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Everything posted by unclechopchop

  1. I've been getting bashed alot lately, so maybe I'm on the defensive. I always took Macross super serious when I was younger. I just wanted everything after to be just perfect. Granted, that probably can't be possible, but I just though some of the past efforts were really really good. By the way, why does everybody hate Macross Zero? I personally thought that it was great , due to its realism (Yeah flying robots...right, I know). It just felt a little bit harder than the others. DYRL was pretty hard, and I thought the grittiness of Zero was on the same lines. So love me or hate me, I'm just asking some questions. Thanks to everybody that is trying to help.
  2. I'll definately agree to that. I aint quiting. I just thought it was pretty lame. For the season to start off so cool, then just drop like that, kinda made me think twice. I appreciate somebody who doesn't want me to hang. Opinions just suck in general, but of course everybody else has a right to one (except me apparently). I'm not forcing any opinions on anybody, I just wanted to see if anybody else agreed. I will definately finish off the season, no questions asked. Also, I did find the very end with the SDF-1 very intriguing. We'll see.
  3. I really don't want to sound like a jerk or anything, but I have to just get it out. After watching the first 10 episodes or so, I was pretty content with the show, but at episode 12, I felt like it really got lame. I mean what the hell was with the whole Zentradi thing? What was with Michel coming down on the planet with speakers connected to his vf? I do understand that the original series had alot of cheese to it, but c'mon, we were kids and had no real problems looking past that(Plus they made up for alot of that with DYRL). I just think this episode was a real step backwards. Macross 7 sucked, and everybody knows it. Macross Plus was totally awesome. Macross Zero was insane (good insane). They just kept getting better. I really want to enjoy this show, but it just was a big slap in the face to the original in episode 12. Look, before everybody gets all riled up and pissed at me, just calm down. I'm simply stating an opinion. I just wanted to know if anybody else out there agrees with me.
  4. I really don't want to sound like a jerk or anything, but I have to just get it out. After watching the first 10 episodes or so, I was pretty content with the show, but at episode 12, I felt like it really got lame. I mean what the hell was with the whole Zentradi thing? What was with Michelcoming down on the planet with speakers connected to his vf? I do understand that the original series had alot of cheese to it, but c'mon, we were kids and had no real problems looking past that. I just think it was a real step backwards. Macross 7 sucked, and everybody knows it. Macross Plus was totally awesome. Macross Zero was insane. They just kept getting better. I really want to enjoy this show, but it just was a big slap in the face to the original in episode 12. Look, before everybody gets all riled up and pissed at me, just calm down. I'm simply stating an opinion. I just wanted to know if anybody else out there agrees with me.
  5. Jeez, finally somebody gets what I was asking for. I have no idea why all of these people have to go on to so many different tangents that have nothing to do with what I was innitially asking. Finally somebody with sense!!
  6. I'll agree to a point that pirating sucks to an extent. But I think Metallica sucks even more for making a grand effort to stop it. Let the rich get richer, and the poor, well keep them poor. Chances are if they couldn't afford it in the first place, they probably wouldn't buy it. And if they did download it, maybe they would tell a whole bunch of other people that might go buy it then. Yes pirating sucks when it comes to this cheap crap I bought. But so do the Japanese for making such a grand effort not to release to it's greatest fan base which is mainly based in America. Seriously. What do you expect people to do over here? Have some serious pride and watch a show that they can't even understand?I don't think that I will be taking any Japanese classes any time soon. By the way, my screen name pays serious homage one of your nations heroes. So why pick on me? If you don't know who I am talking about, check out the movie Chopper. GREATEST MOVIE EVER!! By the way. JapanTown in San Francisco even sells these so called pirated versions. They just want to give people what they want. It just sucks that some of it is garbage.
  7. what you said doesn't really make any sense. If I want to ensure the series continues? I don't know why this has to get confrontational. If it was obvious to me that what I got was pirated, I probably wouldn't be so upset. And why would I buy the real thing when they don't have them selling everywhere in the states? And if they are, they sell for more than $60.00 and have no subtitles. I just want to watch the series just like everybody else. I really can't help that they don't release it in the states subbed. Anyways, thanks to all the people that replied with help. And to you, keep being a keyboard crusader. Nobody cares.
  8. Yeah, it did start at episode 7. I just couldn't remember which one earlier. But yeah, I will probably wait for a little bit and then buy it again. I was just pissed because episode 7 looked really bad, but turned out to be one of the most entertaining. I am pretty excited about this series and just wanted to own some clean copies. Anyways, thanks everybody for the help. If you know something about where to get clean copies, please post them. I'll do the same.
