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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. You are correct. The registered part of an AR15 is the lower receiver... more specifically just the aluminum block that holds the trigger and hammer guts that has the serial number on it. Every other part of an AR15 can be sold or bought openly. The only AR part I am aware of other than a lower receiver that is classified as a firearm is the SHRIKE belt fed upper receiver, which can actually be fired without the lower receiver attached. Thus it was ruled to be a firearm in and of itself by the BATFE.
  2. OD Green weapons are a fad, just like those nickel frame/blued slide weapons from the late 80s/early 90s. In a few years some other finish will be the "in" color. And thanks to all the aramids and zytels on the market now every color of the rainbow is a possibility. IMHO guns are like cars... white cars are universally accepted and black guns are universally accepted. Then again you already know my dislike of anything but black/blue finishes on weapons.
  3. I'm still debating getting one of those FS2K's or not. It would not be that much of an inconvenience to me to buy one... runs the same mags and ammo as all my AR's. I guess I'm waiting to see when the black framed one will be released. The green is just so... green.
  4. Except that all those innovations where already made by Steyr in the early '80s in a package called the AUG and by H&K in the G11 suite. The P90 is basically a modern day glamored up AUG with a proprietary top loading magazine and proprietary round. The difference was that the AUG was a monster that had to be downgraded to 9mm to prevent blowing holes in houses four blocks away. I'd take one of those wonder caliber PDW AUGs (the short barrel ones that convert from 9mm to 5.56) over a P90 any day of the week.
  5. All I have ever seen was the TV series on Public Access TV back in Chicago when I was at school... from what I recall of Ace she and the Sylvester McCoy Doctor where the last to be seen then all of a sudden the 96 movie came out with McCoy but no Ace. I just assumed that so much time had passed that the actor who played Ace was either too old to pull it off or unavailable so they just "skipped" her. Then again I have been going under the assumption that the 96 movie was an American one-off that was not supposed to tie in with the franchise. I always thought that Who was dead and the movie was simply the last gasp of the franchise in an attempt to port it to the states. The movie always seemed more like a failed pilot and less like a movie if you know what I mean.
  6. They are very rare in all truth but still out there in large numbers. Corrosive ammo in today's world is mostly old stuff found in the surplus ammo that is flooding the US lately. I see old drypacks at gun shows in all the bizzare euro and eastern bloc calibers all the time from the late 60's and 70's that are all corrosive ammo. A lot of times the sellers don't even know the ammo is corrosive. Sometimes they even mark it as non-corrosive when it probably is.
  7. From Empire Arms website: I myself never shoot corrosive ammo so I don't know how well this works but I have heard several people claim to do this with no real problems.
  8. Even .45 ACP does not stop everyone all the time. I have seen police reports and even some footage of guys jacked up on PCP and Crack take several magazines of 9mm and even .40 S&W before going down... and usually only then they went down to a CNS hit to the spine or head. The real test of "stopping power" is causing a wound that not only incapacitates but also "neutralizes the threat" of an attacker... to most people that means killing them outright with a few shots quickly, which suffice it to say is not really possible unless you get a square shot between someone's eyes. So what it boils down to is how many rounds you have to expend on a target before the threat is neutralized. Old school thinking is less shots to solve a problem, new school thinking is the "burst" mentaility of more shots, lower accuracy but the problem is still solved. Personally I come from the old school of thinking. You only get a limited window to engage a target most of the time and you really will only score half of your rounds in the black so to speak in combat conditions... so personally I choose a hard hitting man stopper. My round of choice in my carry weapon is Winchester Ranger .40 S&W. Smaller than .45 which gives me more rounds if I need them but more powerful than a 9mm. For my home weapons it's m G21 and a shotgun. Those are personal decisions and nothing more. Hell, 80% of the people in America carry nothing to defend themselves with and the logic of a .22 in the pocket is better than a .45 left at home prevails even if it is just a .22.
  9. When you are shooting targets yes... when you are using the weapon for self defense that is another story alltogether. Then again how many perps the average civilian encounters will be wearing body armor? My guess is none.
