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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Well I guess it is time to get me a new Brade Runnuh... I mean... "Android Hunter".
  2. The "Android Hunter" was a semi-bootleg semi-unofficial way for a Japanese toy maker to make a Blade Runner Rick Deckard doll without having a license. Most people think the doll is fugly, looking nothing like Harrison from the movie but for the money (or at least for the price that I got mine for) it was a decent doll of Blade Runner Deckard. There are supposedly lots of variants of this toy with several changes between them... don't ask me what they are are the one I own is the only one I have ever seen.
  3. If I'm not mistaken that Medicom toy does not even have the markings or the rack lights, right? It's just a grey blob made to look similair to the spinner but be different enough to not be... Rats. How is it's quality compared to say the "Andriod Hunter" doll. I have that doll and I think it's nice enough for what it is.
  4. That 1/24 scale spinner I saw but DAAAAAAAAAAMN for 5 big ones I'd prefer it be able to fly under it's own power... What scale is the Jap toy, 1/18?
  5. So... so... you own the Ertl cars too?!? I swear, you'd think this movie would have spawned better licensed items than what it has.
  6. Are those MiM Spinners kit or toy? Models and I have an agreement to stay 50 yards away from each other.
  7. "Yarrr... that was a quarter, he'll be dancin' all day." ANYWAY... Anyone know where a chap can get him one of those Japanese "not blade runner but still blade runner" large scale metal spinner cars? I saw one for sale on MW before but did not get a chance to get it then... still looking for one... Also wondering if anyone has Rachel's spinner made by Ertl on the card, it's the only one of the Ertl four I'm missing... oh and the four pack set too.
  8. I for one am a person who gets bit by the dog and I shoot the dog... none of this going back to try to pet it again thinking it will not bite you again. I had high hopes for the Toynami Legioss but for me it turned out to be a piece of crap so I will not buy any more of them. I give every toy line or maker who makes products I'm interested in one chance... if they blow it then they get no more of my money. In all honesty I gave Toynami TWO chances as I bought one of the VF-1 MPCs and hated it as well.
  9. He say you Brade Runnuh... I think some skinjobs should back off from their over emotional Blade Runner arguments before this lovely Brade Runnuh thread gets locked. This is why we build replicants with incept dates and termination dates... so they stop arguing over semantics.
  10. I have the original tenth aniversary VHS and a transfer to DVD I made of it at work so I can watch it (I no longer have a VCR). Some of the bootlegs I have seen are either rips of this tape, rips of the original VHS release or someone once told me their was a japanese laserdisc of the original cut that got booted onto DVD... have not seen any of them so I have no clue about quality but as a rule of thumb VHS to DVD transfers are usually very bad with low resolution and poor sound transfer. Edit: I think it should also be noted that from the time it was released in 1982 up until the "Director's Cut" made it's debut in the mid to late '90s (the date seems to vary on some boxes) it was the "bad" narrated version that received all the press and critical praise. Everyone loved the original "not the director's vision" movie. Sure it had a lot of flaws but to those of us who saw it in the theaters when it came out it was a stupendous movie... it was not until the '90s and the release of the so called "director's cut" that the whole argument over which is better started up. As for the people claiming Ridley Scott did not have the pull to get a movie made the way he wanted you only have to look 5 years earlier to Alien. If you have the newest release of Alien on DVD and you watch the introduction by Ridley himself he says that the original cut of Alien was exactly the way he wanted it and that the new "director's cut" that was released recently and on the DVD was more or less a "because I could go back and change things, not because the movie was flawed or incomplete". In Ridley Scott's eyes, the original release of BR was flawed due to pressure from outside... but on the flipside of the coin he was rushed in editing the DC of the movie so that version too is flawed. Now comes the true question? How does a viewer know it is flawed unless he is sitting in Ridley's backseat listening to him tell you that? We don't. Sure we know it now but back in 1982 BR was a specticle, it was great. Those of us who grew up watching the original non DC movie seem to have more of a "meh" feeling for the DC more out of nostalgia than actual preference of that cut. I myself would love to see the "real version" that Ridley claims he has assembled but the same studio infighting that produced the flawed original is keeping the "real" cut from the fans. If anything, the person to be angry at in this whole mess is the hair pile that is holding the rights over Ridley's head and preventing the "true" movie from being released as the two we have now are both "flawed" and not the "true" movie... so arguing over which of the two "lame duck" edits we have now is like arguing over which car is better, the one that finished last or the one that finished second to last.