  9. Hello everybody Well I recently bought the Malaysian release of Macross Frontier episode 1-25 + 1 cd set on-line. I started to watch it pretty hard-core, watching the first 4 episodes in a row. That was until I hit around episode 5, where the picture quality turned to complete crap. Needless to say, I was pissed that I dropped money on this. Granted, I didn't expect too much, but man this just sucked. Ever since that time, I've been searching high and low for a really clean subtitled dvd set of this show. Does anybody know of any. I know that I can download this stuff. But I just wanted to actually get some actual dvd's in an actual set. I've also recently have seen a set that was released by FX. I have heard of their stuff in the past, but just wanted some confirmation as to whether I should get those or not. Somebody please help me out there!!!
  10. I just got my VF-25S in the mail today and I must say, this toy is pretty sick!! I've read and argued many people about how they should give these new Bandai toys a chance, and boy was I right. I opened the package to only see a really nice toy. The construction is really good without that super light, something is going to break feeling. The colors are bright, and it has a little weight to it. The construction is very solid and durable, with a very tight feeling. The transformation was a little confusing do to Japanese only instructions, but I eventually got it.When everything was said and done, I was simply amazed at what Bandai has achieved. Granted it isn't totally flexable like some of the Yamato toys, but I must say it would be hard pressed to see Yamato come up with something totally better (really). Yamato, granted has come out with some really cool looking toys in the past, but unfortunately has been plagued with bad quality. Not in this toy. This figure is solid, and well worth buying, no questions asked. I also hear about how these particular toys aren't anime accurate. That may be somewhat true, but I don't fully agree. It looks really good (and accurate)to me. I often hear the models look more accurate. I just think Bandai payed attention to making this thing really duarable and chunked some things up, but not too fat by any means. I really love this figure , and plan to get every figure in the DX line. I am currenyly displaying this particular figure right next to my 1/48 macross VF-1's and I must say that it fits in duite well. I'm almost positive that somebody out there, whether it be Yamato or some other toy company could tweak this thing a little more( but not much because it doesn't need much), but I think Bandai really nailed it this time around. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but remember you are getting true quality and a great looking toy. Well worth the money in my book, even if my impatience forced me to pay almost $200.00!!! To all of you hard core Macross fans, give this toy a real chance! I do not think you will walk away feeling ripped off. I really really love this thing!!
  11. What can I say, I'm new to this place. I'll do that now though
  12. I really suck at posing figures. I can't do it right now do to a family get together today, but I might give it a shot later. You should take a look around at some of the other posts on this subject, I've seen some other people post some pretty sick pics, and they look really good. It has just about the same range of motion as the 1/48 Yamato's with the exception of the swiveling waist. Other than that, pretty much the same. Also the arms on this toy have more motion than the 1/48(with metal also!!!)! I forgot to mention one thing that I do think that sucks. It's the antennas on the head. They are made of rubber, so they have a tendency to bend kinda limpy. It's a small thing though. I really want everybody to check these figures out and buy them. Who knows, it might force Yamato to bump up their qualty control. Bandai has them beat in that matter in all ways, HANDS DOWN!!!! Also I like your avatar. The VF-OD never got the chance to be made into a toy. I liked that one the most! It was remenisent of an F-15.
  13. I just got my VF-25S in the mail today and I must say, this toy is pretty sick!! I've read and argued many people about how they should give these new Bandai toys a chance, and boy was I right. I opened the package to only see a really nice toy. The construction is really good without that super light, something is going to break feeling. The colors are bright, and it has a little weight to it. The construction is very solid and durable, with a very tight feeling. The transformation was a little confusing do to Japanese only instructions, but I eventually got it.When everything was said and done, I was simply amazed at what Bandai has achieved. Granted it isn't totally flexable like some of the Yamato toys, but I must say it would be hard pressed to see Yamato come up with something totally better (really). Yamato, granted has come out with some really cool looking toys in the past, but unfortunately has been plagued with bad quality. Not in this toy. This figure is solid, and well worth buying, no questions asked. I also hear about how these particular toys aren't anime accurate. That may be somewhat true, but I don't fully agree. It looks really good (and accurate)to me. I often hear the models look more accurate. I just think Bandai payed attention to making this thing really duarable and chunked some things up, but not too fat by any means. I really love this figure , and plan to get every figure in the DX line. I am currenyly displaying this particular figure right next to my 1/48 macross VF-1's and I must say that it fits in duite well. I'm almost positive that somebody out there, whether it be Yamato or some other toy company could tweak this thing a little more( but not much because it doesn't need much), but I think Bandai really nailed it this time around. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but remember you are getting true quality and a great looking toy. Well worth the money in my book, even if my impatience forced me to pay almost $200.00!!! To all of you hard core Macross fans, give this toy a real chance! I do not think you will walk away feeling ripped off. I really really love this thing!!
