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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. While I myself did not delete your baseball thread I can speak to this one, namely it should not be and it violates the MW rules. I'm moving it to the feedback section in case one of the higher ranking mods still wants to leave it open. Edit: I can understand it's upsetting that a thread you liked got the shaft and I hope this helps explain it some. Additional info just for clarification: From MW Rules and Regulations, (Link) Basically what that says is that anything NOT Macross is in fact off topic. Certain off topic things are left alive because someone in the administration wills it, for lack of a better term. Any topic that is OT can vanish like Hoffa on you with no real reason given other than it is "off topic". My guess is a mod made a judgement call that the Baseball thread was too outside the box and canned it. It is not a slight against you, baseball, it's fans or anything or anyone else that the topic was deleted. Suffice it to say the reason it vanished was spelled out in the MW R&R. As for this thread it falls into this category:
  2. It's super easy to mod an SKS to take detatchable magazines... you simply remove the internal mag assembly when taking it down for cleaning and replace it with one of the special aftermarket SKS detatchable mags you see people selling everywhere. The exsisting SKS internal mag release button now acts as a magazine release and the mags pop out and in from front to back just like an AK mag. If you have run an AK you can run an SKS with detatchable mags just as easy. The SKS detatchable magseven look like AK mags only they have this long nose on them that sticks into the frame where the internal mag spring corner assembly sat. One big caveat to using them though: installing a detatchable magazine on your Yugo or other C&R qualified SKS instantly revokes it's C&R status and it is now an "Assault Weapon" with removable magazine according to several states that still have assault weapon laws in place. So do your homework if you live in a ban state before buying any detatchable SKS mags.
  3. I loaded the one of mine that I tested by hand round by round. Stripper clips are a PITA no matter what weapon you have. Hence why my favorite weapons are magazine fed. This internal mag stripper clip loading stuff is for the birds.
  4. Yeah I got four sets of them. Need one? Slam fires and runaways in SKSes are caused by putting the firing pin back in backwards when you reassemble the bolt. I've seen several SKSes reassembled wrong and cause runaways. One of my friends had a Norinco SKS that ran away all the time and he kept ignoring me telling him that the pin was in backwards. He finally sold it for parts. We used to call that Norc SKS "Uncle Mao's Wild Ride". It was a neat SKS, too... it had a green plastic stock with the short paratrooper barrel and an all grey parkerized finish. I have never seen one like it since.
  5. The people's choice awards is Hollywood's market telling them what they liked... the Oscars are Hollywood telling their market "what they should have liked" for four hours.
  6. I like the orignal Macross symphonic score music like Fate's Arrow. It is far superior to the sappy Robotech master scores IMHO... but as for the pop music, ugh. I can't stand Minmay OR Minmei... Reba West or Mari Iijima. West sounds like a drunk secretary blasting out at Karaoke night and I'm just not a fan of J-pop to like Mari. If I had to choose it is a no brainer that Mari > Reba hands down but as for putting it on my Ipod and listening to it outside of the show that is a no-go for me.
  7. People call me nuts but seeing as I had to get my C&R license to own a Class III in missouri I decided to just buy a rack of those yugo SKSes just to "try out my license". I think I paid about $100 each for four of them, all in "arsenal excellent condition" shipped in the crate. I guess they came four per crate because it looked like they had not been opened since the eastern bloc. I took them all out, "de-cosmolined" them all in the backyard and finally got around to taking one out a few weeks ago. I only shot one, it was your typical loose comblock phone pole. About as accurate as any other wood and steel creation from that era. They sure do look impressive all in a row in on a floor rack though. I'm most likely going to take two of them and sell them at the next convention and give one to a friend... mostly to piss off his wife more than anything else. Hey Noriko, does yours have the big "charging night sight" flip up grenade sight on it? I put that thing up at the range just to see how the range officer would react... I think he called me a retard. Oh and all four of mine do not have ports on the launchers... and scarily enough they are all four totally different serial number strings but all look alike. Go figure.
  8. Well the good thing about firearms is they are like cars, after you buy them and use them they can be resold or traded in on other weapons. Try out that SPR and see how it handles on a trap range. If there comes a time when you want to upgrade to the 1100 just trade it in against one or sell it and turn the money around. My own personal preference is for shorter shotguns and carbines as they are easier to manuver through doorways and overall easier to handle on a firing line... although they don't possess the range their longer siblings have. My home defense shotgun of choice is my trusty Rem 870 Marine Magnum, kept in the downstairs coat closet near the front door. I keep my G21 in the nightstand by my bed. I figure if a shotgun is needed it will be at the front door in the case of a home invasion... something like that requires artillery. But for a burglary I plan to lock my bedroom door and have my wife call 911 on her cell while I sit on the floor and aim at the door. I'm not going out into the house unless necessary... nothing is worth dying over except protecting my wife... and she has her M9 in her nightstand .