  10. Graham does sort of speak the truth in a few ways Twitch. The main benefit of the 5.7 round is it's armor piercing capacity... which in the civilian variant is removed. The 5.7 round is first and foremost a jacket breaker designed to fight an opponent wearing a kevlar vest or other forms of body armor. The penetration statistics of the 5.7 are crafted as a "hot knife through butter" round, similair to the 5.56 NATO. When it comes to overall kenetic energy dump into the target the small caliber supersonic bullets don't really pass muster that well. Sure they will wound and kill targets with effectiveness but they will not "stop" targets. Small caliber high velocity bullets just blow right through, transferring very little if any of the kenetic energy into the target... the prime downfall of the 9mm round and the 5.56 round, no "stopping power". The fact of the argument is that the FN 5.7 round is a purpose made ammo, designed to attack armored opponents. When it's armor piercing capacity is taken away from it the bullet looses almost all of it's strengths and it becomes simply another bizzare caliber off magnum round. Sure the neutered 5.7 can boast massive muzzle velocities and other performance data but when it comes to the core properties of a defensive round, kenetic energy transfer and stopping power, the round is quite poor. A .40 S&W beats it in ballistics at that point along with almost every other "classic" handgun round. But at the same time a kevlar vest will absorb a standard .40 S&W round but an AP 5.7 will blow through it like the wind. Edit: Also you should take note that the performance of the restricted AP 5.7 round and the civilian legal 5.7 round are very, very different. The true beast, the AP round, is very effective but the neutered civilian version is quite tame. That steel core inside the AP round creates almost all of the bullet's effectiveness... take that steel core out and it literally becomes akin to a very hot .22 magnum both in ballistics and in performance.
  11. I only scored a 75%... most of the questions where too "old" and too foreign for my knowledge base. I only know US milspec well, everything else is shaky.
  12. Read what Moose said closely... and Google is your friend. For those who don't read russain once you find the site just keep clicking, it's there.
  13. FX are bootleggers out of SEA... I'm not sure they have a website. And if I'm not mistaken aren't the Mac7 FX sets no longer in print?
  14. My russian is rusty but Oichen Speceeba, Moose. I can now give this off to my friends who constantly ask to borrow my book.
  15. But that still goes against the Doctor Who "lore"... the Master is an evil renegade time lord who would do stuff like that to continue his wicked exsistence. The Doctor, while also a renegade, respects all life and would never do such a thing... or at least according to all the stuff that drops out of his mouth. But like F-Z1 has pointed out time and again the writers of DW do a lot of blatantly contradictory stuff all the time. But like any good show that constantly breaks it's own rules... cough cough star trek cough... I'm sure the writers will come up with some way to extend the show reguardless of the Doctor's 12th self needing to regenerate. Thus is the glory of science fiction: the laws of nature and even those the writers make themselves can be broken simply by one character (usually scotty or geordi laforge) babbling something about how you can break the rules by reversing the polarity on the flux capacitor, letting the cat out and inverting the left handed smoke shifter and using it as a bong.
  16. Ebay or some private seller. It's been out of print for well over a decade. I bought mine from one of those big book store mall chains back in the 90's. I have not seen another for sale in a shop since then, only on eBay and other online comics and book sites.
  17. Well if that is the case then doesn't the Doc only have two more regenerations left? Or will they just bend the "rules" to keep the show going if need be? Seems to me it would have behooved them to simply start over with a clean slate with this new show seeing as how the older Who shows have so many years between them and the new show... plus that terrible 96 movie was sort of a clean break between the "classic" who and the new one.
  18. The 2005 version is the new show as far as I know... I have not seen it yet so I know nothing about it or why they would be listing two Doctors for it. Can someone enlighten us?
