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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. With my 01 dropper and APC at the office one of my co-workers now wants one. He wants an 02 so he can have his at his desk and not "clash" with mine in my office (how considerate of him). Anyone know of any online retailers stateside that have any 02 droppers left in stock that I can point him to?
  2. I remember seeing the toy commercials more than the actual show on television. I used to tape cartoons on my VCR while I was out and about and watch them later at night while doing my homework and I clearly remember fast forwarding through gobs and gobs of Captain Power toy commercials. The commercials bugged me so much that I made it a point to watch at least one episode of the show to see what all the marketing fuss was about. At the time the show only aired on early SUNDAY mornings where I was, what was commonly thought of as the "throwaway cartoon time slot". I set the VCR to tape it one morning and when I watched it I thought it was the biggest piece of crap I had ever seen. The acting was horrid and wooden (typical live action kid's show fare for the '80s), the scripting was par for the course for a weak sci-fi construct (borrowing almost all their stuff from terminator) with the soul goal of the show to set the viewer up for an extended "play action sequence" that involved watching some blinking thing float around the screen... and the blinking!... the BLINKING! I bet people with photosensitive epilepsy LOVED that show. In the end Captain Power was a boring show you have to wait through for a chance to use an expensive gimmick feature of poor quality toys. I'd rather spend my time playing Pops Ghostly on the Action Max... all the seisure enducing blinking and none of the annoying acting or weak '80s CG to wait through.
  3. I really don't see much that is offensive in the game... the subject matter is simply making fun of people's irrational fears. I remember first hearing of this game months ago and wanting to play it then... now that I've seen it I want to play it even more. Unlike GTA this game is making a point and you can now officially say that people who badmouth this game just "don't get the point/joke".
  4. I spy with my little eye something that rhymes with: Goynami is boing to nopy these fesigns.
  5. I'm not being defensive, I'm just clarifying. I refuse to be put in the same category as those retards dressing up like cartoon characters, living in mom's basement, speaking in half japanese half english mush phrases they hear watching their shows to each other. The sad truth of my story is that I used to be an anime fan... back in the '80s when anime was so underground you had to dig past China to find it. All this talk of "20 year old" shows... I watched all this junk when it came out the first time 20 years ago. I saw it new and I saw it old. I watched anime go from some bizzare oddity torn apart for american release to the underground craze to the mainstream monster it is today. I would have been with it the whole way but that was until other anime fanatics ruined it all for me. I only liked a few things but the few things I liked, I liked. Until I made the mistake of talking to the crazies and going to anime conventions. Wall to wall freaks and dorks. You have no idea how stupid you feel in the same room as someone dressed up like Ranma or a Klingon or some other nonsense... Fools like that drag the whole thing down... they make YOU feel bad for THEM. It's the same effect as me going to a gun show and seeing some fatass clod dressed head to toe in fatigues pretending he's an "army guy" or some dumbass pissed off white idiot selling nazi stuff thinking he's an arian. Every niche, every hobby and every sport in life has the regulars and then the freaking hard core republican guard SS people. I can handle the regulars... the hardcore nuts need a good head shrinker and a few doses of reality. Edit: and it's also funny you keep harping on MW as a point of contention. I myself have learned to hate anime all over again thanks to this place and some of the members here. Scrolling through endless fights and pointless debates on this site over even the most nuanced things gives me a headache most of the time. I think another condition to add to the "otaku dork" playbook is their inability to let people have opposite opinions. The hardcore fanboy will fight to the bitter end to prove his opinion is the only one and the right one and you should have it to. Be it about the color of captain kirk' tie in episode 55 or the exact line spoken by han solo in scene 6 of ESB or even if Macross 7 is "teh ghey" or not. If all it takes to get you frothing mad is for someone to say something like "kryton sucks" then you are a crazy.
  6. I can because I no longer watch anime that much as most if it sucks now. I also never dress up like anything, speak japanese, think japanese or do any of the other dorky things associated with "otaku" stuff. By your logic simply because I have watched a few episodes of Star Trek in my life that makes me a Trekkie. I know for a fact I've seen a lot of Dr. Who episodes so I guess that makes me a Whovian as well. The point of this thread / group is that we are people who occasionaly like something only to have a thing we occasionally like make us feel totally ashamed thanks to the other uber hard core nutso fans who ruin it for everyone. I'm very familiar with this feeling being a gun owner. Thanks to all the yahoos out there who shoot up places and kill people everyone on the street thinks just because I'm a gun owner that I'll shoot them where they stand and dance on their body. It's guilt by association. Against our wills we are associated with these dorks and tools that take everything too far. We do not want to be associated with these people and that is the gist.
