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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Funny... I did everything my book told me to do and I barely scored a 36. Obviously the person who wrote that test themselves have no experience fighting the undead or using real weapons... the tactical decisions and words used by them are wrought with mistakes. Must be another one of those "movie watchin' zombie hunters"
  2. Nope. I actually found the show to be very stale. Most of the "hunor" was rehash... all done before by someone else which was funny then. Robot Chicken is just rehash jokes told with stop motion toys.
  3. I found myself watching it... not really enjoying it, but watching it. It's sort of like that other stop-motion show that was on years ago with the used toys that I can't quite remember the name of (it was around in the late '90s, never really had any decent airtime). At the same time I keep having flashbacks to old Toyfare "Big Shot" comcis. While the idea, the material and the presentation are nowhere near new and the humor is sub-juvenile on many cases I can see this show becoming quite popular with the geekdom viewers out there. After all, what is better than a show featuring tons of old toys beating on each other and doing other kooky stunts? It's just too bad the thing reeks of idea ripoff. Seth Green is good at butt and fart humor and the guy does not have an original bone in his body so this project fits him to a T. We'll see how long he can keep up the pace. The first episode started out strong but faded and the second episode did not make me chuckle even once. Where it goes from here is a matter of material... I think people will get tired of the same humor after too long. One can only watch toys hit each other, make bathroom jokes and get dismembered so many times until it just stops being funny.
  4. I personally have not seen a "original" USC up close to know... I've seen a lof ot SL8's but never a "non converted" USC. I have been told (and I believe the sources) that the USC is exactly like the SL8 in that it is purpose made to not accept high capacity magazines. I know a local gun shop owner who bought a USC then had it converted into a UMP clone before he even shot the weapon in it's standard form. I know one of the main points he made about the conversion was that it would accept UMP magazines after the conversion but not before. Much like the SL8 you can also get a kit that converts the USC magwell to accept greasegun magazines. The main thing to keep in the back of your mind when looking at the USC and SL8 are that they are purpose made weapons, designed to be completely "neutered" so they could get around the strict US import regulations and (at the time) the omnibus crime bill (1994 assault weapons ban). The sad truth of the SL8 and USC are that they are outstanding weapons but very few sold because they were just so "different" and "ugly" as some people called them. H&K has even stopped importing them due to their poor sales, so any of them you see out there on the market are all you are going to see from now on. H&K is in a tough spot right now when it comes to long guns (rifles and carbines) in respect to US sales. The only way they can legally release their weapons here in the US in non neutered forms would be for them to have a production plant here and a sub-company here (that was US owned and controlled) which would allow them to legally make their weapons in "pre-ban" configurations (single shot of course) and sell them to the US market. It seems H&K is just not willing to do that. On the same front as H&K are the clone makers. H&K clone companies like Special Weapons and Bobcat Weapons (which technically are the same darn company, just under different names) make "bootleg" H&K copies of their bread and butter weapons along with some new offerings like their SP-10 carbine (sort of an amorphodite ugly cousin of the UMP). If you really want a H&K weapon like an HK94, 91 or a SP89 then buying a Special or Bobcat weapon at one tenth the price of the real H&K weapons seems like a steal... up until the point you actually pull the trigger on the weapon. Special and Bobcat weapons require lots of after market gunsmith tweaking to make them serviceable weapons... in other words they are the MPC of the gun world. Lots of promises, very high price and crap for quality. I personally own a SP-10 that had to be sent back three times to get the thing to eject correctly and on the third time they denied my warranty claiming that "my addition of a Top Notch folding stock voided my warranty" so I sent it to Top and they had it running like a typewritter in one week. I learned my lesson: when possible always buy original H&K.
