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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Just my two cents on this but if we pin a Mac 7 thread then would we not also be tasked to pin a thread on Zero, Plus and everything else? I think the best logic to employ would be the logic we already have: No more I LIKE -blank-, DON'T YOU?!?! threads. Be it Mac 7 based, Plus based or DYRL based. If we see one we lock it up like car brakes on ice. I mean, they serve no purpose... in my eyes a "I LIKE HOT DOGS!" thread is in the same ballpark as a "HOTDOGS SUCK!" thread... they both draw the same flies. Now a thread about the type of mustard Hikaru used on his Hot Dog in episode 12 of SDFM is cool in this logic as it is specific and offers a point of discussion or debate... but the nebulous circle jerk or round robin smackdown threads are a source of pain. This fight between the Max7 lovers and the haters is going to go on and on and on and on... there is nothing that can be done to really stop it. Stomp out one fire and another will pop up. Ban one vocal hater or lover and another will take their place. The only course to steer is the course of containment.
  2. Oh I step on the Dirty Dancing landmine all the time. I have yet to meet a woman who realizes how cheap and sensationalized that movie is... The real question is do you have Dirty Dancing on your portible video?
  3. I always wonder what the actual age demos are of the people who watch the Cartoon Network shows... I bet at times more adults watch than children (and that's not talking about Adult Swim).
  4. Nothing is wrong with Jennifer Grey... to some people. I personally want to hit her with an oar because of Dirty Dancing. Swayze and Grey go from shooting commies to american pop culture darlings in three short years.
  5. Zing. Anyway... on the subject of "American Anime" what is the concensus here on things like this hover bike if it WAS actually an homage. Do you think people see stuff like that and "get it" or do you think it goes right over the heads of most people?
  6. Ooooooooooooh kaaaaaaaaaaay... Let's see if we can move this back to the whole "heroes of the macross" thing and less about the socio-philosophical rights and wrongs of war and killing. It's ok when it's directly relevant but it's off on quite a tangent now... and as we all know the second the word "nazi" enters a thread it has nowhere to go but downhill. So back to the Heroes of the Macross!
  7. There are two things in this world that A1 fears: himself... and Jennifer Grey. Hence why no Red Dawn love from A1.
  8. To A1 and "friends", let's take the banter outside. I got a few complaints about you guys in this thread in my in box when I rolled in this morning. Nothing makes me grumpy like complaints in my coffee. I'm an easy enough going guy so I'm just showing my face to say "thin ice, guys". This topic has merit so I don't want to trash it just yet so everyone behave and try to keep it on the discussion about the clones and the macross and stuff please... and in the words of your mothers "Don't make me come back in here". [Peter Weller] Thank you for your cooperation [/Peter Weller]
  9. Watching video on such a small screen with tinny little speakers or headphones drives me up a wall... I'm a home theater nut through and through. However a lot of the people at my company have those new video Ipods and they seem to like them... but they hardly ever use the video feature. Now the people with PSP's use them to play UMD movies once in a blue moon and most have short video ripped onto their memory cards. But once again it's more of a gimmick than it is a regularly used feature with them... kind of like having a camera in your cell phone. Sure it's cool for the first ten minutes but after that it's just another feature that you occasionally use and usually only when goofing off. Give me a 60"+ widescreen DLP with a home theater surround system any day of the week. Then again my wife hates TV and doesn't care for many movies so I always have my theater system to myself.
  10. The V-8 interceptor got blown to bits in Road Warrior. As for this new movie I have one sentence: If I see any, any CGI in this movie I will absolutely crap all over it. The singular standout awesome factor of all the Mad Max movies are the insane stuntmen and insane practical effects. I always told myself "they will never make another decent Mad Max in today's Jar Jar Binks do everything with CGI world"... will I be wrong? I hope so.
  11. While this contributes nothing to this conversation when I was a wee child in the late seventies and saw star wars for the first time I thought Obiwan was over 100 years old. His mannerisms, the way he moved and his overall aura to me (then) was that of an old, tired man. Then in Empire we are introduced to Yoda, yet another really, really old, tired jedi. Then when they pull Vader's hat off we see that he is yet another really, really old crusty man. When I was a kid watching these movies they gave me the impression that the last of the jedi (not counting Luke) where all 100+ year old geezers who where barely clinging to life. And when the princess calls Obiwan "General Kenobi" I assumed that anyone who held the rank of general was a grey-haired old war horse in their 50's rather than someone in their 30's... and if that was him in the clone wars then he must be really old now... or at least that was my little 8 year old kid logic then.