  19. This is the list I see around the internet: 1. William Hartnell (1963–1966) 2. Patrick Troughton (1966–1969) 3. Jon Pertwee (1970–1974) 4. Tom Baker (1974–1981) 5. Peter Davison (1981–1984) 6. Colin Baker (1984–1986) 7. Sylvester McCoy (1987–1989, 1996 movie) 8. Paul McGann (1996 movie) 9. Christopher Eccleston (2005) 10. David Tennant (2005–present) So I guess that means we will only see two (or three) more Doctors before they either break their own mythos or put the show to bed for good. Edit: Seeing as I have not seen the new series yet do they actually pick up where the old series left off (making the current Doctor the tenth regeneration) or is this an "all new" Doctor in an "all new" universe?
  20. OK Stupid question time: Is the new Doctor the ninth or the tenth Doctor? Are they counting the stupid one from the one-off American movie?
  21. I used to buy the occasional thing from them a while ago until they pissed me off. They used to have quite the problem with getting packages shipped to the right addresses. I gave them the same address every time and somehow they always screwed something up on it, transposing numbers here and there, mispelling words, you name it. It did not help that most of the time the packages where coming not from LA as they claimed but from southeast asia. They finally messed up an order of mine, sending it to the completely wrong city and address and they basically told me "it was my problem" that they messed up and would not make good on it. I have not used them since. After that I found out from other people who also use them that they lose orders and misaddress things all the time. Also closely read what you are buying on their website... pretty much everything they list as "import" is really a bootleg. Unless they have totally changed in the last two years since I stopped using them I would rate them a zero out of ten... but that is only my personal opinion. My advice is if you do buy from them regularly then be ready as they they WILL eventually lose one of your orders.
  22. Ooooooookaaaaaaaay. Sorry but this is a lock before the PC versus Mac holy wars start up again. (For the record I did not laugh at this... I'm in product package design and this little "joke movie" is just another day in my regular life. "Hey, can we fit this extra bit of text on our cat food package that says "FOR CATS"?" )
  23. I used to make stuff like this to shoot bottle rockets out of using pipes and other crap found in the desert. They worked well enough. And if no pipes where to be found you just hacked off the end of a bent wiffle ball bat and you had an instant bottlezooka... until it overheated and melted a bit.
  24. Holeee freaking hell... I LOVE that cheezy ass movie! As for the collector's market crashing, it's going to happen. Maybee not today or tomorrow but it will happen. Everything goes through cycles and will eventually fall out of fashion and become near worthless only to be brought back to life a decade later and cherished by another generation. Having lived through the disco era, the urban cowboy era, the new wave era and the grunge era I can't say I'm sad to see them go... but they will be back and once again those Member's Only jackets, Lee Husky Jeans, Cowboy hats with bird feathers and bell bottoms will all eventually be back in style. The same goes for collectables and other things. I could be wrong but hasn't the market for Star Wars toys sort of tanked already? I believe the market for 12" army dolls has also tanked or at least is in the process of tanking... everything comes and goes.
  25. I believe those threads stay around because someone in the administration wills them to continue. Per the MW R&R, it does not say that everything that is unrelated to Sci-Fi and Other Anime gets the immediate axe it simply states that things that are OT are fair game to be deleted or removed on the will of the administration. In a nutshell it is an open article that basically states "if the administration wants it to stay, it stays. If they want it gone, it's gone." If someone in power wanted those three threads (and the others like them that are around and pop up) to dissapear then I think they would in a heartbeat. It seems to me the long and the short of this subject is that MW administration will keep what they deem worthy and kill what they deem worthy. "Fair" does not seem to enter into the equasion. For what it is worth, while I am an active participant in the Weapons thread if it was to vanish today or tomorrow I would not weep at all for it... mostly because I have ten bazillion other firearm related message boards I can go to. Now in the same breath I will say that I won't close it because I don't feel that is my personal call to make... MM started the thread, if I remember correctly, with permission from Graham beforehand. But if the wheat must be removed from the chaff than so be it. It's just a bunch of words on the internet. Edit: and for the record I see my mini-modship as akin to the ATF, I enforce the laws but the admins and senior mods create and interpret the laws... and my mini-mod gun won't kill a thread, it will only stun it.
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