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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. And he was the only "original" cast member to boot.
  2. Went to see it at lunch today with some guys from my office. It was decent enough. Typical Shyamalan from start to finish with decent performances by the cast. IMHO the cast is what makes this movie as the story felt like one long-winded joke leading up to a not so easy to figure out punchline. Going to see the Manchurian Candidate tonight with the wife. I hear it is far different from the original with several twists the original does not have...
  3. Guys you are just feeding his fire. This is like throwing dollar bills at a tap-dancing street performer... by constantly bickering with him you are just "proving his point" in his mind and egging him on to keep retorting about how superior he and his culture are to us. And to ValkDelight: Dude, I'm not a mod. Don't PM me and get all huffy about people who should be banned and how "I'm running a terrible place" as I'm not a person in charge. I have forwarded your request to get axed onto the real folks behind the wheel and hopefully they will grant you the swift and painless release from this message board you desire. Before you go you should really learn why you have made so many people mad. It's because of the way you keep responding to everyone in what they percieve as a haughty and racist tone. You know the terrible geographic and societal divide you keep preaching about? It is the reason everyone is pissed at you. Just as you cannot understand us and how we react we are most likely misinterpreting what you are trying to say as you are coming off to all of us as a racist at worst and a jerk at best. You constantly contradict your own edict by continuing to "fight" with people on here who are merely reacting to your poor choices of words. I am willing to chalk all this up to a cultural difference in that we cannot understand what you mean as long as you remember that we are all not combative people, we just react to what we see. And yes this thread has now officially qualified for the Elton John Award.
  4. I prefer Robert Altman's Original movie to the TV show... to me Hawkeye is Donald Southerland and not Alan Alda. While the movie was more or less Altman's attack on the Vietnam war I could accept it for that... but when Alan Alda got ahold of the creative reigns for the TV show to use it as his own personal soapbox and go all moody and dramatic on it MASH lost all credibility in my book. Altman's piece achieved new levels for black comedy... and even film editing and pacing... but the TV show just got so preachy and depressing that you just want to turn it off. I also found it quite eerie that the theme song "Suicide is Painless" was written by Robert Altman's 14 year old son.
  5. You know, I was sympathetic to this guy's plight at the beginning... then in his replies to Max he just took his "point" a bit too far. I lived in other countries myself and I know that their cultures and societies are different than ours but to claim that everyone in your neck of the woods is bad/good just because that is how you personally feel is just wrong. ValkDelight has stepped waaaaaay over the stereotype boundaries in his claims that just because he is asian he and his "people" are the more demure and mature in all aspects of interaction than us combative westerners. Americans and westerners tend to be more "open" with our opinions and our speach as we have been raised in an "open" society with no boundaries on our ability to express ourselves or voice our opinions, no matter how stupid or combative they are. Anyone can look at one small part of a society and cast blame or judgement on the whole as ValkDelight is doing based on their own experiences. For instance, has anyone seen that RealTV tape of some asian parliament in session where a fight breaks out and the deligates start throwing their shoes at each other? If I was to cast judgement on an entire socio-ecconomic region of the world based on that one singular experience of them I would have to say that asians are also aggressive, violent people that yell and lash out at each other. The knife cuts both ways. ValkDelight, you had a valid point about the quarrelling members on this board until you went down the "We're better than you" road. People are people, no matter what part of the world they are from. Hate, anger, arguments and verbal clashes exsist everywhere, not just in the "West".
  6. Is the FA Gundam the one with all the green armor? Does it come in a big ass box? I think I saw that then a few weeks back at a TRU I was at. I remember looking at it, saying "huh" and moving on. They also had a ton of the Arch Enemy Gelgoog/RX-78 toys.
  7. Don't let one or two ignorant sawtooths make you leave something you like. Most of the verbal nutballs on here are Americans like me. We americans have this notion that he who yells loudest and belittles his opponent the best, wins. The notion is of course, assinine... yet we all succumb to it once or twice in our lives. Think of Macross World as a movie. When the movie gets naughty or violent or gruesome... just look away. You don't have to read the posts that people post when arguing with each other. You can tell an argumentative post from the first few words in it. I admit that after reading an entire page of back and forth malarky and hip deep crap I myself start to fume a bit. But don't judge an entire board on the actions of a small minority. If you stay you can attempt to make it better, if you leave you just abandon the problem to someone else. If you have a problem with someone or some topic let the mods know. The mods rule supreme and hand down swift justice with a cherry on top if it is necessary. In the mean time, avoid the haters and hang out in a different section of the board for a while. The "hostile" crossfire threads are few and far between when compared to the bulk of the site. Give us a chance, don't focus on the bad things and have fun.