  7. For those people constantly saying "But you belong to a message board about a 20 year old anime makes you an anime fan" I say you could be no more wrong. I have acutally not posted anything even remotely related to macross in about a year yet I am still here. I came here to get info on macross, not talk about it at length and be a total dork. As it turns out I sick around because of the people I met here, not the subject matter. A true anime dork would stay because of the subject matter and not the people. Heck, every internet message board I belong to I belong to because I like the people, not the subject matter. The subject matter was simply a bridge for me to meet new people who think somewhat close to how I do. If macrossworld magicly became pokemon world I bet I'd still be here as long as my friends on this board stayed... if they left I'd follow them (which I have sort of done already). A membership on a message board about macross does not an anime dork make. If you saw hundreds of posts by me in the macross section going on and on on diatribes about how Hikaru eats spinich because of something I saw in the background of episode ten, frame 23453 upper left behind the bit of brick then you can call me a dork... but I spend most of my time cutting jokes about anime fans and badmouthing stuff. That makes me a jerk and not an anime fan.
  8. Any way you look at this this is the greatest tragedy to befall America in decades... even centuries. An entire city... an entire metropolitan center... has been destroyed. This is not the contained damage of 9/11 or the small scale destruction of a tornado, this is an entire large city thrown into chaos. I myself am suprised to see things going as smoothly as they are. We just have to face it that no one can be 100% prepared for something like this. We can fool ourselves into thinking that but we just can't. New Orleans is GONE. The scale of this tragedy is mind boggling. Just the other day I was driving into my office in downtown Saint Louis thinking "imagine... all this... gone. Heavily damaged... under feet of water... just gone" It's a hard thing to wrap your mind around. To make my appreciation of this disaster more personal one of my employees, a young woman who graduated from Loyola college in New Orleans just three years ago is in total shock. She still knows several people down there... and she has only heard from four out of the five she knows. Every day she has been almost catatonic, staring at the footage on her computer screen and mumbling things like "I used to go to that place" and point at what was left of a building. It's hard for many of us to appreciate the damage and the death... it's just images on a TV to most of us. We are far detatched from the suffering and trauma. For us to criticize and finger point and blame at this stage of the game is juvenile. The way certain people are politicizing all of this this early in the game sickens me. Oppourtunists, all of them. This is a horrid national nightmare and it is being handled as fast as it humanly can. Yes there are problems, there will always be problems. Yes there are people dying... it's terrible but the scale on which this disaster has occured things like this will happen. You simply cannot mobilize heaven and earth in one day, or even one week. It takes time for support to arrive... it takes time for relief efforts to organize and deploy. It takes time for law and order to be restored to a city who has been thrown into chaos and anarchy. Everything is under way now and the avalanche of support is arriving. With hope and a lot of work New Orleans will rise from this and live again. In the meantime we all need to quit finger pointing, quit blaming and most of all quit bitching about every little nuance of this situation. People are trying their best with a bad hand delt them. No one in command is TRYING to make this worse and none of the support, rescue, relief or rebuilding efforts are even finished yet. To call it a failure before it has had a chance to truly fail is unfair. That's about all I have to say about this.
  9. I know their design has been around since at least May of 85 but I thought you were talking about the Kaiyodo toys... my bad. If it matters I always heard Studio Nue had designed/written up/prepped their stuff for the Anime Starship Troopers but did not get around to making it until 88 due to prior commitments, licensing issues or some junk like that.
  10. That thing has been out since 81? Are you sure? I got my set of three when they "first came out" in 2002. I'm pretty sure they were not available before that...
  11. It sounds to me like the only requirement is the hipocracy of liking something and calling foul on people who like it waaaaaay too much. IE I like some anime but I think people who live, breathe, eat and sleep anime are complete tards.
  12. 100% agreement here. While I like the occasional anime and watch the occasional anime DVD or TV show and collect the odd toy here and there I will deny to the death that I am an "otaku" or an "anime fan". My excuse is that I just "like what I like" and if I happen to watch the odd cartoon here and there that is just fine and dandy. In my mind, "otaku" will blindly love just because something is made by a certain person or has a certain thing in it. Like Trekkies and Star Wars fans, they just seem to blindly follow wherever the road bends. I can't do that... I just can't. I like one thing but another thing in the same "universe" will be total crap and I'll hate it. Outside of that my personal line is when you start wearing T-shirts of the show, dressing up in cosplay and getting in regular heated debates over the minutia of something that doesn't even exsist you are indeed a dork/geek/fanboy. I will every now and then cross that line but I like to think I notice it and quickly run back across to the other side. It's not that I'm embarrassed or ashamed of liking what I like, it's just that I tend to only want to be entertained by it rather than live it 24 hours a day. In the end it is all entertainment and I go through things like crazy... something I like today I will be sick of tomorrow with few exceptions. I don't possess the genes to be a hardcore fanboy... I'm too fickle.
  13. I had the fortune/unfortune to see the Japanese '80s anime BEFORE actually reading the original book so in my mind while reading the book I saw the studio nue powered suits.