  9. I always assumed threads with the title of "Official" had somehow gotten clearance to exsist from a mod or admin... I guess that is not always the case. Perhaps in the future all topics wishing to be "official" would need a stamp of approval from a mod or admin otherwise they will be cranked. Nothing personal but I do sort of see how annoying it would be for an admin to come on here one day and see something like "MW Official McDonalds Happy Meal Toy Thread!" and assume someone gave that person permission to make that thread. As for the choice of one large thread versus many small ones I tend to lead towards both... let me explain... this is a discussion board, and as such "discussion" should be allowed in any form it arrives in. But at the same time this board is used by members as an information repository, which is the exact opposite of a discussion board. In a discussion you have two or more people exchanging positions, ideas and information in a near real time exchange. An information repository is a library in which people simply muse facts and recorded info at their leasure. MW serves both masters but IMHO it's focus is on discussion of topics and issues. Most of the time the "super threads" are kept around to centralize all the discussion on one large topic rather than break it up into a vast smattering of smaller topics... and it's also done for housekeeping reasons to be honest. While one person balks at having to read ten different topics about one thing they are interested in another with complain about having to sift through fifty pages of one thread about the thing they are interested in... and then still a third person (like me) will get a headache that we have these large topics specifically set up to contain all the discussion of one topic only to see all these smaller topics pop up all over about the same darn thing. But in the end it's all about the discussion... participating or just watching others participate if you're into the whole antisocial thing. Going back and reading a hundred pages in a large topic is a pain when you are looking for info but at the same time so is trying to look for one peice of info in twenty different topics that are five pages long. IMHO the large topics are not to be used as library books but rather as places to contain the discussion of large topics that always crop up. Perhaps we should "flush" the large topics periodically to keep them smaller... but then that would anger the people who use them as library books. In the end you can't make everyone happy either way, so it all boils down to a policy of active topic control and containment... that's what mods are for in the end.
  10. Nice choice, remmys are quite reliable given a good diet of the right shells. You may look into getting an 18" barrel for that guy if you intend to swing it around indoors... but if it's intent is also to double as a sporting game weapon then that 18 is not a choice barrel. Any particular reason you went with the SPR rather than say a Rem 1100? And you most likely already know this but remember the two "Dos" of self defense with an autoloader shotgun: Birdshot does not stop aggressive intruders and only use high dram shells to ensure the auto cycles right. Best bet is a nice 00 Buck high dram shell like the 3.5". That will knock a person down and then some.
  11. JsARCLIGHT, pronounced Jay's Ark Lite, is a shortened version of Jay's Arclight. My first name is Jason. My co workers when I worked in San Antonio said I had a bad habit of sneaking up on them and suprising them (the seinfeld "sidle") in such a way that it casued them to jump, spill coffee, etc. One of them got to calling that my "Arclight strike" (Operation Arclight being the code name of B52 missions in Vietnam, from the movie Apocalypse Now when they see an Arclight strike in the distance and Lawrence Fishburn says "Charlie don't ever hear or see 'em coming... blast will suck the air outa your lungs man"). When it came time to give myself an online screen name through AOL almost a decade ago I typed in Jay's Arclight and it returned Jsarclight because of screen name character limits then. Tada... end of story.
  12. At the same time you can't read the "radical liberal agenda" thing too far either. IMHO that is all part of the satire as well. The show does it's best to show the insanity of both sides of the coin. While it directly attacks the more conservative issues head on in the open it slyly undermines all it's own "liberal agenda" elements. The problem is that the viewer is left wondering if that makes the show self-satirising or just lacking of a center? The things to remember are that Huey and Riley are two sides of radical interpretation of culture. One is a stereotypical counter-culturist, steeped in supposed knowledge, false mysticism and wisdom, rejecting the world around him while the other is a shallow pop culture drone, easily absorbing and influenced by all he sees. The Freeman brothers are the polar sides of the show which makes Grandad the center... and I think that is who's angle you are supposed to view the show from. But if Grandad is the center they do a poor job of structuring him as a character as he does not get much screen time and is used as a story prop most of the time.
  13. You're reading the show too literally. The dislike of "whitey" is all part of the "breaking down stereotypes while drawing attention to them" angle of the show. While I still feel the show swings and misses on a lot of the key issues it tries to bring up it does a very, very good job at satirising racisim on both sides of the racial divide.