  8. Burning in hell next to Hitler. Joking. I am unaware of that piece of slime being available online anywhere but I'm sure someone here does know where it is at. You might just want to do yourself a favor and find copies of Megazone 23 parts 1-3 rather than watch that terrible, terrible edit called Robotech the Movie.
  9. Wow, now that is rare... After all, the F-105 got the nickname "THUD" in Vietnam for a reason... they tended to crash more than they landed wheels down.
  10. The domestic release has (of course) better audio quality as well and has such fanboy freakout features like subbed music, "clean" intro and endings, song subs in both languages (they will sub a song in english and in phonetic japanese for the hardcore geeks), special features like character and mecha bios (short but hey, it's a feature) and of course that wonderful hard plastic packaging with horrid graphics. I myself prefer the graphics and overall look of the boot's packaging... at least they used original artwork rather than having Danny down in layout ham-fist trace and color some leftover art prints.
  11. "Love, Live, Alive" It is basically an after-special OAV made for the Mospeada fans in Japan (yep, all four of 'em ) that featured a concert by Yellow Belmont followed by an interview with flashbacks to the series. It is about 25% new footage and 75% recycled footage, mainly it's one long montage to the music of the series. It technically adds nothing to the story but it is cute in it's own right.
  12. As I said in my post, firearms are tools which can be beneficial or hazzardous depending on how you see them. Being someone who has been around weapons in one way or another since I was a child they are basically like a hammer or a bench lathe to me now. However misuse of a hammer or a bench lathe can kill you just like a firearm. I advise against having firearms in the house with small children without keeping a close watch on the weapon. JawJaw is perfectly right in that children are a bad mix with firearms. Even the most mature child is not capable of understanding the nuances of the use of a firearm or the reprocussions of it's use. Locking it up in a safe lockable case with a key lock and putting it high in a closet does not in any way diminish your ability to access it in a time of need for the most part. My G21 has one of those glocklock combination magazines in it in my nightstand next to my bed. I and my wife are the only ones that know the combination to use the pistol in case of emergency. Most times you will need to use a firearm for home defense will be at night when you are in your bedroom and the buglars are out in the house somewhere. Use of weapons for defense is just personal preference. I myself and my wife have a nice history of training and drilling with weapons and being in a few hairy situations feel confident in our ability to handle a firearm in a hostile environment... but as a last resort only. When you are in combat and everything is shooting off all around you it is easy to justify discharging your weapon, but not when it is a one on one domestic engagement like confronting a theif. You are better off using a door lock and a phone then you are using a firearm. The firearm should be the last line of defense only, if used propperly and responsibly a pistol can save your life just like a life vest or climbing harness. Firearm safety, just like confronting a theif, requires a firm mental state and calm nerves which only come from experience and training... something most people never bother to learn when they buy a weapon. As Graham said, a firearm is a big responsability not to be taken lightly. Because stupid or untrained people + firearms = disaster almost all of the time. I only wish all gun owners had the clarity and responsability to follow that line of logic... the world would actually be a safer place. After all, it is the person that screws up you should fear and not the weapon.
  13. I'm at work right now but I can take a shot of my G21 when I get home. In the meantime, I buy all my accessories at Top Glock. They carry everything from simple replacement parts and mags to sights, grips, lights, lasers, holsters and other manner of Glock swag like the field knives and entrenching tools. They will even do all the gunsmithing for you if you send in your receiver or slide. The prices are common for mod items but they have a few of what they call "reliability" upgrade packages that turn a normal glock into a typewriter for about $150+/- depending on the model. My particular pistol has a KKM threaded barrel with a phantom flash hider on it, the "defender package" that came with a lot of nice parts, the backstrap plug and the ambi magazine release button kit(I did not get that one from Top Glock, can't really remember were I got it actually but it was on the internet).
  14. Yes the bootleg does have LLA but it is unsubtitled and the video quality is crap. If you absolutely have to have LLA on DVD then it is one option but most folks went online and just downloaded the movie file (which is higher quality I heard) than buy the bootleg set just for LLA.
