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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. The Russian hammer and sickle is actually a political symbol much like the true nazi swastika, american flag and any other political symbol. MW R&R is supposed to have strict rules against politics and political symbols. The reasoning is that politics and political symbolism cause problems like the one we are having now: people cannot help but get embroiled in off topic discussions when they see them as we are now. My personal feelings on this are irrelevant. That symobol played a role in history and as such it is history. Once again, my "problem" if you can call it that with this issue is NOT about the offense it may cause, bad taste or anything other than the disruptive nature that that avatar and any other avatar like it will cause. I am also concerned about outside folks coming into MW and reacting to that avatar.
  2. It is not offense, it is the traffic jam that avatar starts in every thread it is seen in I have a problem with. IMHO it is like trying to have a calm discussion about puppies while your hair is on fire... everyone in the room is going to be screaming OMGFBBQ! HIS HAIR IS ON FIRE! and the conversation goes spiraling out of control into a subject it originally had nothing to do with. Like it or not that symbol is associated with horrible attrocities. The Finnish Air Force abandoned that symbol in 1944 as did the rest of the modern world for a reason, when people see it they instantly think "nazi". No matter how good or innocent a symbol had been or could be when the blood of so many people are seen behind it it becomes something else. At the same time WDC had a point about all the other questionable avatars on here. At what point does something violate MW R&R when it comes to avatars? From the words of Roy "it is the moderators job to keep the forums running smoothly" and when someone's avatar causes a ruckus all the time it is disruptive and thus would need to be removed. It has happened before on here several times and the outcome was always the same.
  3. Victoria's Secret never murdered 3 million people. I know what your avatar is from, as do a lot of other people. I just think that you need to think of the idiots out there who are going to think other things when they come here and see that symbol so boldly displayed. I believe your intentions are virtuous but suffice it to say that symbol is associated with a lot of very bad stuff and negativity no matter what sort of goodness it embodies other places in the world. I recommend you change it lest the need to constantly explain yourself dominates your time here.
  4. OK for the love of mike QUIT IT WITH THE NAZI TALK already. Liottel, while I have nothing against your avatar you might want to think about changing it otherwise every thread you make is going to be preempted with people blathering on and on about swastika this and nazi that and offtopic nonsense this and that. It's bad enough when people's avatars derail threads into "what is that from" discussions but having a symbol in which half of the known world associates with very bad things is going to cause these issues over and over and over again.
  5. Hence why I stayed away from the skull flight icons and focused on the kite instead. I really only made the black skull set in case someone wanted them somewhere else.
  6. If by "done" you mean out of ideas then yes for now. I will always come back and make changes or new icon sets in different colors if requested but I think the current army I have buried at various levels in this thread is more than enough to propegate the message board with a decent theme for the meantime... or until something better comes along. Feel free to request colors... just make sure it is a solid color field with a white kite inside. Those negative field kites just look so drab and flat. Edit: If anyone requests really specific colors please give me a pantone value or a img of the swatch color you would like to see. Also if anyone wants alternate icon sets, for like an alternate skin or something, let me know. Everything I've done so far has been sort of purpose made for this current blue on blue pastel theme.
  7. And just because I love my little mutant... and because for some reason it fits as a perfect "third icon color set" as it is a mixture of the red and blue kite. The crazy gasoline kite icon set: GASOLINE TOPIC GASOLINE TOPIC (No New Posts) GASOLINE TOPIC (User has posted in) GASOLINE TOPIC (User has posted in with No New Posts)
  8. And one more round of basic color kite icons, these are the green set that would go with the red and blue: POLL TOPIC POLL TOPIC (No New Posts) POLL TOPIC (User has posted in) POLL TOPIC (User has posted in with No New Posts)
  9. And the beat goes on. Just in case they are needed here are a black skull flight icon and it's corresponding muted self, perhaps for the main forum. BLACK SKULL BLACK SKULL MUTED
  10. There are a lot of the old main page images in the ART section off of the main page here: Old Splash Page Archive If the images you are looking for are not in there then it might be that S&G don't have those images anymore for some reason or another.
  11. If this thread got moved here I can only assume it was because it is a non-Macross model. I don't patrol the model section so I'm not going to speak for them on how they handle this sort of topic there but I assume they only allow macross models and general model assembly discussion there... all other model types like gundam and the like have in the past had threads here in the other anime section because they are not macross specific. I'd say if you are going to cross-post, post this in the Yukikaze super thread that Areaseven links in his post here.