  14. I used to like the subtle humor of the comic strip a long time ago so I watch it every now and then. Decent enough show but it's very scattershot, I think that mostly comes from having a slew of writers all writing different sorts of comedy and then packaging it all together and getting it past network S&P. Their scripting and presentation make jokes out of everything, even the points they are trying to make. Self-satirical? Possibly. I just have a hard time watching the show sometimes because when you make fun of everything, including your own views, the show has no real "center" to it. At the end of every episode I feel like I watched a fever dream... it had characters, things happened, parts of it where funny, but nothing made any sense or left you with any real feelings on the issue they where trying to address. The best episode they have made so far was the one with MLK. I felt they where on target with a tight script and a message with that episode... but most of those that have come before and after have all been too loose to be anything more than goofy humor. McGruder could have such a great poinient show but it's getting watered down because it has to bridge the gap between humor and making a point about something. But still it's far better than most of the lineup on Adult Swim right now anyway. I'll tune in for Boondocks, Futurama, Family Guy, Moral Orel and Venture Brothers when it returns on AS but I skip everything else.
  15. Harmony Gold caused me to close this topic. Sorry guys but the thread is spinning on it's side like a bottle. Evirus, try cleaning your DVD player's lens and the DVDs. If that does not do it then you might have a bum disc. Try contacting the manufacturer for a replacement. If they don't replace it use it as a coaster... heck, even if they DO replace it still use it as a coaster.
  16. OK this thread is going nowhere except for people to post tasteless pictures of women. Take this heat to the original DOA movie thread please (Here).
  17. I cringe a little each time I see or hear the words "live action adaptation". Those three little words just carry such karma with them. Sometimes live action adaptations work out well like Spiderman, Sin City and the X Men movies while other times you wind up with Howard the Duck or Tank Girl.
  18. A quick cursory glance around the internet seems to point to ODEX being a legit licensee of anime for SEA. It also seems their licenses are directly influenced by the North American market as I saw a few stories claiming ODEX's releases are limited in scope due to prior license agreements the original anime producers have with R1 houses.
  19. Out of respect for Roy's wishes this topic is closed. If Roy sees it and has a change of heart it will reopen.
  20. 1/6 scale RAH level Mospeada ride armors complete with fully articulated 12" rider dolls. I want these done out the ass with the following: - fully transformable from bike to ride armor. I don't care if it's "perfect transform" or not, heck the thing can fully dismantle and you swap peices out to make it work... just as long as it works. - 12" doll rider figure has two swappable heads, one helmetless with a loose helmet they can hold and one with helmet perminantly on with movable visor. Also swappable hand sets. - A full cache of small arms for the rider doll, rifles, pistols, you name it - detatchable saddle bags that the accessories can fit in - rubber tires, moving shocks, the works - mospeada/rider combos for the four main characters (Stick, Ray, Fuke and Yellow) and "supporting character" sets of generic soldiers, Shinobu, Col. Johnson and on and on.
  21. Sean Connery is Bond to me... everyone else is a shallow replacement. I did not like Lasenby, I absolutely hated Moore and Dalton and I found Brosnan passable at times but as others have said it is his cornball movies he was in that made me not care for him. Sure Goldeneye was OK but all his others where quickly and easily forgotten. It's admirable that they are trying to take the character back to his roots of less gadgets, more intrigue but IMHO even if Brosnan was given that chance he would have been flat. Brosnan was a faceman, all looks and no personality. Bond is all about the personality, the swagger. They lost that when they lost Connery and they have never regained it. The Bond legend is not gadgets or vehicles or crazy villians... it's about this sly, debonaire Brittish agent who is all attitude, intrigue and allure. The movies just got away from that as time went on and Bond became more or less a pop culture barometer, immitating other movies rather than innovating like it used to.
  22. Movin' on up to the east side... I mean, Other Anime.
  23. I love my two droppers and apc. The only things I would change are: - make the cockpit seating "correct" rather than just two squares with a froopy incorrect pilot. - add more decal detail. The Halcyon kits had tons of waterslide decals to spruce them up. - add a few of the big, important movie plot point details that both these and the Halcyon kits they where copied from left out such as the rear egress stairs and opening APC doors.
  24. THIS will make BSU crap his pants. ... and THIS is just icing on the cake. So it appears the new Bond gets his fronts knocked out in a fake fight, he can't drive stick and he hates firearms. I'm waiting for his pink tux to arrive from wardrobe as we speak... they sure as hell don't make them like Sean Connery anymore do they? Heck... Lazenby ranks higher than this new Bond on my ratings list already.
  25. Contact Marlin directly. They are required by law to provide you free of charge a copy of the owner's manual that should cover all the take down operations you will need to perform to adequately clean that guy.
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