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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Does this thread have a point other than letting us all know there is another forum on the internet full of stupidity?
  2. Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And tuna is the stinkiest of the open ocean fish.
  3. The only toy mail away I ever got was one well after I was a kid. I sent in for two of those 12" Limited Edition GI Joe "Joseph Colton" dolls. They sent me one and a refund for the other... seems they limited you to one per address. The thing is worth almost nothing today... yipee!
  4. I think what would be best is for both sides to slowly back away from this. Let's not blow out another thread with bickering. Please stay on target, on topic and off of each other's backs. Please?
  5. I think to be fair to Graham this topic should be sidelined and the thread should return to what it was intended to be.
  6. Areaseven requested this thread locked so I will oblige. Next up on all request hour we have the Divinyls with "I Touch Myself".
  7. Me3, why all the attitude? Is all this anger coming off of you just because we closed a thread you started about a topic that we already have a special pinned thread to cover? You have an arena for the topic you wish to discuss and you have free reign to be angry over HG and their business practices in that pinned thread which I see you have already found and joined in. No one is actively trying to persecute you here, we are simply reacting to your hostility over something that should be a non-issue.
  8. Actually I closed that topic becase it had no point. It was a retread... we've talked about that into infinity here. Admittedly you have not but you could have just read the pinned HG hate thread and vented in there rather than starting a new thread. We left it open for a while to see what your real reason for starting that thread in the first place was but the usual MW motley band of thread ruiners decided to step in and just start spouting nonsense. I locked it because it started off bad and it was going to end bad. I did not jack boot you because of your opinions I jack booted your thread because basically you lit a fuse to a big stack of dynamite and walked away. Edit: Go Here to discuss that topic. You are able to discuss this topic here freely without fear of people dumping on you. Again I did not close your thread due to it's content but due to it's nature.
  9. Already posted... twice actually. Original thread: Here
  10. All I'm saying is that if you say Bloody Mary enough times in front of a mirror bad things happen and if you post that pic too many times then Tony Oliver will jump out of your monitor and eat your head. Anyway... I also did some looking around and it seems that Emotion is sort of like a record label for Bandai, they release stuff under that banner. It seems it was their original release house back when they released DALOS in the early '80s.
  11. Agent, for the love of frickin hell dude PLEASE stop it with the Rick Hunter picture shtick already. I get what you are trying to do and ha ha it's funny but if I have to see that thing one more time I'm going to go kick someone's dog.
  12. Okay the point is made about the quoted Rick Hunter thing already! Anyway... I always thought Emotion was just Bandai Visual's calling card. I could swear that I've seen it on tons of things, not just Kawamori stuff.
  13. And with the umteenth posing of the Rick Hunter action doll this thread as signed it's own death warrant.
  14. Yeah this topic is a massive retread around these parts... but just to show we are not draconian like the corporate types over at RT.com I'll let this thread live a little longer provided it does not turn into a crazy nuts bashfest. I, like EXO, also want to know what brought this on from me3.
  15. I gave this a spin... this is who it said I resemble: Kevin Mitnick (famous white collar criminal) 56% Peter Weir (Australian film director) 52% Johnathan Edwards (US Congressman) 50% Ville Valo (lead singer of HIM) 48% Henry James (British writer) 46% Kurt Weill (German Composer) 45% I only have one picture of myself to test this with... I always thought I looked like Orlando Bloom... I guess the machine knows better than I.
  16. I always say that when I see a lot of people I know who should get along and be friends throwing knives at each other like we're in a circus. I can understand banter, I can understand joking around but sometimes things just look a tad too... heated... than I think they need to be. I figured it was time for another change and I think Winslow Leach fits my current moods rather well. I'll be signing people to lifetime contracts if they wish...
  17. Wow this thread really spun out and hit the wall, didn't it. So what was the decision on this? Pinned Mac7 free for all or not?
  18. None of us doubt that A1 would dive into that thread naked and screaming like a howler monkey... I think the point is that that thread would then contain him and his Mac7 "love" from spilling out into countless other threads. Give the children a playground and they won't run around in the streets. Plus it's a lot easier to keep an eye on things when you have one small yard to patrol for fires rather than the entire countryside.