  12. That's because Roy used the only ones he had access to which where the ones from the first set that had a different gloss effect on them. These are supposed to replace them when the next set of changes happen:
  13. Ok, let me get a running total for this thread's contents... overly racist and vulgar video? check. One nonsensical video? check. One pointless and crude video with teens shooting things out of their ass? check. People talking about politics? check. OK, I see no less than four reasons to close this thread already. It's best that it goes to sleep now before I see five.
  14. The problem is the light field color. With the light field colors you all but lose the glossy highlights of the icon style and it becomes a muddy, flat looking icon instead, which would clash with the current glossy theme going on. To add to that the "dimmed" versions of any icons with a white or light colored field are far too similair to the regular versions and don't have enough push to differ themselves. I've been operating under the ROE that the icons for new posts in a thread should be bright, instantly noticeable and attention grabbing while not being so BAM bright and annoying. At the same time their "mirror image" icons that are shown when the topic has no new posts need to be muted, desaturated and dim versions of themselves but they maintain the same general color and style so you know what kind of thread it is and know it has no new posts at the same time. Switching color schemes for the same topic creates confusion like we have now when it goes from one color to another to another (red kite becomes a green skull becomes something else etc. etc.) Currently the board icons are somewhat of a jumble because old icons are still mixed in with new icons which are mixed in with this set of mine... creating thematic chaos. If anything, this situation has solidified in my mind the argument that the three main topic types, new, hot and poll should all be single color coordinated and their four individual support icons should be colored and themed the same to reduce confusion. It all comes down to what looks good alongside the other icons in a cohesive package that is both color friendly to not only each other but the site. I'm just not feeling the "negative field" icons as primary icons... and they lack the thematic match to be used as supporting icons in my mind. Then again I'm only one designer with one school of thought and one approach. I think we need a few other people fleshing out whole icon themed sets. Diversity in designers as well as design is what we need. If this was my office I'd pull no more than four people to work this and see what they came up with the next day... I'd be guaranteed to get four totally different things. From that we can meld ideas into what could be a choesive package.
  15. This one is a factory floor mutant that I LOVE... I accidentally saved one out with the red kite background but with the BLUE kite's gloss layer, creating what I affectionately call "gasoline kite". COOKIN' WITH GAS (And yes, I have stared at colors for so long that I wish, like a dog, I could dream in black & white...)
  16. Going on my original color intent, here is the kite icon set in MacrossWorld Blue hues. These hues exactly match the message board's scheme and might look good as the "new topic" icon set. NEW TOPIC NEW TOPIC (No New Posts) NEW TOPIC That User Has Posted In NEW TOPIC That User Has Posted In (With No New Posts)
  17. OK, They greyish and whiteish fielded kite icons are sort of not working... they just lack enough field color to really punch out of just being a lifeless grey blob. Here are the two examples: VF-11 Kite Colors Destroid Kite Colors
  18. Still experimenting... in the meantime here are the grey brothers: MOVED TOPIC LOCKED TOPIC
  19. The white field icons are not looking too good... they are quite pale and lifeless. I'll post some examples soon. The only way to make them "pop" is by going grey and then they just look so drab.
  20. It looks like a reverse of the low viz kite to me... I'll make both.
  21. The remaining green skulls are the Hot Topic with new posts that the user has posted in icons. As are the remaining Poll Topic posts and the older blue folder icons. As Roy has stated, this is all still in the "seeing what looks best or works best" stages and the board's icon theme will not be cohesive for a few more days at best.
  22. Rather than going mexican stoplight candy on the other two sets why don't I make the alternate sets the "Reverse Kite" as seen on the Destroids (the red kite on the white field) and the "Grey Kite" as seen on the Low Vis (White kite on a dark grey field)? That would keep it in "theme" as all those kites appear somewhere in Macross lore. I could then make a new set of two icons for the main forum page (new and old), perhaps we use the black and grey skull icons or the minmay wraith there? Lastly the updated lock and move that are in the same shine theme as the new icon set. Looks like I've got my work cut out for me tonight.
  23. I think the B_HOT_DOT might be the "hot topic with new posts in which the user has replied" icon. The B-NEW-DOT seems to be the same as that except for being the new topic colored icon while the B_POLL_DOT is the same but with the poll topic scheme.
  24. I noticed the replacement has begun. When I get home tonight I'll make the other two color sets (blue and green) for the four kite icons and I'll make the matching lock and move icons and post them all in here.
  25. But the Bevis & Butthead movie was the beginning of the death of the show... and I still think Southpark the movie was the turning point in that show as well, ever since it has never been as popular as it was when the movie came out. Movies are generally shown at the peak of a show's popularity to cash in on the hype... just look at every kid's cartoon show movie. And soon after the movie comes out the franchise fades and dies out.
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