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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. This thread is:
  2. That's Mark Hamill, dude! And that is what scares me. Thank god for that bike crash!
  3. I just about peed myself laughing at that Xwing pilot pic. But seriously, please listen to Mr.T. Time to wrap this one up.
  4. Why is it that when there is blood in the water at MW the sharks frenzy and start biting each other? It sounds from Roy's post like the investigation has been made and concluded. The mods seem to not want to remove MGREXX at the moment so we might as well leave this alone for now... it's pretty much just become infighting... again.
  5. I myself deeply loathe the whole concept that "ultraviolence" is a movie type. I've seen a lot of real world "ultraviolence" in my time and when seeing it on the screen it makes me sick, physically sick. I barely made it through Ichi and I had no clue what made me keep watching it. IMHO people who make movies like that and like movies like that are themselves sick... they have no clue what death is really like. Few people who have seen death firsthand really like to sit down with a bag of popcorn and a soda and watch people get disemboweled and slashed. It's not "Art", it's sickening. But that is just my opinion... and I for one will think twice before watching any Japanese movies on cable from now on thanks to Ichi. I'm just glad my wife was not up with me watching it, not only would it have been turned off but I would have been yelled at for watching it in the first place. She shares my views but unlike me seems to possess the ability to shut it off.
  6. I can't speak to those movies but a few nights ago I was suffering from insomnia and watched "Ichi the Killer" on one of my Showtime channels. When the movie ended the only thing I could do was blurt out "what the F#CK was THAT?!?" It's either a cultural barrier or Ichi the Killer is one stupid, messed up Japanese movie.
  7. You have to watch out on those smaller autos like the 239 and the P99. Their short barrels and tight recoil operations make some of them kick pretty hard compared to other pistols in their caliber. It's a weird tightrope to walk in that the larger a pistol gets the more spread out the controls get and the harder they are to work with smaller hands but the smaller a pistol gets the more crunched together everything gets and the harsher the recoil from shooting. Are there specific controls you are having a hard time reaching? I know a few autos that seem to be made for people with small hands or short fingers that have much easier recoils than some. Then again most pistols are two hand operation anyway. I personally rarely use the slide release on my pistols, I just pull back the slide to release it. The only controls that I concern myself with on pistols are mag release (if it's an auto) and the trigger. Everything else you can use your off hand to push.
  8. Heeeeeeeeeere's Zark! Funny, he looks a lot like their cousin Roy.
  9. EXO brought it up here -> Thread If you have proof or other info please post it in that thread, thanks.
  10. Stupid question: Could Luke just have been "playing to Jabba's realm of experience"? I would think a crime boss would not even listen to someone who did not threaten or speak angrily at them. I always though Luke was basically "playing on the gangster's level" in that whole part of the movie. Luke knew Jabba would only react and respond to force, money and threats. So he shows up, chokes some people, makes some threats and plays the part of the "heavy" to try to intimidate Jabba. When all a person reacts to are heavy handed ultimatums then that is what you deal in. On some level it could also be argued that Luke knew Jabba would not respond to deals and ulitmatums and that he used the force and forsaw that he was going to have to fight Jabba anyway. I can believe that angle when you listen to the tone of his voice on some of the ultimatums he delivers... he is almost saying them just to get it over with rather than put real emphasis behind them to try to "make them work". Either side of the road I always saw Luke as being opportunistic rather than evil in those scenes, playing to an angle he thought Jabba would cut a deal with him on.
  11. Perhaps knowing more about a situation will reveal the facts. I'm an internet idiot... I don't know how people hijack accounts and do other such things so perhaps if someone would explain a few things to me I'd learn some more and the rest of the MW community could as well. I personally don't know this "memodonion" person. Did he have a MW account before the little "incident" last night? If he did then how was his account hijacked by MGREXX? If he did not have an account, can it be somehow proven that the account was made by someone other than him? I am guessing that the only way to tell would be the mods could check the IP address? But if this "memodonion" (the real one) was not a member with an account how can they compare IP addresses? Or is it as simple as comparing the "memodonion" account IP with MGREXX's account IP? I can understand why EXO posed this here, as info to the members that someone may be passing themselves off as someone else. Much like the "Site Hacked" thread far above in the Site News section, if people are coming on MW and pretending to be other people that is big news. I mean, I started getting quite angry at that "memodonion" who was posting last night. I'd feel pretty darn stupid if I was getting pissed at someone else pretending to be "memodonion" and then took out my rage on the real "memodonion". But the heart of this issue and the argument it has spurned is proof. I myself would like to see proof solid that someone has misrepresented themselves on the board, like show that their IP is the same on two accounts or something. While that does not concretely proove it is the same person (as by my feeble understanding entire office buildings can have the same IP) it sure makes it easy to know how closely related things are. Arguing is pointless until we know more and all the facts are in. I've known EXO longer than I've known MGREXX so my allegiance is with EXO until proof positive shows otherwise. What does EXO have to gain by all this with a lie anyway?