  15. Speaking as someone who has shot many a SOCOM Mk23... trust me... you want the Glock, or at least the USP. The Mk23 is a good gun, don't get me wrong, but the thing is mammoth. Earlier you said you disliked the size and feel of the DEP yet you like the Mk23? They are almost alike in size and space layout of features. I have to use two hands to operate the Mk23 because everything is so far apart... yet I can single hand a DEP easily. Let's also not forget that it would be cheaper to buy a DEP than a Mk23... average sale price on those puppies is about $1,750... in my book that better get you two or three guns or a used car. There is a reason H&K made the USP... because the Mk23 was too big, too awkward and waaaaaay too expensive for what it did. I would agree that a tricked out USP will give a Glock a run for it's money but most of the "features" on the USP are not all that usefull in the everyday shooting world. Like a hammer and decocker... sure it is fun to decock your pistol or manually cock the hammer, but unless you are a cop and need to be carrying a "safe" chambered pistol the features are just fluff in the end. Speaking as a Glock enthusiast, you can add one or two parts to a factory or C type glock and get the same performance as a Mk23 at a third of the cost, My G21 has the extended slide release and ambi mag release put on it as well as the fully adjustable tritium sights and a threaded barrel (which has a simple flashhider on it... mostly for looks). Whole thing is very accurate, light, easy to one-hand and cost under $600. Sure it may not win any beauty contests but it's the dependability factor that comes into play with the Glocks for me. My other pistol of choice is the Sig Sauer 220 American. Same features and size as your USP, just a tad different. Sometimes you can get a 220 for less than a USP if you want to go that route.
  16. Try not to see us as lecturers but as folks who may have been there at one point and are simply offering advice on how to survive an encounter. As for owning a nice defensive handgun, I myself see it as a good investment. Be you gun nut or limp-wrist owning and knowing how to operate a firearm could be something that saves your life some day. Most states have classes and instructors willing to teach you all you need to know and most common quality defensive handguns can be bought for less than $400 at reputable gun stores. Think of a gun as a tool... it has it's uses and it's hazzards. If you get one follow safety instructions and also have everyone in the house who is of age trained in it's operation. There could come the day that your wife is in a spot and needs the defensive edge. As for the use of a weapon to defend yourself from a burgler, keep this in mind. When the cops show up they point their guns at you as all they see is a guy holding a gun on another guy. So be prepared to have some explaining to do when the police show up if you use a gun to defend yourself and also be calm when dealing with firearms, bad guys and the police. Getting all ramped up and emotional clouds your thinking and your aim... but stress reacts on people differently. In that case RUN!
  17. They actually abuse that little tidbit of trivia in the original Area 88 Manga and Anime. Shin and a wingman, both flying Crusaders, fold their wings in mid-flight to avoid a nasty secret weapon that rips the wings off of planes. I was watching the history channel the other night, had a special on the U2 spyplane and the whole mess over Russia in the cold war. Supposedly the cockpit in those things is so cramped that if you eject wrong your legs get ripped off by the overhang of the control pannel!
  18. The only problem is that almost all of the common theives you will encounter in life are not professionals. Most of the time they are the ilk that will shoot you twice without thinking about it, if they have not pawned that gun yet. Having been a victim of an armed robbery in college were a good friend of mine was killed right in front of me I am a firm believer in the "give them what they want, let them take what they want and only act when your life is threatened" policy. If my friend had not tried to fight the robber he would be alive today. The thing to remember is the hard core "professional" theives pick their targets in respect to the risk involved and the payoff. Why rob a suburban home, apartment or a condo (like mine) when you can only make off with so much stuff... the professionals hit big targets like businesses and stores, places they can haul off thousands of dollars of loot. It's the crack heads and meth freaks breaking your rear door window to steal your DVD player you have to watch out for... you can even light them up with a 9mm and sometimes they won't go down.
  19. Heh... I was wondering if someone was going to spot the Smithy 500 in this current page. The Smithy 500, when you absolutely, positively need to shoot through those four or five walls to hit that target.