  19. What keeps me coming back to the cartoon is nostalgia. It's been 20 years since I originally saw it on TV as Robotech and I have not seen anything that has matched my interest anime-wise since. Everyone holds certain shows on pedistals in their heart, and the original SDFM and DYRL are those shows to me. I can take or leave most of the toys and other collectables, owning them is nice but they do not keep my interest that much anymore. As for my reasons of constantly coming to Macross World I guess the main one is the people here. I originally came for information but stayed for the party if that makes sense. I'd like to think that I "know all I want to know" about Macross at this point unless something new comes out so what ties me here are the shenanigans, the goings-on if you will.
  20. I have no doubt that a pinned thread would go a long way down the road of containing the problem... I guess the "fairness" of having pinned threads relating to other hats of the Macross pyramid is unneccessary as they do not breed the hate issues and constant problems that Mac 7 does. So I guess in the light Lone Wolf paints, a Mac 7 containment thread ala the Masterpiece thread and the HG free for all thread would effectively give lattitude to the mods and an arena to the posters. I can't go against that logic. In hindsight my opposition to it was based on attempting to end-run the possible future "if there is this pinned thread then why isn't there a pinned 'we love -blank-' thread" questions. Cart before horse possibly.
  21. I guess I'll leap on the bandwagon... even though threads like this rub me the wrong way. SDF Macross - 9 out of 10, My second favorite and the one I find myself watching the most when I watch anythying Macross. DYRL - 10 out of 10, the summit of Macross. The alpha and the omega. IMHO it all goes downhill from here. Flashback - 5 out of 10, I can watch it sometimes but it's quite boring to me. I think because it has the original characters in it makes me appreciate it more than I might otherwise. Plus - 4 out of 10, boring... outside of flashy, overly complex mecha designs I don't see what others see in it. Macross 7 - 0 out of 10, the show annoys me like fingers on a chalkboard. Enough said. Zero - 3 out of 10, I never got into it no matter how hard I tried. I found the visual style distracting and the plot quite placid. Macross II - 4 out of 10, it starts off ok but the plot becomes wrote halfway through and the visual quality goes into the toilet. Had promise but wastes it all in my book. In the end I really only like SDF Macross and DYRL. I guess you could say that I'm one of those people that appreciates sequels less and less... especially with anime. The originals draw me in but the sequels push me away. I'm the same way with Star Wars.
  22. Ah but the fire needs wood on which to feed. Flames do not move without something to conduct them and in all truth Agent ONE's shenanigans only persist because other people either support or clash against him. I think we ALL have some serious egoes at work on this message board and when a match is lit each side fans the flames. This thread is a prime case in point. Agent ONE lights a match and hordes flock to it and keep the fire going. All Agent ONE has to do is be a good boy scout and mind the coals, giving them a needed stoke here and there to keep the fires dancing. I'm not trying to defend Agent ONE, I'm just trying to honestly assess this situation. Yes, Agent ONE is the catalyst but he is not the fuel. What keeps the ball of hate rolling is everyone else that is drawn to it and participates in it. The small snowball rolling down the hill becomes an avalanche given time. You have to admit that it takes two to tango... if we just ignored Agent ONE, refused to step into his ring and combat him, a lot of these issues would be non-issues. And the same goes for Agent ONE and his views of the mods and other members. Just because something happens does not mean it all somehow traces back to him and his actions. Domino theory only works when everyone is not already playing Poker. I think in the end a good path to follow is the one I try my hardest to follow on the internet: if someone has a differing opinion than yours don't jump them and beat them to a pulp over it. Agree to disagree and move on. Opinions are like teeth, we all have a lot of them and some of them might seem rotten to other people... but that does not give us the right to punch them out of their head. If you don't like looking at someone else's green rotten teeth, just don't look at them. Walk away. You are not less of a man (or woman) for walking away from an argument or a fight.
  23. Ah but you CAN be contained... eventually... somehow... I think we need those big radar dish lasers they use on Godzilla.
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