  14. I just got my VF-25S in the mail today and I must say, this toy is pretty sick!! I've read and argued many people about how they should give these new Bandai toys a chance, and boy was I right. I opened the package to only see a really nice toy. The construction is really good without that super light, something is going to break feeling. The colors are bright, and it has a little weight to it. The construction is very solid and durable, with a very tight feeling. The transformation was a little confusing do to Japanese only instructions, but I eventually got it.When everything was said and done, I was simply amazed at what Bandai has achieved. Granted it isn't totally flexable like some of the Yamato toys, but I must say it would be hard pressed to see Yamato come up with something totally better (really). Yamato, granted has come out with some really cool looking toys in the past, but unfortunately has been plagued with bad quality. Not in this toy. This figure is solid, and well worth buying, no questions asked. I also hear about how these particular toys aren't anime accurate. That may be somewhat true, but I don't fully agree. It looks really good (and accurate)to me. I often hear the models look more accurate. I just think Bandai payed attention to making this thing really duarable and chunked some things up, but not too fat by any means. I really love this figure , and plan to get every figure in the DX line. I am currenyly displaying this particular figure right next to my 1/48 macross VF-1's and I must say that it fits in duite well. I'm almost positive that somebody out there, whether it be Yamato or some other toy company could tweak this thing a little more( but not much because it doesn't need much), but I think Bandai really nailed it this time around. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but remember you are getting true quality and a great looking toy. Well worth the money in my book, even if my impatience forced me to pay almost $200.00!!! To all of you hard core Macross fans, give this toy a real chance! I do not think you will walk away feeling ripped off. I really really love this thing!!
  15. See you everybody. I've got videogames to play. Can you believe it, a 33 year old man playing games. Jeez I'm a jerk
  16. When I get mine, I'l definately try to put it on. I kind of suck on the computer, but I will try my best. Oh, by the way, there's a new Japanese magazine (I have no idea what it's called) and it covers this whole line of toys. It has a bright orange cover on it with a vf-25f. I've seen it on e-bay. I do own it, but unfortunately left it at my friends house which is 65 miles away. I'll get it later this week. Maybe I'll post some scans then. Sorry for all of the inconveniences.
  17. I don't have mine yet, but fortunately there's a place that has a review of it and it has an instruction of how it transforms. I thinks it's called Toyark.com or something. Check it out. Let me know if you can't find it and I'll see what I can do.
  18. Cool. I just want everybody to feel like they are getting their moneys worth no matter what they buy. Well at least the people who buy them. Thanks for the welcome.
  19. Yeah, unfortunately I am super impatient and bought mine for $180.00. I'm such a jerk. I have no money, but spend the little I have on this crap. Maybe that's why I take it so personal. Thanks for the info though. I'll start to drop some lines for all of us when I figure some places that have this tuff on sale.
  20. I meant what's the point of arguing.
  21. Point taken. By the way, I think $180.00 is insane for any toy. I just felt that if you had to spend that much money, at least you would be getting something with quality. I hate this hobby with all of my heart, but I still do it. Granted everybody should like what they like, but still I wish peole would at least give it achance. Who knows, maybe Bandai will come out with better carnations.
  22. Yeah, I guess. What's the point?
  23. I'm glad you're on board with me (unlike some others already). Maybe they are rugged and I'm just scared. I just think for the money we are spending, we can get some more quality like better plastic and more metal. Metal is always nice. It's like my friend always says, "the heavier something is, the more quality it will have". By the way, nice meeting you.
  24. That's cool. I figured as much. I just wish people wouldn't always alienate everything that is out there. There will probably never be a perfect line out there, but c'mon the way people are bashing this line is kinda rediculous in my opinion. It's like I said before, I do love my Yamato toys, but the quality is very poor. So yeah, some things can always be improved on here and there, but can they do it with quality? I thought you guys wanted your moneys worth. Question yourself. Are you getting your moneys worth? So express your tastes and express your views all you want, just like I will.
  25. Yeah, I figured as much. I still wanted to get a good point across though.
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