  5. To my knowledge there is no such thing as a "factory" SL8 high capacity magazine. The SL8 was designed for a "assault weapons ban" america and it has several built in features that go so far as to prevent the weapon from taking high cap magazines. On the inside of the the magwell it has these little nubs that prevent the use of G36 mags so the only mags that will fit normally are the 10 round special SL8 magazines. A way "around" this is to get one of the conversion kits and convert the magwell to accept AR15 magazines. With that conversion you can run all manner of standard AR mag with the only ecceptions being the Ramline 90 round and the Beta C mag (I have been told that is because the large magwell sides on the SL8 hit the drums of those mags and prevent them from inserting properlly. The SL8 is an excellent target rifle but it suffers from being H&K's attempt to get a quality rifle in the hands of american shooters and get around the import and assault weapons ban at the time... the result is a high quality, nice rifle that some say looks fugly and has stunted options for growth beyond what it is. But there are several companies out there like Top Notch in Arizona that make high quality conversion kits that convert your ban baby SL8 or USC into G36 or UMP clones that look so close their momma couldn't tell at 20 feet. As for the SA-58 it is one of a long, varied myriad of FAL clones on the market. FAL's are nice weapons, if a little heavy for what they are. Like the old G3 and M14 the FAL is an old school main battle rifle from the days before Vietnam when military doctrines stressed long range single shot accuracy and stopping power above all else. I once owned a full size FAL a long time ago and I personally found it to be a nice weapon... if a tad heavy, but it was a full size rifle and not the carbine that you are looking at. One quick thing to keep in mind on the FALs are that they come in two different types of receiver: inch and metric. Those two types also take two different magazines, once again inch and metric pattern. Make sure you have the right magazine for the right receiver otherwise feeding and loading issues will crop up.
  6. It should also be noted that Revolvers are 100% reliable... get a bad round in a revolver and just pull the trigger again. Self-loading pistols, no matter how well made, are prone to jams and misfeeds as well as if you get a bad round you must clear it by hand by cycling the action. It's also not like there are no self-loaders in Patlabor... the one new police labor had a pistol that looked like .44 Automag and the Brockens sport MPL looking SMG weapons.
  7. If it is the weapon Rae Don Chong fires at the police truck in Arnold Schwarzenegger's movie Commando then that is the M202 A2 "flame rocktet" unit. It was basically a four shot incendiary rocket launcher that was uncle sam's supposed replacement for the flamethrower. Basically it lobs these crappy incendiary rockets at it's target... the rockets don't "explode" per se as much as they burst into flame and burn for a long time. The weapon was supposed to be used to clear bunkers, trenches, buildings and whatnot without using explosives. Needless to say... it sucked. It was useless against armor and pretty much useless against hardened positions as well. The military abandoned it in the '80s. Edit: the M202 A2 seems to have the nickname "Flash" on the internet... most likely thanks to the Soldier of Fortune game that had that weapon and called it thus. I have never heard the M202 called a "Flash" before.
  8. But... they've got trousers! These guys want to go into combat Miami Vice style wearing today's hot fashions. Deconstructed Italian suit? White leather loafers without socks? Something missing? Complete the look.
  9. Sounds about right to me. GI Joe has always been a trend whore from day one. Just because they got "cool" in the early '80s for a few years does not mean they would stay that way. Keep in mind, I grew up in the '70s, not the '80s like most of you guys... the GI Joe I remember are the 12" dolls with lame action packs like "jungle rescue" and "life-like hair" with "speaking action"! I was about 12 when they shrunk Joe down to compete with Star Wars. I do admit that the early tiny Joes had me as a fan but they started to really put the suck on about the third or fourth release of the toys... it was obvious they where running out of ideas at that point. Then don't forget the whole sell out to Sgt. Slaughter and the Cobra-la crap... Tigerforce... "Space" joes... ugh. I only got re-interested in Joes when they re-made the 12" line. The first few lines sucked and it was only after 21st Century, BBI, Dragon and others got into it and "showed them how it was done" that once again Hasbro admitted defeat and moved back to the fruity marshmallow Joes. Now it appears they are redoing them again in an attempt to "liven up" the line for a new generation... once more. I considder my Childhood unraped this time as this is SOP for Hasbro. Now if you tell me Dragon or BBI has decided to make 8" Action X-treme Uber Alien hunter men with ninja turtle weapons then sure, I'd be a tad miffed.
  10. As long as they play the Styx song somewhere in the movie I'm all for it. Lorelei leeeeeeet's liiiiiiiiive together!
  11. Look for a dummy or a Dewat. Dummy guns exsist in almost all forms if you look hard enough. I myself have a Dewat MP40 that I gleened from a friend's relative's estate. It's bad ass... as a paperweight.
  12. Different things spoil things for different people. I myself think that a good deal of the things I've seen in here are not really "spoilers" per se but there are a few items that I would consider to me to be spoilers. Those items differ from person to person so this whole subject in and of itself is a touchy one. And it's not like you can take back an inadvertant look at a picture... ... so perhaps the underlying tone of this thread might be "BE FOREWARNED". Or perhaps in the sake of retaining any further "spoilers" we might just want to limit things posted to "art shots" like the Bail Organa costume shot and such. Those things really don't spoil anything if you ask me... but then again they still could in the minds of some people.