  12. If you are talking about a Ma Deuce the M2 .50 cal belt fed machine gun then yes you are very right, I got very aquainted with Ma Deuce a long time ago and can say with much certanty that it is way too heavy for one man to carry and fire. You can heft one on it's tripod or over your shoulder if you have the beef but shoot it, no way. As for the .30 cal Browning 1919 machine gun those are still a tad beefy for one man to heft. I'm pretty sure if you found the right guy he could possibly carry and shoot it but his accuracy would be worse than a Stormtrooper with a blindfold on. Machineguns like those two are designed to be fixed position things, mounted to a vehicle or tripod and manned by a crew. More or less defensive position weapons. Yes, the Jessie Ventura Minigun setup is fantasy but the minigun itself is not. As you said the problem with that rig is that there is no way for a single human to heft to battery to power the weapon plus the ammo on their back. Add to that the recoil from a minigun is a constant 100 pounds give or take. It is possible for a very strong, very beefy person to hand hold and shoot one (I've seen pics from the Knob Creek Shoot) but once again accuracy is near zero as it takes all their effort to keep the muzzle down. In the pic I have seen it looks like the guy is weight lifting as his muscles are tensed and he has this look on his face like he is crapping his pants. Long and Short of it, Miniguns are vehicle weapons.
  13. AniBling! Blingime! Now I'll have something to match the solid gold AK-47 and pewter Glock necklaces I have!
  14. You are correct about the AK series being durable, they where purpose built to have very loose tollerances and heavy metal construction so they would work in almost any climate and condition. I've personally seen a few AK's that looked so crappy you'd think they'd KB on you if you shot them... but kick the bolt open, jam in a mag and they work. As for taking down Dinos with them... eh... (makes "iffy" hand motion) The AK, like most any other military main battle rifle, is designed to kill human targets. Large targets will need a lot more "attention" from that AK than most people can manage. Now, a squad with AKs would stand a better chance taking down a big dino. But just you by your lonesome I'd run rather than stand and fight. As for the pistol you would be better off with something else chambered in .45ACP with a higher capacity if you do indeed want to go with that round. My weapon of choice for .45ACP would most likely be the Micro UZI/UZI Pistol. The Micro UZI not only has a folding stock to aid in aiming and controlling the weapon but sports a 16 round magazine in .45ACP, one of the highest capacity .45 mags out there.... plus being able to switch over and dump the whole mag at one target if need be is a nice plus.
  15. Who cares? I'm walking away before the riot squad comes in and the tear gas comes out. This started badly and it is going to end badly.
  16. Oh wow, look at how he edits his post to take out a lot of his inconsistencies and insulting things... hey bud, calm down before posting so you don't have to go back and start changing what you say. And YES this thread is meant to start a flame war and YES you are inviting bashing. There are ways to breech this subject without lighting yourself on fire and dancing around in the street screaming LOOKIT ME LOOKIT ME. The people who bash on Robotech are technically in the minority here and if you have trouble ignoring one or two people that is YOUR problem, not ours.
  17. While I agree with his message that we should quit bashing people for their personal liking of things I disagree with his tone, context, generalizations and downright rudeness... Macross is only for Japan? Robotech is for the USA and everywhere else? I'm not going to defend the people who bash Robotech but I sure as hell will fight with this clown about his own personal prejudices and hate. This thread is for me to poop on... THIS THREAD (I am sooooo overusing this poop smiley)