  14. If by well you mean mediocre then you are right. One of my employees talks with someone at AS (he used to work with him before they both split up) and he has heard firsthand from that guy that both FMA and GitS fell very short of AS'es expectations. AS was expecting to have another InuYasha on their hands with GitS and have been outright "disappointed" with it's performance. Compared to their other regular big pull ratings dogs like Family Guy, Robot Chicken and Futurama GitS and FMA barely did half if not a third of that draw. Then again they even openly admit that their Saturday night lineup is weak in the ratings field, openly mocking the Saturday anime fans in their cards. Anything short of InuYasha on Saturdays does poorly compared to their Sunday comedy block. I am just suprised how quickly they pulled GitS from their lineup. It vanished from weekdays so fast it made my head spin... I was hoping to see it again so I could catch some of the episodes I missed but it just got yanked so fast. I assumed they yanked it so they could push Bebop due to them finally running the movie this coming labor day weekend but I would have hoped they would have at least moved it somewhere else rather than just outright yanking it.
  15. I've been hearing the exact opposite that due to subpar performance of both shows they will NOT carry either past the current load and replace them with some other show in the fall bracket... Adult Swim only moves shows to weekday latenight that it wants to die, that is the "we are only keeping this around to milk for a few more advertising dollars" timeslot.
  16. Here is a stupid quesiton: I was watching this show on Adult Swim and then they yanked it and rescheduled it late at night on weekdays and have added no new episodes past episode 20 something... ... I'm taking a wild guess that they will not air the last episodes of the series thanks to dismal ratings, just like Ghost in the Shell: SAC. Has anyone heard if they plan to actually show the end of the show or are they just going to yank another anime, half finished, again?
  17. All I'd want out of it are the guns... the doll looks butt ugly and far too "manish" to be the Major. If it's articulation did not suck eggs that last doll of the Major that came in a few clothes varaitions was pretty nice. Stick that head on this body, trim the body's manishness down a tad, give it better clothes and then we'd have a ballgame for that price.
  18. That revolver is a Mataeba revolver that Togusa uses. WHY they gave it to the Major is the question.
  19. That is because Alien 2: On Earth is a crappy Italian sci-fi movie that got translated and released in the US and is not part of the Aliens franchise. Bsu was referring to that one. Edit: Bsu and I saw the same movie and posted at the same time!
  20. Robotech is a unique creation in that it is a mutation, an altered form of the original. Mutants technically are unique creatures as they possess the original traits of the original creature but have new traits of their own. With Robotech the story changes to merge three shows into one are what make it "original", outside of that everything else is from the original animals. I think the thing to keep in mind is that this shifty Sci Fi Museum is just someone's own place based on their opinion. It's not like this joint is a government institution and by somehow awarding Robotech they are forcing you to like it or accept it. It's just a group of dorks who called themselves "curators" and started naming things to their list of all time cool geek stuff. They have no authority outside that they did it all themselves. My own feelings on the matter are that if I wanted to be a total ass (which I do a lot) I'd create my own Sci Fi Museum and name the original shows to the honors list just to spite them. Then I'd re-write Star Wars, Star Trek and the original Battlestar Galactica into one show called "Starshiptech" and wait 20 years until some other band of dorks calls it an honorable endeavor... It's all just someone else' opinion in the end. Just like the Oscars, the Grammys and the Golden Globes it is what a small group of people say, not what the majority say or what you or I say. Until they kick in your door and force you at gunpoint to watch the beloved democratic people's television program "Robotech: the heroes of the people's state" it's all just wind in your face. I say sit back and enjoy the breeze... they'll run out of breath eventually then it will be your turn to talk at your leisure.
  21. With a caseless round nothing is ejected... however in the movie what you see are the Thompson actions ejecting .45 blank brass. The technical manual has a few blurbs about the "10mm caseless explosive tipped" ammo, I'll have to yank my book and see what exactly it says.
  22. The pulse rifle was the caseless H&K G-11 that was under development in the '80s. It had a futuristic look, held tons of caseless ammo and given more development could have become the "pulse rifle" of the future... but alas... it sucked.
  23. But all that fancy hardware goes out the door as soon as it takes a solid RPG or IED hit. I wonder how the armor is on them... and not what the pentagon says, I wonder how they will really stand up under fire. After all, the point of armored vehicles is the armor and not the fancy stuff... ... of course this is coming from an old 1AD grunt.
  24. Hence why games should remain games and movies should freaking learn to create again rather than just keep using and abusing other people's ideas.
  25. Once again though Half Life's story is more or less a string of "set-ups" for the player to finish. Much like HALO, Half Life has an outstanding premise but when it comes to actual nuts and bolts story it is nothing more than a chain of shooting and simple puzzle solving elements strung together with a basic cliched story arc that supports the situations they want to throw the player into. Inside of the game the story is compelling and interesting because as the player you are living the story, affecting it's outcome... but remove the interactivity from the story and it becomes just another run of the mill sci-fi piece rife with cliche and overused plot devices.
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