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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. I... uh... guess...? I don't know anyone who plays Final Fantasy... ... and for the record EVERYONE who plays a MMORPG is a fanboy loser idiot in my book. Pot kettle black? Yes... but hey, it's the attitude of the day on MW: Everyone sucks but me.
  2. Hey it's Abombz! I have not seen you around in a while! Anyway on topic, I personally play neither. I have neither the time, will or want to play an online game that lasts for more than ten minutes at a run. I lack the patience and free time needed to just throw myself into something like a MMORPG. I like single player, off-line RPGs sometimes when I have time to play them but a lot of them are just too "time intensive" for my tastes... if I want to babysit something I'd buy a second cat. I voted WoW as I know several people in my office that play that game... I know none who play Final Fantasy.
  3. When reading this thread I'm singing Jim Carroll's "People who died" in my mind.
  4. When it comes to old cars they are a handful. I almost sold my camaro several times when money was tight but my luck held out and I kept it... Much like good women classic cars are "better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all". If you have to sell, you have to sell. Back on topic... what happened to MGREXX? Did coming under the watchful eye of the overlords scare him off?
  5. From what I hear they are not going to port Halo 2 to the PC so the first one is all you are going to get. Personally I bought it just to see what the fuss was all about back when it first came out... It was OK, I really did not care for it that much. Then again I'm a harcore PC gamer who is used to PC FPS titles that are a tad more varied in their level design. IMO Halo plays like a console shooter with very little variation in level layout with very straightforward paths and goals. I did like the story and the overal presentation of the game but the game itself started to bore me quickly... I found myself trying to hurry through levels so I could see the next story bit. I was more into the story than the game. With it being sub $20 right now you can't go wrong either way... heck you can't even go see a movie with your girl for under $20 now.
  6. I think the guy at my office bought it just to be different... the other squirrels all have black PSPs. I wonder how the white plastic will hold up over time? Will it yellow? And on the note of UMD movies, who here actually buys and watches them? I don't know a single person who has any, aside from the one guy who got Spiderman 2 with his unit. Oh and I got to play GTA: Liberty City Stories on a friend's unit (the guy who had the white one actually). Wow that game gave me a headache... what is up with the "streaking" that it seams to have? It appeared to me like the image goes ever so slightly out of focus whenever the game screen moves. After a while it started to give me a headache. Can anyone else comment on that? Is it just me?
  7. So technically then there is absolutely no difference between the white japanese PSP and the black american one? Edit: other than the color, durhey.
  8. Other than that are they exactly alike? I know the PSP is supposed to be "regionless" when it comes to games but I think he said something like it would only play "region 2" UMD movies. Are UMD movies region encoded? I also would think it runs the Japanese 100/ power rather than american 120/... anyone know? I just thought the thing was so freaky... all white... it just looked "wrong". Made me think of the South Park gold PSP.
  9. Just a question for those who know: I'm not sure if someone brought this up already (50+ pages to look over is a tad long to browse) but one of my guys at my office came in this week with a white PSP. He said it was the japanese release. Are these just like the american PSPs? Are there any differences between the two? His display was in all english from what I could tell. I asked him about the AC power adaptor and if it was US compatable and he did not really answer me. It was quite freaky looking, looked like a huge Ipod or something... Anyone here have one of those?
  10. I've been purposely avoiding Quake 4 for the main reasons you mentioned: it's a cheap clone of Doom 3 and everyone I know who has it says it is not as good as Doom 3 and quite repetative. My gaming habits go in cycles, some months I could care less about games while other months it's all I want to do in my spare time. Right now I'm not playing that much... sure there are a lot of "good games" out right now but I'm simply not interested in any of them. Another Call of Duty? Meh. It seems the market is flooding with sequels at the moment. On the flip side of the coin I'm eagerly awaiting Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion on the PC... that sadly keeps getting pushed back because they are trying to release it at the same time as it's XBox360 version which keeps getting pushed back. I also find myself having fun with cheaper, "crappier" games. I picked up a real low-rent title, "Land of the Dead: the Road to Fiddler's Green" a few weeks ago and I love the hell out of it. It's about as low budget and shoddy as you can get but I just love the thing and I'm on my second time playing through it on harder difficulty.
  11. For gradeschool kids... Any adult seen by me with a Yugioh deck in his hands, unless he is shoving it down some 10 year old's throat, will be made fun of with loud report. ... and anyway I thought even the gradeschool set was beyond the CCG stuff at this point, aren't they?
  12. Are people still playing collectable card games? I could have sworn they went out with the Macerena, Dawson's Creek and Sienfeld.
  13. You are 100% correct, in the third season a two-parter episode titled "Down for the Count" Zito (the skinny sidekick of Sweitek) gets killed. Season three was the turning point in Vice, it took on a much grittier and darker tone.
  14. Well Miami Vice season two comes out in less than a month on DVD so no matter how horrid the movie is, the original is still coming out. Mmmmmmm... season two.....
  15. I've already taken a bite of that sandwich, seeing all the pics of him online. The sandwich tastes fishy... like bad trout... BUT... I liked Tigerland... So I may just go see the Vice movie no matter how much my stomach turns.
  16. Then explain THIS! (offers up a squashed aardvark). Seriously though I have no clue about Sandman... never looked into it.
