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Everything posted by gnollman

  1. I just ascribe to the 'big-ass human' theory... Zentran and Meltran folk are bio-constructs, yes, but are essentially human. Just really big human. Anything else gets too complicated, fast....
  2. Castrol Super Clean may not be a good idea. This stuff strips paint like no one's business... I use it regularly to strip Warhammer minis I buy off of eBay... A dilute solution may work, though... but don't soak, and try to make sure you get it all off.
  3. No problem with either. Rock-solid packaging from both Tam and Kevin....
  4. *drool* I like that much better than the VF-0.... Yeah, I think I see a couple of these in my future. Pretty damn sure....
  5. A year. Maybe.... Found the place after picking up the VF-1A Hikaru 1:60.... or was it after getting the Macross stuff from AnimEigo? I dunno....
  6. gnollman

    Britai attacks!

    Funk-o. Obviously, this guy is enjoying his parents' basement....
  7. Excellent! That's the first one I've ever seen completed... kind makes me want to go get one for myself.
  8. While I really like the new designs, I think Shion was a lot cuter in the first one.... They probably should have stuck with the originals... that or redo the first. Consistency is good in video games....
  9. I kind of thought everyone had read Dune.... It's like The Lord of the Rings for Sci-Fi.... But no, they never removed the voiceovers. It's kind of a crucial part of the Dune movie. My thoughts on the Dune movie... I enjoy it. It's pretty, and I think it's well acted. I don't, however, consider it as Dune. Kind of like how I treat BGC and BGC 2040.... that way I can like both of them without conflict.
  10. Looks great... I didn't see any mistakes. Haven't decided whether to get one of the VF-0 yet....
  11. Amen to that. I like the VF-5000 better than the VF-3000, and would buy multiples of any kit or toy that came out for it.... Hell, I'd do that for the VF-3000, too, so I guess that the point is moot. A 1:48 VF-5000 would rank up there with my dream toys, though... Heck, I'd even settle for a 1/72 depending on whether it is Mac+ scale or SDF scale....
  12. I actually can't think of a single case of a good film adaptation of an existing SF novel... one that I actually thought did a good job of approximating the book.... I'm not a fan of the SciFi channel adaptation of Dune... they were a lot closer, yes, but still missed by so far, in my opinion. And as far as I'm concerned, the Lynch version is best treated as an unhappy coincidence of shared name... One series I would like to see, though would be the Larry Niven Ringworld stuff or the Brin Uplift Wars series. That would be seriously cool.
  13. Bmax, where is that picture from? But I'm with you, all the way. If Hasegawa released kits for the VF-3000 and the VF-5000, I'd buy hordes of both... I'd still like to see a non-resin VF-4, too.... I'm just not overly comfortable with resin, quite....
  14. Somehow, that's not the way I remember the stories.... I do like they way they've designed the robots, though... sharp.
  15. Come on now... police chief is a stressful job.... I agree with DarkPhoenix, though... I reckon it's actually a scar.
  16. Gotta get 'em all, you know.... THink I'll wait until they start showing up in the US. Nothing against HK and SE Asia dealers, but I can't see paying 30 bucks for shipping....
  17. I buy hordes of stuff from Deep Discount DVD. Cheap prices and free shipping, to boot... I also still do a good bit of eBay shopping, as well....
  18. Oh man, I forgot about that thing.... I guess that's the most expensive thing I've bought at once.... No, hang on.. I bought the B-Club Bubblegum Crisis and Bubblegum Crash books, with a couple other books for $360 plus shipping. Forgot about that....
  19. That does sound nice... but then, your casual gamer, which most of us are, I suspect, is never going to do this....
  20. Or with a pair of biologists.... the Mysteries of Life never existed for me.... The 'Why' phase was also amazingly short... when your parents explain why, and in excruciating detail, to every question you ask... you just stop asking.
  21. Ever seen a real tanuki? They do have pretty large balls for their size... Anyway, I love this show... got it on VHS when I was in Japan a few years back. Anyone know if it will be released in the States?
  22. Meh... I've already got SF III: Third Strike for my Dreamcast.... Hori makes a nice Xbox stick, though...
  23. I'd agree with Abombz in most ways, but not on the Final Fantasy factor. I thought FF X and FF X-2 were worth the cash I spent on them... I bought an X-Box largely for the DOA, JSRF, and SW stuff... I own a PS2 for the RPG factor, as well as the backwards compatibility.... Have to agree about the GC and SC II, though....
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