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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. If anything it sounds like this movie might end up like that ill-fated Schwarzenegger movie "Collateral Damage" due to untimely real world events. People made giant stink here in the US when that movie was coming out and the Oak himself kept telling people "the movie will be released" and it was. Then again Collateral Damage was a stinkburger of a movie that would have tanked 9/11 or no... who knows, perhaps this movie will have legs. From the sound of it Portman is a small part in the movie... then again I have not seen the source material this is supposed to be scripted from.
  2. Hell I'd be satisfied with a 1/18 dropper... and the crew is really only Ferro and Spunkmeyer, everyone else would come with the 1/18 scale APC with remote control action! Now that I think about it a 1/18 scale Cheyenne would be about the size of my pool table...
  3. I wish they would have made the dropper big enough to have a little Ferro with "Fly the Friendly Skies" on her helmet. At least give her character a bit more exposure... she lasted all of ten minutes in the film.
  4. Or at least given the Bug Stomper Ferro and Spunkmeyer... does the 01 pilot even look like a little Ferro?
  5. From what I have seen 01 is the Bug Stomper cheyenne with the APC that the marines fly down to LV-426. It is weathered because it is the primary service ship and it has had a few drops under it's wings. As we all know a critter gets aboard and eats Spunkmeyer then rips the head off of Ferro and the 01 Bug Stomper goes loose and smashes into the side of the Atmosphere Processor, hitting the derilict APC in the process. (This is the point Hudson says "Game over man! Game over!" ) The 02 Smartass cheyenne has no APC and it is stored in the Sulaco as the secondary back up dropper, hence why it is "brand new". This is the ship Bishop remote activates, preps and brings down to rescue them and is the same ship that secapes the atmosphere processor when it becomes a cloud of vapor the size of Nebraska. From what I have seen of the two different toys they are quite accurate to these two cheyennes, sporting painted on Bug Stomper and Smartass decco. The Smartass even comes with the Queen, who stows abord in the rear gear bay. I just wish the Queen would have come with a tiny Bishop pilot that cut in half and that the Bug Stomper would have a little Ferro and Spunkmeyer.
  6. This whole thing blew up on local talk radio Friday and I was listening... basically the people on the show started out talking about a new game coming out called "25 to Life" or something that sounds like a GTA:SA ripoff and they where obsessing on the game "being about" cop killing. <<Here in Saint Louis we recently had an incident of a guy who's brother was gunned down by gang people and he called the cops and they did not respond in time to save his brother... so this guy gets a gun and goes out and shoots the first cop he sees... who happens to be sitting in his squad car talking to a young boy while watching fireworks on the fourth of july weekend. Guy even shot the kid too.>> Now with this in the air here in STL some other radio people start talking ON THE AIR about how to disable a cop if you are fighting him and how to take away his radio so he can't call for help. They were promptly fired in a fury of justified public outcry. Back to the topic at hand though: In a nutshell, this new "25 to life" game was ripe for the picking for angry STL callers on this talk show. Soon the topic turned from this game that is not even out yet to GTA:SA and the Hot Coffee debacle. Pretty soon GTA was being compared to the training software used by the Marines to train soldiers to kill and everyone was in agreement that these games where creating a new generation of sociopath killers. I myself was amazed at the feeding frenzy of misinformation and prejudice shown byt the sheeple... as usual. Give people a cause and the sheep will rally and bleet until their ears hurt... then they will listen the sound of other sheep bleeting until they go deaf. The battlecry of the sheeple has become "what can the government do to raise my kids for me?" and the rallying call of the politician then becomes "what can I do to show people I'm doing something to protect them when all I really can do is just stur the pot and watch it boil?" I am suprised there is not someone selling torches and pitchforks these days... because lazy parenting sure is sold out in a lot of stores. Edit to add: the things missing from their discussion of the topic of GTA:SA and Hot Coffee were that kids not only had to have an M rated game on their PC but they had to have the skills to find, download and install the hack. They also avoided or glossed over the subject that here in Missouri games rated M have been banned from prisons as well as several bills in state congress right now that will make it a crime to sell M rated games to minors or rent them to minors, said bill will ALSO have a rider that a parent caught buying or renting an M rated game for a minor will be punished the same. Overreaction is the norm here in the midwest.
  7. Ipecac syrup is some nasty ass stuff... I remember my grandmother used to have some "just in case". I made it a point to not have a stomach ache anywhere near that woman. Oh and that Family Guy episode had me laughing so hard I fell off my couch... my wife (who was not laughing at all) said that I had "problems".