  17. My comment is more to how shoddy HG's work looks compared to Mike's. Granted HG's is still "previs" (even though I buy that less and less as time goes on), comparing apples to apples Mike's previs things are much better. It's also not just the visual quality, that is only one piece of the puzzle... the way Mike's things move, the way he frames his shots, the overall feel of the animation is superior. Looking at Mike's things I feel I'm looking at a labor of love by an industry professional with years of experience... looking at the HG things I feel like I'm looking at the demo reel of a second year CG student... which I sadly see a lot of.
  18. Mike's work is fantastic. It's even more impressive to know that one single man with no studio support (read MONEY), working on his own out of pure love can craft something that looks and flows a million times better than the same subject matter churned out by HG's people. A credit to MikeRB.
  19. Not when it's rotting. Everywhere I see RT DVD sets they are the same sets that have been there for months. The way I know is the shelf wear on the packages. And when I go to the local game emporium that deals in used DVDs they have almost an entire shelf dedicated to used copies of RT... and they all sit there. The rest of the anime stuff seems to have a normal "churn" cycle to it but the RT stuff just sits there. They never sell the old and never get any new. As for speculation that is all we have to go on right now... people speculate about everything... and based on people's speculations is what gets shows like this on the air. If that clip shown a few posts back in this thread is their "couple months out" work... I really do not want to see the final product. As others have said the cel stuff looks OK at best but the CG looks very unfinished and clashes terribly with the cel work. I've seen a lot of production and pre-production CG reels in my time and that last clip is FAR from done. Unless that is actually the look they are going for... which would look terrible. They have many, many months... possibly even another year... ahead of them before this turkey is done baking. What confuses me is if that is not the "final render quality" of the show then what actually is the final render quality of the show? You'd think they'd be pimping images of that all over the place... with a deliverable of the first part of first quarter 06 by this point in their schedule they should have their final look all ironed out and it should only be a matter of rendering all the clip sequences and editing them together with some comp work to get it all assembled. Quality effects and content editing for an animated short subject program takes even more time and if they are still shooting for a first quarter release they should be half way done editing now and it should be going into package and pressing by the end of next month to meet their deliverable...
  20. Ah so. Well IMHO they will not get a TV deal then. Unless they have an "in" with Toonami or something it does not sound like they have their sh!t together enough to keep up with a prime network demand... plus they would need to field a ton of toys for kids to keep the show afloat on a network spot, after all kid's TV is just toy commercials these days. My guess is they will field a rushed, half-baked DVD release... ten months behind schedule... followed up by other direct to DVD releases... also ten months behind schedule... which will promptly be bought by one or two hardcore fans and then relegated to bargin bins just like all their toys, video games and other merchandise. I mean, everywhere I go right now I see RT DVDs languishing on shelves... unloved... unpurchased. I almost feel sorry for them.
  21. I'm a lazy bastard and I don't want to scroll back through the 40 some pages of arguing and tripe... so can anyone answer me these two questions: Has this series been "picked up" by a network? Usually things that are supposed to be coming out in... oh... three months already have a network assignment and said network most likely is already doing print and media hype for the show. I've seen nothing so... what's the deal? Is this thing going direct to video or something?
  22. I used to love the show, but in hindsight it was the shock value that I loved. The new episodes are good enough in their own light but now that the shock value has worn off the show is not much more than a soapbox that Parker and Stone can yell at the country from. It's sad to say but I usually agree with every single thing they bring up on that show... the issues and topics they cover, and the way they so blatantly abuse both sides of them just make you laugh. South Park's biggest strength these days is it's ability to be topical right away. My favorite episode to this day is still "Cartman gets an Anal Probe", AKA the first episode. I have never laughed so hard at South Park until the movie came out. "NO KITTY THIS IS MY POT PIE!" I think one massive down side of South Park is that you just can't re-watch it and have that same laugh... it's never as funny the second time through... which speaks to the shock factor again.
  23. Politics! Shriek! QUESTION THREE!!!! Who would need a booster seat to ride The Haunted Mansion ride? Tom Cruise or Elijah Wood? And with all this talk of short celebrities wouldn't they be rich enough to build their own Disney World in Half scale? With rides like "Upper Atmosphere Mountain" and "It's a Microscopic World After All?"
  24. I'm actually a freak of nature, I was born without a soul. I learned at an early age this made me perfect for bashing the work of people in the entertainment industry and making flippant remarks about trivial matters. I can sell your soul on eBay for you if you want me to... I bet it will fetch top dollar. I'll have to say we'll only ship within the US as I think your soul qualifies as firearms parts.
  25. I can agree with that. Having kids "softens" people. I know a cop who is a friend of mine that I met before he got married. He was a wild man then, three sheets to the wind and not a care if he lived or died. When he got married he started playing things safer and then last year when he had a kid he is one of the most careful people I know. He has gone to great lengths to clean up his vocabulary, he stopped smoking and he is very careful about everything he does. Wild man to mild man in two years. The whole "directors wanting to do kiddie fare" is all too common. A lot of big name directors, once they have kids, do at least one "kids" project. Most of the time the reasoning is "I want to show my young children what daddy/mommy does"... and to go one step further some writers/directors once they have kids become ashamed of their past works for being too -fill in the not child appropriate here-.
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