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Everything posted by unclechopchop

  1. Do these have any heft to them? Or are they pretty much models tat can break easily with a lot of handling?
  2. unclechopchop

    Hi-Metal R

    Will they ever make a tv version queadluun rau??..
  3. It's pretty funny considering I was jus looking for a breetai figure
  4. I heard that tears down the plastic somehow. Not sure if that's true, but it's an expensive price to pay if it does screw it up. I've been eyeballing that subject for years now, and it just scares me to no end. But in the end, it is just toys.
  5. Paying high prices for the reissue makes absolutely no sense to me considering the quality of the older Japanese versions is far superior. Sure there's the yellowing issues, but I will forever hunt for the REAL oldies. Sure, if you can get a reissue for cheap, go for it! Otherwise, it's just not worth it in my book. Oh, and plus the joints on the reissues get awfully loose, real quick. Something I don't ever worry about on my old version.
  6. Does anybody want to enlighten us as to where the above scans came from?????
  7. Agree about all the Mechs. By the way, between the III in your post, is there suppose to be a pic there? It isn't showing if so. Yeah, it's really weird how in Japan they tend to generally like real dry boring anime (along with their movies), while all the action based stuff is kinda shunned. Samurai Champloo is a very good example of that. Plus my cousin lives in Japan, and he pretty much confirms this to be the case.By the way. If anybody is going to get up in arms about me stating this, I'm simply pointing out how different cultures perceive things. Nothing else.
  8. Of course I love the original like all of us do. But I gotta say that I am extremely bummed out of the lack of Macross Zero material. Sure we got a few things (very few compared to other series) like the VF-0 master files book, and a couple Yamato toys, but not nearly as much as any other of the series. The absence of a Zero book (besides the masterfiles book) is mind blowing and should have never been passed over as it has. This is my favorite, and probably the best (my opinion of course) series. Way better than Frontier (again, my opinion), but you not see ANY lack of material for it. No character sheets, no mech layouts, no concept art. Nothing! Does anybody here feel the same?
  9. And to think that back in the day, all we had was the Takatoku/Bandai stuff (with the exception of a few kits) and we were ll pretty happy. Now it's this version, that version, oh and wait, a revision of this version because version one was made with crap materials..... One more thing. Why not revisit older topics if the interest is still there. I asked because I just got an Ivanov.
  10. When they say revisit, I wonder if they mean a whole new design, or just a rerun.Oh, also, is this new VF-0 a whole new design???
  11. I know that I'm super late (again) to the party, but is any of this theory true?
  12. HLJ just gave me a -------- email. They're not gonna help me.
  13. My question is why would you want to. It looks pretty cool to me. Just an opinion of course. To each his own.
  14. I don't know if my reply will even matter at tis moment in time. But if I had to give an opinion, I would have to say to go with the DYRL Hikaru VF -1A. I know that's not what you were originally looking for, but I have to say that it's hands down my favorite. Just my 2 cents.
  15. The only bad thing is that they do not include the collar on the VF-0A arms. Mine actually broke right there! It's also a bummer that I would have to repaint the arms, but it isn't a deal breaker. I'm just bummed about the collars.
  16. Holy jeebs! Thanks guys!
  17. I know that this is a pretty old subject, but I just need to get a possible answer. Back in the day, I replaced a VF-0A arm, only to have the other arm break while putting it on! At that point, I was too pissed off to go through the whole process again. Well now it's starting to bother me again and I was hoping somebody could steer me in the right direction (if possible). Also, I don't want to limit this subject to just the VF-0A. I want to know where I can get the V2 VF-1 replacement parts as well. It just makes me sick that we pay all this money, just to have it break later on.
  18. unclechopchop

    Macross 30

    It's like you're seriously blind and didn't bother reading what other people are saying as well.
  19. unclechopchop

    Macross 30

    God forbid anybody expresses an opinion.....
  20. unclechopchop

    Macross 30

    Or maybe I'm talking about what some other are talking about.
  21. unclechopchop

    Macross 30

    If this turns out to be a RPG and not a fly around, transforming shoot em up, my pre-order will be cancelled. And to all of the people that say that I'm being stupid, I CAN'T READ JAPANESE!! Plus, normal english RPG's drive me nuts anyways. Too much of that stuff is put in games these days, slowing action down, and making things super confusing (at least to me).
  22. unclechopchop

    Macross 30

    So is this game gonna be a full RPG?
  23. Thank you. I've checked those spots, but unfortunately I guess I'm trying to find out more.
  24. Wow, sarcasm. Considering we're on an English speaking board, I just figured I would ask.
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