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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Some end result that allows me to don football pads and leather, paint my cars flat black, add air powered cannons and all manner of crossbow and pike and then go crazy while on a never ending quest to find "gazoline". I already have a hockey mask and leather chest harness picked out for Agent ONE, he gets to be The Humongous.
  2. I just sort of wandered in to this thread, that is a pretty nice AR papercraft... not a true M4 but a nice AR nonetheless. Oh and the magazine is upside down. I'll leave before I get tossed out.
  3. Then at least tell us the rest of the story SOMEWHERE!! You gave us a hit of crack and then took it away... I'm shocked there are not more junkies breaking your door down needing to know the conclusion.
  4. Three words: Agent ONE's blog... Where is it? What happened in Mexico? The world will never know because Agent ONE GAVE UP on that blog! That poor blog... abandonded... all alone and cold in the street... All his fans... INTELLECTUALLY BLUEBALLED!
  5. Apocalypse Now, the airmobile attack on Bin Dihn Dop. If it's not in the list than that list ain't worth sh#t.
  6. But Jan Hammer left the original Vice after season four so there is at least one season of the original Vice out there (season five) with NO Jan Hammer...
  7. I think my personal "grumpiness" about this movie is dying out fast... mostly because the original Vice season two box set came out yesterday and I have it in my grubby hands. ... but the more I see of this new vice the more confused I get about it. The "world" that Vice exsists in has changed dramatically since 1985. The glamorous coke smuggler wearing deconstructed italian suits, driving a ferrari and living the playboy lifestyle in Miami is long gone... thanks in part to all the exposure it got from the original Vice. Today's drug smugglers still employ some of the same tactics as they did back then but the "scene" and the "vibe" has totally changed. I still firmly believe that if Mann is trying to "reuse" the vibe of the original Vice then this movie is going to seem very out of place in today's world. The drug empires and barons of the '80s gave way to the kingpins and street thugs of the '90s which gave us today's drug world... which is dramatically different that that of Vice, not to mention that the type of deep cover police work shown in Vice is not hanlded by Vice cops anymore... it's the work of the DEA and Narcotics. I have no doubt that Mann can craft a fine film but I still have doubts about trying to use the Vice template in modern day. Vice is and has always been about that small window of time in the late '70s early '80s when drug barons openly walked the streets of Miami flaunting their money and success and the daring cops who went undercover as them to arrest them... that sort of thing just does not happen in the same way anymore. I know I sound like a broken record but if this movie was named anything other than Miami Vice I'd probably love it unquestioningly... but you tack the Vice name on it and my mind instantly thinks of only one thing. It's like making a Dukes of Hazzard movie only set in modern times with none of the charm, wit and flair that the original had... oh wait... they did that already... Oh and for those who said "rap does not belong in Miami Vice", the original Vice had quite a bit of classic '80s rap in it. Anyone remember Melle Mel and his song "Vice"? Written and performed specifically for Miami Vice along with a few other good classic rap songs from "back in the day".
  8. OK, two really easy ones from recent seasons: Who blew up the dam? and... Where exactly is the "heart of Walmart"?
  9. Cartman says if Kyle "kisses his black ass" that he will help them. Kyle moves in to kiss Cartman's ass and Cartman... um... "breaks wind" on Kyle's face. I know that is from the "Cartman's mom is STILL a dirty whore" episode when Cartman tells the others that if he hears the first line of the song he has to sing all of it. Someone told me that they put a "real" version of it on a Southpark Soundtrack CD back in '99 but I have never seen or heard it outside of the show.
  10. I must say that watching my wife do mag dumps with the Uzi brings a smile to my face that no porno ever can.
  11. OK, so I'm not crazy... But how do they get from Egon Spenglerish non-furry non-blue non-Beast regular looking guy on TV to a blue furry fatass beast shown in those press stills? Rogane gone bad and tons of hostess fruit pies?
  12. I may be off my nut on this but didn't they indirectly "show" Beast in one of the previous X movies? I could have sworn I saw someone called "Dr. McCoy" on a TV screen somewhere in the mix and he looked like a thin, glasses wearing Egon-esque (Harold Ramis) sort of guy. Am I just imagining things again?
  13. Ten points for Cory. Hey Death Hammer, are you ex military? What was your unit? Just wondering because I like to know all the ex mil folks here on MW... we have a sort of weird fraternity going on.