  13. The AR15 family is the only weapon that I myself am personally comfortable with. I thank uncle sam, my dad training me on an old SP1 and my own personal interest in them for my level of preference. A lot of people hate the AR but in the hands of a well trained person they are nice rifles. I have yet to shoot a modern battle rifle that I feel as comfortable with as my trusty old A1... then again familiarity and prowess only come from experience and use. If I had access to the new toys on a more regular basis I'm sure I'd warm up to them more. Then again I just love the cat calls I get at the SLCPD training range when that old A1 comes out of the case... it's like dragging out a wooden leg to shoot with in the minds of some of the younger guys. They prefer their new flashy weapons to the "classics". I and the other weapons instructor seem to be "old timers". His rifle of choice is a Springfield M1A1 recon. He is the oldest instructor there... having been a Marine in Vietnam he has a level of attachment to his M1 that I have with my A1 commando.
  14. Here in STL beat cops cannot order the P90 or it's ammo. Only the department can procure the weapons and ammo and only for the ERT team members. Add to that that then the ERT team members cannot even take home the weapons, they have to remain in the lockup or in the RDT. Heck, here beat cops cannot even have a AR15 in their squad... only the shift supervisors and sergents can have a "trunk gun" in the cruiser. As far as the P90 and it's ammo go we here in STL have no need for them. We ordered a giant shipment of H&K MP5 and the new UMP weapons a while back. These are great guns and there is no need to upgrade to the P90... we don't come up against too many times when we would need that kind of penetrating power.
  15. Someone sent this to me yesterday (one of the cops I help train). I've seen this clip before and some of you may have as well but I just love it... especially with the Conan the Barbarian music. GE Miniguns in Action... set to MUSIC!
  16. I myself do not know the first thing about making a message board skin. I am a classic case of "I don't know how to do it but I know what I like". Sure, I've looked up the sites and links other people posted before they even posted them but they mean roundabout chinese to me... so I did the thing I'm best at: asked for people who know and offered to throw money at it. I know if I had the time and someone to help me I could make my own skin but without people who know what to do and have did this before I'd be spinning my wheels. I also realize it will still take the admins to not only approve this little proposal of mine but to even get it to work... What I am trying to accomplish in this thread is get others as excited or interested in the improvement of this site outside of waiting for someone else to do something or "settle" for the looks of a site just because they don't care. But all I keep seeing is everyone else wanting to pick a fight with Duke because of the tone of his post and not the content. And as for the continued hostility and insult trading here... please, can't we all just grow up a bit and put this stuff behind us? Just because this is a message board about a cartoon we watched when we were kids does not mean we should keep acting like kids. Can we just have one topic in this feedback section without all the pettiness? If you think another member is acting in a bad way your jumping into the frey with guns blazing just expands the conflict and creates more tension and hostility. I'm just going to wait and see if an admin comes in and likes my idea of a skin making contest... if they don't then oh well, I tried.
  17. No what I mean is the front page and the "basic out of the box" look of the forums basically tell the uninitiated new lurker or member that Macrossworld is a cheap basement operation (which it is). But other cheap basement operation websites I have been to have had super slick front pages with nice custom skin message boards with personalized graphics that at least say the name of the site. The old Macrossworld had that to a degree. Hell, Robotech.com has that. Sure the current "old hand" membership may not give a rats ass as they are now here for the steak and not the sizzle at this point but some nice clean lines, cool graphics and some splash never hurt anyone. Would you rather live in a house populated with high style... or walmart furniture? I just think that it reflects rather poorly on us that over a year has gone by and we still look like we are moving into the place and operating from a folding card table out of a tackle box. I realize this is a "hobby" for all involved and the pure superattention that a paying gig gets is not as drawing as a hobby site but still... I know someone out there agrees with me other than Duke. ... or is this a case of no one likes Duke or his opinions, I sort of agree with Duke on this, so now no one likes me or my opinions? Then again I'm a guy who spends two hours washing and waxing his car... it takes me half an hour to get propperly "dressed" to go to out. I'm very big into personal apperances, you look good and it reflects well on you... you walk into a place wearing a smelly two day old t-shirt with cheeto stains on it and it does not... just like how having a slick, polished website with nice graphics and cool style makes you look more impressive... whereas one that says "Timmy's Generic Message Board" just smacks of half-ass. The vibe I'm getting from everyone is: forget it... looks don't matter... Am I wrong? I just want MW to have the commanding internet presence it should have... to be great you not only have to actually be great but you have to look the part. After all, we are supposed to be the great bastion of "legit, true" Macross, right? I just think we should take off the cheap clothes and wear some high style.