  8. I bought my copy off the shelf of a Mall store bookseller in the late '90s in San Antonio. It sat on that shelf for months and I remember pulling it out and leafing through it a few times before buying it. It for some reason was jammed in with the D&D and Role Playing books. I still have it somewhere in a box with tons of my other books, I'll have to pull it out and read it again... it's been a while. Oh and Bsu SEND ME THOSE PAGES!
  9. When someone sent me those pics in an email I actually yelled out "HELL" at the top of my lungs... drew some stares in the office. While most of those cars can and will be fixed it is like seeing the Mona Lisa t-bone a Rembrandt and then smash into the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
  10. How do you make JsARCLIGHT cry? This is how: The horror... the horror...
  11. Seems like everyone is getting new heaters lately. I put my order in for a new Walther P22 and a IMI SP-21 Barak last week. I plan to turn the new P22 into a mini solid snake clone with laser and can and the SP-21 is just to have another thing at the range that makes everyone say "what is THAT?" I also found a site that builds repro parts for the old school original CAR-15 rifle. Looks like I'll have to finish that build out sooner than expected...
  12. That's a nice M4gery. So how does the 'Tech shoot? Are you liking the look-through?
  13. Dumb question but does he actually possess multiple names at the same time? I was under the impression he was called one thing on the old boards, changed his name for the migration to the new boards then got all mad and left of his own free will, asking the mods to remove his account (which it seemed they did) and I'm guessing now he has signed up again under a new name. I see no foul there... he should only possess one active account, his old one having been removed at his request. Unless he was banned I would assume he hasn't broken any rules of the board. His personality and posting habits aside, I see no wrongdoing here account wise... unless a mod can tell us otherwise.
  14. Yeah the solo pistol is basically a broomhandle mauser with a bolt on flash hider and a tilted scope. If you really wanted you could make an actual firing pistol that looks just like that. They changed nothing on the broomhandle mauser other than add things. [nitpick] Oh and the broomhandle mauser is from before the first world war [/nitpick]
  15. Madsen did do Species II so it's not like he's a stranger to terrible horror movies.
  16. I know I say this in every Zombie movie thread but the whole "point" of the Romero zombie movie archetype is not the zombies but the downfall of man. Where the zombies came from, who made them, why they are here, etc are not important. What is important in the Romero zombie movie style is how man turns on man and the world falls into chaos. I liked the movie 28 Days Later because it was a true Romero style zombie movie in that the zombies where not the focus. Sure they sort of half-assed explained where the zombies came from but they where not the true focus of the film. Shaun of the Dead (while not really a horror movie) walked down the same path. The zombies where not the main issue, they where the "set" or the backdrop to which a human drama unfolds. IMHO zombie movies that make the zombies and their attacks the whole point of the movie usually fail and fail quite horribly... most of the time because they degrade into plodding B horror movie fare that rely more on grossout factor than actual fear. Movies like the Italian gore-fest "Zombie" come to mind, where the whole point of the movie was "lets see how many more gory, disgusting scenes we can put the paper thin cookie cutter cast into before people start barfing in their popcorn".
  17. I'm guessing the alternate working title for the movie was MegaMullet and the Butterface Whore meet the Grumpy Cardinal. Sheesh... you'd think Uwe Boll's small intestine would leap up out of his body and throttle his brain to prevent him from poisoning the world further with his movies.
  18. I guess you have not seen all the hullabaloo in congress and in many state governments in the US over the "horrible and child killing armor piercing capacity" of the FN 5.7 round. It started with the FN Five seveN pistol and has only gotten worse in some parts of the country. Legislators are touting the things as "jacket breaker" and "cop killer" weapons and munitions... along with the .50 cal rifles. They technically are right that the original FN 5.7 armor piercing round did indeed go through body armor as that is what it was intended to do... but the "training ammo" version of the bullets that have been for sale in the states to civilians where almost akin to a .22 magnum in their power. Civilians cannot buy the true armor piercing 5.7 ammo and it is heavily controlled still. In a nutshell, the scare over the 5.7mm round is manufactured. People started applying names to it like "cop killer" and "armor breaker" and the American public, not being known to actually research something, take the media's and their congressman's word for it that these guns will instantly show up on their streets in the hands of drug dealers and pimps and start shooting police at random.