  18. Really the only reason I posted again in this thread was to use that sonic poop smiley.
  19. Aside from the MGREXX love-in, I think no one really knows what this will be outside of Toynami. We will know for sure in a few weeks. Until then all the speculation will only serve to get us all jacked up for what will most likely be simple announcement about a product that will be forthcoming possibly a year or so down the road which when released will be a QC nightmare of biblical proportions. For as much as I'm interested in seeing what it is they are making I am very, very suspect of the toy already. I got all jacked up about the alpha only to be terribly let down to the point of ourtight hatred for Toynami, something that did not really exsist in me before the alpha. As stated earlier my opinion on this matter is no matter what design they choose it will be a mess, a horrid mess. Their track record is poor and has shown no sign of improving. In a nutshell, with every new release the cycle continues... here is a diagram of the cycle: Toynami -> <- Us A glimmer of hope lies deep in my soul that they will release the Beta and not the mospeada as they stand a lesser chance of making yet another floppy, cheap plastic quasimodo with it as it is in effect a freaking brick with about six moving parts. If they screw that up then they need to be beaten with pipes. (can anyone feel the love in my heart by now?) I know people still like Toynami but to me they are inked in on my sh!t list in perminant marker. Every encounter I have had with their transforming MPC line has been abysmal and even when these alphas are all said and done I think the best average review they got was "It has tons of issues but I'm overlooking all of them because I'm so hard up for Mospeada toys". That is not a satisfactory thing in my mind. But oh well, I'll leave this thread alone now, I've said my angry piece again.
  20. (JsARCLIGHT, Hater of all Toynami Haters, enters the room... someone boos) I know factually that no matter what it is they make it will be made of cheap plasitc, held together by sheer will and will be on the verge of falling apart by looking at it. Needless to say, unless they start repackaging toys made by people who know how to make toys I will not be among the purchasing number. (bows to duck thrown chair, leaves quietly)
  21. Well, I bought a PSP just for Lumines so when GTA:LCS comes out I'll probably buy it and let you know. As for my current playlist on K-JsARCLIGHT, here is what is in rotation: Under the Bridge (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) The Fly (U2) Oh What a Night (The Four Seasons with Frankie Vali) Rocket Man (Kate Bush) Cream (Prince) Baby Got Back (Sir Mix-a-lot) Mysterious Ways (U2) Give it Away (Red Hot Chilli Peppers) Alive (Pearl Jam) Everyday People (Arrested Development) Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana) I Can't Dance (Genesis) The Globe (Big Audio Dynamite) High (The Cure) James Brown is Dead (L.A. Style) Jump Around (House of Pain) Move Any Mountain (The Shamen) Heaven Sent (INXS) Evenflow (Pearl Jam) I Ain't Too Proud to Beg (TLC) OPP (Naughty By Nature) Wildside (Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch) Come As You Are (Nirvana) 2 Legit To Quit (MC Hammer) Friday I'm In Love (The Cure) Drive (REM) Keep It Commin' (C&C Music Factory) I keep adding more as I get them out of my deep MP3 collection to the "User Music" Folder. I know I forgot a few tracks I have in there... I like to think my tracks are a better reflection of 1992/3 than the music in the game (most of which is from the '80s and earlier anyway).
  22. Either that or the people in Jurassic Park rank among the most galactically stupid on the face of the earth...
  23. Strange question that science may not know the answer to: where dinos concious enough to see the death of others and in turn fear and run? I'd think if you were fool enough to be found in a heard of raptors and you chopped one or two with a lightsaber the rest would just bum rush you and swarm your ass. I know a lot of animals out there don't quite pick up that it is you killing their cohorts and they just pack attack you anyway. I'd imagine if you lopped off a raptor's arm or something not immediately fatal it would run away from you knowing firsthand what you are capable of... but would it be smart enough to realize you killed one of it's pack and from that action know what you could do? Where dino's really that smart?
  24. If you're going recoiless then why not dig out one of those old 'nam era Ontos fighting vehicles? Those things packed six recoiless rifles on one chassis and allowed for faster repositioning and aiming without shooting a marking round. Plus they are armored like a tank to give you better protection in case old rexy gets a tad friendly.
  25. Flame Tank = different story. Didn't those things have about a hundred gallons of glycerine? I've heard one of those 'nam era flame tanks could light up a city block. The only difficulty with a flame tank is keeping the flame on target, those old turrets didn't traverse too fast from what I remember. I think the area we are all going to is that the large dinos should be treated not as animals but as enemy vehicles, and should be engaged as such. A good RPG I'd think would shape-charge it's way through a T-rex rather well.
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