  18. A skin may just be "fluff" and not much more than a coat of paint but it adds some flair, some "professionalism" to a board. I've seen rather crappy message boards get face lifts with nice skins and overnight become all around better. After all, the first thing you see on a car is the gleaming paint... the first thing you see on a wonderful meal is it's presentation... (and this one just for EXO) the first thing you notice on a woman is her body. While the "hardcore" membership may want the deep cuts and otaku level items some of us who are very concieted and vain (flashes eyelids) want something nice to look at, something that invites more members and gives off the impression of a slick, class-act place. A little pizzazz never hurt anyone and some new threads might just make a respectable woman out of this old street walker.
  19. I just don't like unneccessary fights going on (pulling up britches like an old man). It takes two to tango but if you can change the beat to a waltz and avoid stepping on more toes everyone benefits. There is no need for the arrogance and the bullheadedness that many of the posts in this thread have displayed. It's better to react to the question than the tone you think it is presented in. If you ask me Duke did what was needed, he used his usual flair to attract attention to an issue he believes needs to be addressed. If anything people's harsh reactions to him just draw more attention to the issue he brings up as now I'd like to think we are talking about it with civility in a calm and orderly fashion that may net results. So what do you think about having a little "skin build-off" contest? I know you have some skills that could turn some nice things.
  20. Perhaps we should have some sort of membership contest then... put the creaton of a new skin (or several new skins) on the membership rather than the admins and mods. I may not be one to talk but with all the talent I see floating around this board I bet we could generate some pretty nice skins . Heck, I'd be willing to front some money for some prizes that could be handed out to those who make great skins that are voted on by the membership (sometimes it takes a carrot to get the real competition going). This is a prime chance to put some community back into MW rather than just have people bickering and trading barbed insults rather than making real progress.
  21. Perhaps we should all cool down here, Duke just asked a question he did not fornicate with your mothers or relieve himself on your breakfast cereal of choice. Last thing I remember on this topic was AO asking what was needed to make a skin and no one (admin wise) got back with him on that in that thread. Does anyone know what it takes to make an invision skin? Does anyone here have experience in making skins or know what it takes or how many maps/pics/blocks/Idon'treallyknowthetermtextitems it takes to "finish" a nice looking skin? Might as well ask these questions before the guns start getting drawn.
  22. I dunno... the dweeb in the cosplay outfit seems pissed he is being laughed at... or photographed... or that his hairline is receeding... or that he is 40 and still living in mom's basement and dressing up in costumes and going to robotech conventions...
  23. Even Robotech flunkies laugh at Macross 7 fans.
  24. After hearing about this movie from a co-worker, I am reminded of that scene in Family Guy when Chris says to Brian: "I haven't been this confused since I saw 'No Way Out'." Then there is a flashback to him emerging from the theater to say "I don't get it... how does Kevin Costner keep getting work?". The same can be said for Pee-yoo-eee Boll. This man has never made a movie that made money... or even broke even. Of the three he has made, the highest grossing so far is still House of the Dead at just about $10 mil. That is sad for an indie first run doccumentary about boarder collies running on one screen in the middle of the desert let alone a widely released movie. Someone needs to take this guy's "director's chair" away from him... and beat him with it a few times.
  25. The Five seveN is pretty much a plinker with the neutered non-AP ammo, but always keep in mind those small caliber pistols can be very, very nasty. The "rub" with the Five seveN, much like the AR rifles, is low caliber high capacity. With a magazine the same size as a normal one you can hold 20 high velocity bullets. As for the small caliber Sometimes they can be just as nasty as their bigger brothers. A simple .22 LR round can bounce around inside a victim and cause more damage from it's not exiting than a supersonic 9 mil will cause punching a hole clean through. The meager .22 pistol has been a favorite of assassins for a long time due to it's small caliber and notorious "rolling around" ability. Plink a man in the eye socket with a .22 pistol and he's toast, that little .22 will ricochet around in his skull and create brain soup. At it's core (with the AP ammo) the Five seveN pistol is a mini nightmare, a Jacket buster with extra sauce on the side. But even the non AP ammo has a very high muzzle velocity... think of them as the AR15 pistol. Low caliber but high velocity equals more systemic shock rather than impact damage... the round may not knock you down but it will put a nice shockwave through your tissue that will cause some nasty internal wounds.
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