  11. That is Hollywood for you though... a situation that we macross fans can identify with, a bastard who holds the rights to something wonderful by almost trickery of a old original contract who is sitting on the rights refusing to allow the property to breathe just because of their own personal feelings. Wow. This guy qualifies for the Douche Bag of the year award hands down. "No, I refuse to give people pleasure and make money... I want this thing I hate to die!"
  12. I think a lot of people dislike Blade Runner because it is not the typical shoot 'em up, flame throwing killer robots and spaceships shooting laser beams Science fiction movie... As Ewilen said it has more in common with Solaris, Outland and other low-key sci-fi movies. I myself love sci-fi like Blade Runner and Outland, movies that take a normal cops and robbers or detective story and take it into space... but do it in such a way that it does not focus on the specticle of space and science but on the story and the human interaction. That IMHO is why so many science fiction movies fail nowadays, they try too hard to be "flashy" and cool and totally ignore the basics of character development and story just to blow up another robot or try to wow the audience with another pointless CGI sequence.
  13. To me the trick line is "Helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights". We have no frame of reference of how long that took. I always equate the Jedi to the Samurai of Japan... look how long it took after the coming of the new age in Japan for the Samurai to get weeded out. From Ben's speach the elimination of the Jedi could have taken quite a few years to accomplish, in the meantime Luke's "father" (keeping in mind the context of the first movie Lukes father and Vader are not the same person yet) could have fathered Luke later in his life at some point before he was killed. Luke's father could have also been one of the last Jedi like Obiwan, being killed only "recently" compared to the others. Vader being called a "young pupil" also puts the hook in me that this all happened a long, long time ago. As Vader is a machine now and incapable of being "aged" like Obiwan you can easily assume all this happened quite a while back. Add to that the mysticism in the first movie that the Jedi seem to defy age and death... who knows how old Obiwan really was, even Vader or "Luke's father" for that matter. It's all in how you percieve the dialogue in the first movie. It's the following movies that put it all in a more time concerned context.
  14. I know what sarcasm is I'm just remarking on how the new movies and the old movies fail to marry up in a lot of the small details. I'm still one of those guys that believes ANH was a one-off stand alone movie and should have always been that until it's rampant sucess prompted King George to pull the "I really wrote six movies!" thing out of his ass. In it's own context back in the day without the other movies or outside materials exsisting yet ANH gave the viewer the feeling that the jedi have been dead for a very, very long time. It is not until you see the other movies that you determine that the died out a lot closer to the "present day" than they seem.
  15. To me "ancient" is Babylon, the Pyramids, the Hoplites, Agamemnon, the Siege of Troy... that kind of stuff. "Ancient" carries a connotation of thousands of years in the past. Something 20 years old is just recent history to me... then again it seems the older a person gets the closer the past is to them. I'm 34 and to me 1984 seems almost four weeks ago. I remember everything clearly as the day it happened... I was what, 14 then? People still drive 20 year old cars and wear 20 year old clothes... more to the subject the Y-wing fighters in ANH are supposed to be about 20 years old when the movie takes place. So if they have a fighter bomber from the time of the death of the jedi does that not mean the rebellion is flying "ancient" fighters?
  16. He is actually a lurker on here somewhere and he read that people were getting "good" ones so he pressed his luck and ordered one... ... he guessed wrong...
  17. It's that kind of logic that made me wonder if they are just not going to run off a few more thousand claiming "reutrns" and just release them into the market.