  20. As much as I want to pat you on the back and hand you a cigar the Sergent was very right to remind you of the dangers. Seeing as I hang out with so many cops I might as well be one here are two stories from the state of Missouri that should make you cringe a little (and everyone else too): Guy wakes up in the middle of the night to discover his house is being burglarized. He immediately goes over to his closet and gets out his 12 gauge shotgun and proceeds downstairs as his wife dials 911. Now depending on who's story you believe the scene ended up with two burglars shot dead... not just dead but litterally to pieces, the guy's entire living room shot up like a shooting gallery and they guy himself wounded in the stomach from a .32. Who shot first? Who shot last? That was for the police and courts to decide. Months later the case ended up like this: The homeowner was aquitted of all wrongdoing in his shotgun blazing defense of his home but ended up with serious health problems from his injuries... then another month or so later he was sued by both burglar's families for wrongful death. The attorneys put all their cards on the guy's use of a shotgun to "defend" himself with and the jury saw it their way. The guy was found viable with two counts of wrongful death on the grounds he "used innapropriate lethal force recklessly to subdue the plaintiff's" (or so said the verdict) and had to pay them tens of thousands of dollars as well as legal fees, yadda, yadda, yadda to the point that his own medical bills from the incident went unpaid. The second story is almost the reverse of the above but with equally crappy consequences. A man and a woman come home after an evening out to discover their house is being ransacked by two to three individuals. The man tells his wife to go to the neighbors and call the police (this happened before cell phones if that dates it at all) as he goes into his house to try and keep the burglars pinned down. As he enters the home he is immediately shot dead center in the chest... by his own handgun. The man had suposedly left his gun unlocked, loaded and in a dresser drawer which was very easy for the burglars to find. They apparently heard him coming to the door and fumbling with the lock and took the opportunity to dispatch him rather than run. Now for the really sad part... his wife, hearing the gunshot, runs back over to their house and enters the same door her husband came in. It can only be assumed she saw his body and turned to run as she was then promptly shot in the back by the same gun. Long story short: burglars vanished into the night in a vehicle that was only vaguely described to the police by the neighbors, leaving behind the murder weapon which had no fingerprints on it and taking with them the wallet of the man they had just shot... as well as most of their valuables. Both the man and his wife were DOA when the cops and paramedics arrived and to this day the case is unsolved. So my point being: Nice job catching the theif but always remember that that theif could be armed to the teeth and dispatching him may or may not leave you the "good guy" in the end. The laws and legal system of america have been warped to such a point that the victims become the criminals and vice versa. Always think before you leap, you can replace things but you cannot replace people.
  21. I just picked it up on the way home from work tonight... was not even going to buy another pistol. Went into the gun shop a few weeks back looking to order an M1A1 and there in the case brand spanking new was this stainless steel beastie. It spoke to me and I had to buy it. Hey, these might be legal up there in Canada... the barrel is 6.5" long. Doesn't that meet your length laws? Plus it was cheap for a shop gun, only about $800 with tax and permit. ... as for one in each hand you have to be off your rocker, I can barely hold onto this one with two hands! Plisken must have had the forearms of Arnold!
  22. That depends on what you think it is. It's just a run of the mill Smith and Wesson 625 custom shop chambered in .45LC with the super underlug package, scope rail and hardwood grips. It is as close to the Snake Plisken custom pistol as I can get. Next stop is a silver finish Propoint 3 for the top. This gun makes me feel all tingly inside. Now I can proudly say the line from Johnny Dangerously when wielding it: "It's an .88 Magnum... it shoots through schools."
  23. I'm pretty sure you can still get an Automag III self-loader chambered in .30 carbine for a pretty good price... those basically look like long disproportionate 1911's. As I said, I'm not a hunter, but it seems to me you want something chambered in a very strong round to drop the beastie in one shot. Most animals tend to run off like squirrels when shot so you might not get another chance at it with a small caliber pistol. I would think anything .45LC or in that family (.454, .480 or even a .50 Beowolf) would knock the crap out of anything you shot. Plus if you are in a swampy situation the more simple and fool-proof a weapon the better... like a nice revolver. Or you could just compromise and get this monster... I call him "Muthuh" and he is my new toy...
  24. Violence begits violence, hate begits hate and name calling argumentative douchebaggery begits name calling argumentative douchebaggery. Seriously folks grow the F up and drop it. I'm getting sick to freaking death of reading five million word long diatribes by all parties involved in their innate back and fourth pick apart the other guy's last response bickering. Farking hell, at least Skullone kept his attacks to one paragraph or less. I don't care who called who's mamma a name or who said who was a flamer but just freaking drop it. If not for your own blood pressure then for my sake. ... don't make me call on Cock Knocker.
  25. For hunting purposes you want something that can hit with power but at the same time be accurate. I myself am not a hunter but my pistol hunting friends have Lone Eagles or Single Action revolvers. You can get a Magnum Research BFR or Lone Eagle now for pennies on the dollar, those are single action revolvers and single shot pistols but they come in large enough calibers to knock down just about anything. Plus the Lone Eagle can be chambered for rifle rounds like 7mm Remington and .308. Also when it comes to the Desert Eagle most of what you hear is hype. About all that gun is good for is hunting but you would need one of the long barrels plus a scope to use the thing effectively. When it comes to hunting you want power over capacity so most black rifles and common pistols are out. There are tons of specialty long barreled revolvers for just this application but they tend to look goofy. Who in the world waves a revolver with a 12" barrel around? A hunter and that is about it.
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