  14. Well my wife is current military, double warzone vet as well. She went through army training just like me a looooong time ago but because she is an officer and in a medical unit (stateside only now) the only regular exposure to weapons she currenlty gets on the job is saying hi to the base security detail or carrying her M9... which she no longer does (riding a desk in a VA means no sidearm). The two of us have always been "firearms enthusiasts" and we both together own a small arsenal. We are both licensed legal CCW carriers, we both have military weapons training as well as a lot of civilian NRA and private group training. I'm an NRA certified instructor and she can outshoot me with a M9 a lot of times. Our circle of friends jokingly call us "Burt and Heather (Gummer)" all the time (if anyone gets that joke you get ten points). L's (my wife) and other military women are the ecception and not the rule however... (just in case Jemstone wanders in I am not trying to be sexist here) but it has been my experience that the lion's share of women are afraid of firearms, in a lot of cases they are irrationally afraid of them. Talk to your average woman on the street and the usual answer you will get is not just "I dislike guns" but "I HATE guns". I'm the first to believe that this irrational fear stems from no exposure to firearms or the only exposure being through dramatized and out of proportion hollywood movies. I would say on average that for every ten women you meet, eight of them will be fervantly against firearms. To be fair a lot of men are anti-firearm as well but their machismo prevents them from vocally saying it... a lot of men are just as afraid and uneducated about weapons as women but they hide it well and "lack the balls" to just come out and say "I HATE guns" like a woman would. It's also my feeling that those people can't be swayed. They irrationally hate firearms and there is nothing you can say or do to change their mind. Just the way of the world.
  15. What makes me sick is that a Class III SOT dealer can buy a brand new post 86 G36 for about 2 grand or so and we, the "citizen caste" are left paying 4 grand for a semiauto Fg42 clone.
  16. Somebody out there is crazy enough to buy that repro FG42... if they are 4 grand crazy is yet to be seen. But seeing as how the semi auto M60's totally flew of the shelves, some fetching almost 8 grand a pop I know there is a market for rare semiauto conversions.
  17. Robotech: The Movie was proven to cause cancer and violent stomach upset in lab rats and has been banned by the FDA from further distribution. Any copies you may see for sale should be reported to your local authorities for proper disposal by a certified HAZMAT team.
  18. That only worked against non-hero characters in the movie. Ramsey dodges about a hundred of those things and the female partner he has, when she does get shot, the one that hits her has a dud detonator and they pry it out of her arm.
  19. Wow this thread is back? Funny Sundown should mention the movie poster from Runaway... Selleck is shown holding the heat seeking rocket gun that Gene Simmon's evil badguy character used in the movie (his character never used it)... Selleck's cop character Ramsey actually was using a Colt custom shop 1911A1 in the movie. He is also shown wearing the "Static Suit" from his encounter with the household trashcan robot weilding that .357 and with that suit he had a cool palm-sized laser pistol. For as stupid and goofy as Runaway is I loved that movie in the '80s.
  20. Does Harry Potter feature challenge pissing? Piss six feet straight up in the air and you have no down payment? Anyway that settles the WiZard or witch thing then... back to the regularly scheduled Harry Potter Love/Bash fest!
  21. OK off of religion... I still wanna know... is Harry Potter a wizzard or a witch? Edit: I hear people call him a wizzard all the time but what self-respecting wizzard rides a broom?
  22. OK, just a question for the Pot(ter) Heads that this thread has raised. Is Harry Potter a "wizzard" or a "witch"? And if he was a witch whould he not be a warlock? And if he was a Warlock would he be a short run light duty truck made by Dodge in the late '70s? Seems all the hubub with Potter and the church is over them calling him a witch, claiming he promotes witchcraft and then they promptly burn him at the stake in good olde puritanical fashion. But what of wizzards? When I think of a witch I think of fatass, black died hair with black lipstick and nail polish goth chick who worships the devil in her parent's basement because no one will go out with her... someone as dangerous to modern society and religion as a package of twinkies. ... on the other hand when I think wizzard I think of Gandalf... or some fat geek boy wearing a cloak his mom sewed him who worships Tolkien in his parent's basement because no one will go out with him... once again as dangerous to modern society and religion as Fruit Pie the Magician on your favorite hostess snacks. I think religion is just pissed they don't own the rights to Harry Potter and would be making boatloads of tax free cash hand over fist.
  23. I was "too old" for the regular legos when they came out but I did buy a few of the first "adult" lego sets back in the early eighties... the ones that were all like gears and sprockets and things. It was before they made the "Technical" sets that where like cars and stuff. All I remember is going into a toy store and buying a lego motor drive set, a few sets that where just like "universal gears and cogs" and a set that was like a base pad... just a big green field. I must have spent days building little motorized gear messes with those things. There seem to be a lot of legoheads here in this thread... do they still make those techie gear and cog sets with motors and stuff? I probably should walk down the lego isle next time I'm in a store myself and quit asking questions.
  24. I have not paid attention to lego blocks in decades... do they still make the big ol' buckets of random pieces, giant city street tiles and huge boxed "universal" sets that just let kids fuel their imagination and go wild or is everything a themed set now?
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