  18. The answer is supposedly "yes" and ask Captain America how much of a "yes" it is. As for the whole alpha issue, mine is also on it's way back to toynami. I got mine from Kevin but I saw no reason for him to bear part of the hassle of this crappy toy so I went straight to the source of the problem. I'm expecting my replacement back any day now. On another note, if many peole keep returning their toys straight to the manufacturer with nice little letters like mine perhaps they will get the point... but in all seriousness I doubt they will. With the first MPC they had the chance to learn from mistakes and this new release shows they learned nothing, instead choosing to keep making mediocre, sub-par toys at rediculous profit margins. Also don't believe anyone telling you the "Toynami is a small company and the price of the MPC is indicative of their costs for making a short run toy" as that is malarky. Toynami in my mind is just as capable as another small company called Yamato and they could use good plastics, paints and make things a lot better than they do... they just actively decide to place the money in their pockets rather than into quality toy design. And in other news the other guy in my office who bought my legioss then asked for his money back bought one of his own online and got it this week. He is just as dissapointed with it as he was with mine and it has almost all of the same issues mine had. These toys are such russian roulette that there are just as many poor samples as there are "acceptably adequate" ones. If toynami has to do replacements on several hundred of these toys then would the logic not persist that out of the 15,000 supposedly made if a fifth of them are returned that means a fifth less in the total number... making these pieces of crap even more collectable to the number oriented. Every toy returned and exchanged is one less toy in circulation.
  19. I find it funny that the original Blade Runner with Deckard's narration I can sit down and watch all the way through and like it... but the "director's cut" without the narration just seems to drag on like a deflating blimp and I cannot sit through more than a few minutes of it. It's the same movie except the extra narration makes me feel there is more going on that needs my attention.
  20. [shameless plug] While it is not a "true" Hikaru VF-1S Strike 1/48 I have one for sale HERE. Asking price lowered to $185 shipped, and that is for the valk, fast packs and a little friend and USPS shipping inside the US. [/shameless plug] Price is all in what people are willing to pay for something, if people don't buy then the prices will either go down (if the people actually want to sell their wares) or they will stay the same and the sellers will just not sell anything. Edit price lowered for faster sale, wife wants her basement back.
  21. While being a nice looking statue and all that figure looks nothing like Michael Biehn. Sometimes McFarlane hits the nail right on the head and other times (like with the Akira figures and all their other anime and game figures) they miss the mark entirely.
  22. Somewhere in my basement that I'm cleaning out right now I have that 12" GIJoe marine and alien set loose. If anyone wants it (and if I come across it) drop me a PM and shoot me a price. God knows my wife is always happy to see me get rid of my loose boxed crap...
  23. Hero was a slow, easily forgettable movie from 1992 starring Dustin Hoffman, Jeena Davis and Andy Garcia about a bum who saves people from a plane crash but a pretty boy takes the credit instead... ... oh wait... You mean the HK movie...
  24. I bet this has been covered to death already but being someone who has not been reading all the SW topics on here and on other sites I have three quick questions that some diehards could answer for me... 1) should we not be seeing *-Wing fighters in this last movie already? Supposedly from what I remember the "Stunt Fighter" X and Y wings used in A New Hope were supposed to be like 15 to 20 year old fighters then, where they not? 2) Just where the F are the "corrillians"? In A New Hope everything worth it's mustard was referred to as a "Corrillian" ship, person or item. The new movies have started calling everything "Human" and I have not heard the word Corrillian since ANH. 3) If the Jedi order is indeed wiped out in the last movie, and during this last movie we see Padme pregnant with Luke and Leia, can we then assume that L&L are born near the end of the movie... which would make both of them between 16 and 19 in ANH... that would mean the Jedi order has only been wiped out for about 20 years at most. Why on earth do they constantly keep saying things like "The jedi have long since been extinct" and "ancient weapons and hoaky religions"? The crap would only be 20 years old!... most likely with several million people still remembering them fresh in their minds! Retcon anyone? ... sorry but the closer this movie draws near the more I and my co-workers keep questioning everything in the OT as it relates to the new movies. The more we question, the more glaring issues pop up and it makes us wonder even more if a third Retcon to the OT is in the works soon to correct all the minor but glaring story inconsistencies. ... then again we are just a bunch of 20 to 30 something jaded SW fans.
  25. Another MPC poll without a selection for me... I wanted a selection that read: "Mine is loose as a goose, put together by blind midgets out of the worst materials known to man... nothing is broken but the toy is so disappointing that I loathe it" (See also MPC thread for my list of poor and slapdash issues with my toy) Edit: well crap. I submitted a null vote to see the results. And how many times must I say I'm no longer evil jesus! With my haircut and color with shave I now am evil blonde guy from Queer Eve for the Straight Guy just ungay... or mod hair Kenny G as my employees call me now.
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