, but if you have to cut something of any depth, or that requires any coping, I'd recommend a jeweler's saw.
  10. Sweet... very nice....
  11. Love the manga, but have yet to see the anime.... Great OP/ED songs, though.... love 'em.
  12. Well... he's got a lot of love for the Firefly series, so I'm hoping that he cranks out some Very Good Things for the Serenity movie... I wouldn't say that the series was a failure, anyway... Fox seemed to go out of their way to tank it.
  13. Heh heh... I had those. My brother still has his set.... Also had the ST:TOS sheets and stuff....
  14. Meh... I already know I'm going to buy whatever they sell, so it's kind of pointless....
  15. Nice looking Cammy from Street Fighter here.... http://www.modelfplus.com/WF/wonderfes04_winter_046.jpg The blurb says this is from Black Magic, but it doesn't much look like the unit to me.... http://www.modelfplus.com/WF/wonderfes04_winter_047.jpg Some nice Aliens stuff on page four...
  16. I may not like some of what Streamline did, but it doesn't lessen Macek's acheivements for early anime in the USA. I'll honor him for that, at the very least. I like Robotech, though.... so he gets no hate from me. My hate all goes to HG....
  17. Eh? How strange... I never would have thought the Soul Edge/Soul Calibur series really had enough story depth to make a movie.... but then, there's been a few OAV series from Samurai Spirits... none very good, however.... Guess I'll just have to hold my breath and wait.... Hope they draw more from SC II, though... liked the story for that one better. Pretty excited that the Firefly movie got greenlighted....
  18. Best supporting? I dunno, I didn't see all of it....
  19. Yeah, that's pretty much it. Hit it in one.... The ending in season 2 is lame, though...
  20. Hell yeah! The whole time I was like... damn, they're getting all the minors... this bodes ill. Same thing happens all the time. And then the final award, and DAMN! but they won it all. Just goes to prove how superior Tolkien's works are, and how much of a visionary PJ and his team of writers are. I seriously think that the LotR movies are going to be a major landmark in film history.... A fantasy movie to get a best movie Oscar... rock on. To quote the evil McD's commercial... I'm loving it.
  21. Gimme Regults, with missile pack options and a Recon version while they're at it.... A TV Glaug wouldn't go amiss, either.... Oh, and a TV Q-Rau..... everything else I don't care about....
  22. I use them over silver or gold for gems, or for shading canopies and windscreens, etc.... I tried to use it like an ink wash, but it didn't turn out too hot....
  23. Great start, can't wait to see more....
  24. You are Sailorjupiter, you never back down in a fight. Almost redundant, as Anubis just had the same result... Love Jupiter best, anyway....
  25. Fun little show, but I was disappointed in the ending of season two....
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