  12. One of the characters is a freaking cactus? What's his name? Prick?
  13. Because those are CN's cash cow shows. CN knows lots of people will pay money for those DVD sets and they re-run those shows ad nausem while on the other hand Megas XLR seemed to vacate their lineup rather hastily... is it even still on the air right now?
  14. Let's see if my newfound minimod powers work.
  15. Agent, I love you buddy but this thread of yours is laying on it's side scooting around in circles making Curly noises right now (woooooob woooob wooooob wooooob wooooob).
  16. While I still think the CG has much to be desired it has actually improved a good deal from the last clip I saw. I still think it clashes with the cel animation to the point of drawing too much attention to itself but at least it's not as bad as it used to be. I'm still of the opinion that if this show is free (broadcast or on cable) I'll watch it but if I have to buy it then I'm still in the "no thanks" crowd. It's one thing to see it free on TV and not like it, it's another thing all together to have to pay $20 for it and then not like it.
  17. A big reason many widescreen PC games are 16:10 is because the most popular PC widescreen monitors (that are not double duty HDTV's) are that aspect ratio. In my limited experience it's only the double duty HDTV's that use the true 16:9 settings. My monitor is a Dell FP2005WS and runs native in 1680x1050 (16:10). If I give it a 16:9 ratio resolution it displays it fine but the aspect is off. Could the double image issue possibly be a side effect of how your HDTV is perceiving the signal? I have heard from some people that some makes of HDTV do not make the best PC monitors due to the ways they interpret the signal from the PC. I'd think if you had the monitor driver installed (not just the video driver but the specific driver for that monitor) as well as running a pure DVI line between the video card and the monitor might clean up the problems you might be having. Also, what is the native resolution for that set? I've found that flatscreen widescreen PC monitors perform optimally when you have them in their native resolution.
  18. I was a GD but now I own my own graphic design company... we do good enough business for the midwest.
  19. PC Games are finiky... it's the nature of the beast. But there ARE workarounds for almost every widescreen problem I've ever encountered in the PC world. Have you tried poking around on Widescreen Gaming? Every widescreen issue I've had has had a workaround on there... sometimes the workarounds are not all that special but in the cases of FEAR and Kotor 2 they made the game much more enjoyable... too bad GUN still looks like ass on my system, not my system's fault but rather that of lazy programmers.
  20. Duke is 100% right. I have a widescreen PC monitor and it pains me that only about half the games out right now are widescreen compatible. I've had to tinker with a lot of games (editing config files, pirate patching, etc.) to even get them to run in "fake" widescreen modes. Notable games that did not come with built in widescreen that made me mad are FEAR, Pirates!, Kotor 2, GUN, the list goes on and on for me. I've also discovered that a lot of games do not like "strange" resolutions outside of the very common "prime operating resolutions" that most common monitors recommend. I've seen everything from screen distortion (most common) to total graphical bugouts.
  21. All I really cared about in Metal Gear was the game action... the stealth, the killing and then running... you know, the actual gameplay. The actual stories in the metal gear games IMHO are rife with all manner of bad writing, predictable plot twists, overused movie stereotype and more incorrect and just plain made up fact than anything... oh and don't let me forget Kojima's constant beating you over the head with his political views and world views. I don't see how Boll could make the MGS plots any more screwed up and goofy than they actually are in the games. I agree with DT... if it's going to piss you off, don't look.
  22. Another one for me to add to my list (and this one): Lawrence of Arabia I can barely stand Peter O'Toole on a good day but 4 hours of him is more than any sane person can handle. I don't see why this movie is such a classic... it's longer than hell and just as boring.
  23. Homer: There are three ways of doing things... the right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way. Bart: But isn't the Max Power way the wrong way? Homer: ONLY FASTER!
  24. tact (tăkt) noun Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including the ability to speak or act without offending.
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