  19. From what I have been hearing that civilian P90 may have it's first production run all accounted for soon. People are pre-ordering them like crazy on many sites and from a lot of distributors who claim to have them on order. Heck, the price of the 50 round magazines alone have skyrocketed in the last few months due to anticipation of the civilian version... and it is still unconfirmed if the civvie P90 will take the same mags as the SMG (many sources are saying no). But then again the civvie P90 is still in design right now and has yet to pass BATF for manufacture and sale in the US. Add to that the increasing threat that states and possibly the fed will ban the 5.7mm round (in any capacity) in the near future and the civvie P90 may die before it sees the streets. Plus from a purely cost standpoint who wants to spend $18+ on a box of 50 bullets anyway for a carbine? I burn through ammo like crap through a goose and my firearms that cost more than $15 for a box of 50 bullets stay on the shelf for a long time. I personally cannot justify going to the range and dumping $18+ on one magazine of ammo. That's rediculous. IMHO that is why you should ignore the civilian P90 and get the civilian F2000 instead. 5.56 ammo grows on trees in the US practically and the F2000 will take AR mags (of which I have boxes). $18 gets me about 150 rounds of AR ammo (or 5+ mags). ... plus the civvie P90 looks like ass with that giant barrel sticking out of the front.
  20. I have not heard of any heat related reliability issues with the P90. From what I saw at the demo here for our guys, the P90 ran flawlessly. I'm not sure how simple environmental heat (which usually does not go above 110) could cause receiver issues. The principal receiver and breech assembly of the P90 are forged metal that would not warp or distort under the pressures of firing so I don't see how climate heat would affect them. I have heard however that if you leave the loaded magazines out in the sun the heat can cause warping of the polymer magazine body which may result in a poor fit in the weapon when inserted... but even that would not cause stoppage issues.
  21. I myself did not shoot one but saw one demonstrated for the SLCPD. I think I posted about it in this thread somewhere... I'll have to go back and try to find it when I get a chance.
  22. Short answer without giving an actual number: a lot. I've been buying firearms on and off, trading and selling and buying new ones for going on a good ten years straight now. I own a few in every category, carbines, rifles, pistols, one SMG, two sniper rifles, a few shotguns and on and on and on. Also it should be noted that a few of them are my wife's firearms... we keep them in the same safe so they look more impressive. Seeing as the number in my collection varies from month to month I look on it in a dollar value rather than hard numbers. My current collection is insured for $30K if that gives you any indication... but bear in mind that my UZI alone is around an $8K weapon and my PSG1 is about $9 1/2K.
  23. While I revel in my hobbies some people don't see firearm ownership or sport shooting as a "good" hobby to have. Thus I try to keep my firearm ownership secret from people I personally know for just this reason. Folks overreact when they see my collection in it's entirety. They see a "normal" person... and then they see a gun safe with enough hardware to topple a small country and an ammo stash that looks like the armory at Fort Benning. I know that owning as many firearms as I do freaks a lot of people out... heck it freaks me out sometimes. In the end it's a hobby just like collecting toys, but the dark side is tha these toys can kill. It takes a lot more maturity and responsability to own firearms... and a lot of gun owners don't posess either thus we all get a bad rap from the screwups. Just like how everyone thinks every Star Trek fan lives in their Mom's basement wearing Spock ears and every Anime fan likes tenticle porn and underage girls everyone thinks "gun stockpilers" (as they call us) are up to no good, plotting world domination or worse. But most of us are law abiding citizens... heck, I have the federal background checks and ATF investigations to prove it! (You have to be cleaner than tilex to pass a Form 4) ... and I have a torn out of a notebook piece of paper written in crayon with many spelling errors and poor punctuation stating the same, complete with crude drawing of me standing on the world with an AR in each had saying "mine, all mine".
  24. I'm not a giant fan of optics myself, never had any when I was in the army... then again I was an elite schmuck in a truck . I learned to shoot on iron sights, shot in the army with iron sights and to this day prefer irons. If I had to pick an optic I'd go with the EOTech or the Elcan, the 'tech being half the price of an Elcan. I think it is because my eye is used to iron sights that I have a hard time using sight-through optics like the EOTech and I end up preferring sight-alone optics like the Elcan. It looks like that RRA sight rail is built for the newer EOTech that runs AA batteries, is that the 'tech you plan to get? I wonder if the older N type 'tech will mount to that base. One thing I did get a few weeks ago was an ATI digital Holosight for my Smith "muthuh" revolver and the thing is a blast to shoot (pun intended). Just like video games! My fun with that holosight has me wanting to buy a Docter holosight for my Uzi along with a custom topcover mount for it. For some reason the non-can heads up holosights I prefer to the canned red dots... but the holos are just for target practice as they'd smash like a china cup in combat.
  25. Ach! Mein Samurai Cat! ... f'n awesome.
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