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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. To that I say: Flipnut Socketwrench Dogleg Sousaphone and Foxtrot Sphincter Blowfish. Edit: Cool, we can't even quote harsh language!
  2. So... they are announcing a date to announce a date. Isn't that like a whole "key to a key" thing? I smell stalling... and it smells like teen spirit ironically.
  3. A totally obvious chance to dust off and use Buckner and Garcia's Pac Man Fever completely wasted.
  4. I personally love it. It's comedy gold every time I get to read a post full of "poo"s and "farts". If I had my drothers I'd make the replaced words even more crazy like Llama, Gearshift Foxtrot Blowfish. Seriously though, people know you are cussing... most of the time it's funnier when you hear the bleep rather than the actual word.
  5. The previous topic about this got locked because right off the bat it dove headlong into religious debate which is strictly verboten here on MW. I'll let this thread continune under the following conditions: Similiar to EXO's long dead Munich thread, this thread is to be about the specifics pertaining to the MOVIE and ONLY the movie. The Munich thread got locked because people could simply not talk about the movie, they had to keep injecting politics into things. The same goes with this thread about this movie. The first sign of this getting off the topic of specifically the movie and getting into religion gets it locked. I, as well as everyone else on the planet, are well aware that the core of this movie is material that several religious types find distasteful... so as impossible as it may seem please discuss this movie WITHOUT bringing religion into this. I really do NOT want to babysit this thread so the first violation of these rules gets it locked. I'm trying to be fair here and allow people a place to discuss this movie, but the MW R&R stand firm. Keep religion out of this topic and it will stay. Talk about how Tom Hanks looks like a goober in that mullet, talk about how the special effects where good or bad, talk about how the acting was wooden, the camera work was shoddy or how terrible the scriptwriting was... but stay off the subject of religion. I'll allow only the mention of it in the discussion of plot, Mr. March's review is a good example of this. Anything more and the baby goes out with the bath water.
  6. Which way to the gym, Boba Meat? I also love the .357 revolver with the three paper towel rolls on it all held together with two big rubber bands.
  7. I really don't care for the new MGS games but I have to admit that trailer for the PSP Metal Gear looks freaking awesome. I hope they keep that "living comic book" cutscene motif for the whole thing, it's quite interesting. Too bad I sold my PSP... with GTA: Vice City Stories and this new MGS game that isn't another Ass-id I might have to buy another.
  8. I think I do too... I wonder who else knows?
  9. Uhh... You guys do know that once you are awarded a medal if you "lose or misplace" that medal you can simply request a new one through your branch of service, right? All Hikaru has to do is fill out the right paperwork (whatever form SF-180 is in the future) and subit that and get a replacement free of charge. Now, he can't just run around throwing medals at every piece of ass he sees... the military gets suspicious if you are requesting ten new medals a month.
  10. For as much as I want to talk about this subject, and as much as this IS a movie that is FICTION it has at it's core religious material. Sadly the topic is right on the line of being religious itself and as such I think it needs to get shut down before a fight between the two sides breaks out. This is not a slight against you, Bsu... I just think this topic is too close to the line to be "civil" here. If another higher ranking mod sees otherwise, feel free to reopen it.
  11. I have purchased many items in large bulk lots that totaled $500+ a few times but those where multiple items. About the most I have spent on a single boxed collectable item in recent memory was a MIB 1/48 low vis at about $300. I tend to spend all the real money on my other hobbies, cars and firearms. While not sci-fi, I have spent several thousands on single items in those fields.
  12. It's not supposed to "be" anything, it just is. If I had to guess at what the artist's intent behind the blue hair was I'd say it was supposed to be black, because usually blue hair is just another representaion of black in anime. But at the same time it's not supposed to "represent" anything... his hair is just blue. Sometimes a cigar is only a cigar. The constant need for some people to put logic and reason into a cartoon amazes me. Folks are willing to accept transforming planes, 50 foot tall aliens that look exactly like humans and other things but they simply cannot believe that a human character who wears blue glasses and flies a blue plane actually has blue hair.
  13. OK, so you're willing to accept Roy's hair color as an approximation of blonde even though it is the exact same color as his yellow belt buckle (which by this logic must also be blonde) but Max's hair must be dyed blue because it's blue and he must therefore dye it because blue does not occur in hair naturally, yet neither does belt buckle yellow... but you seem ok with taking a leap of artistic flair to accept yellow as blonde but not blue as an alternate black.
  14. I think your monitor calibration is off, these eyebrows are blue. All you need to do is a simple brightness adjustment in photoshop and you see his eyebrows are quite clearly blue. Actually, every clip of Max from Mac7 that I find his eyebrows are the same shade of blue as the dark areas of his blue hair. Max has blue hair. So let's take this leap of logic some folks are making here and apply it to Roy. Roy has yellow hair. Last time I checked no human on earth has yellow hair. "But yellow means blonde!" you say. No, by the logic implied in this thread Roy must dye his hair yellow because it is not actually blonde, it's yellow. See how rediculous this sounds?
  15. And once again I ask did he dye his eyebrows as well?
  16. Then that logic extends to Stig and Yellow in Mospeada... all the humans have regular hair colors except for the aliens, Stig and Yellow. Blue in anime is simply "alternate black", it's just another way of having a unique character without giving him yet another head of black hair. If Max dies his hair then I guess he also dies his eyebrows because they are blue as well. He must also specifically request blue tinted corrective lenses for his glasses as well because they are also blue... which is quite stupid because that would make him virtually colorblind to certain colors. Not to mention a fighter pilot wearing glasses while flying a supersonic plane in combat! Folks need to face it here, Max... has... blue... hair. It was a whim of the artists. Not every darn thing in an anime needs to be explained to death and analyzed. We don't need to know why the pilot's hair is long or blue or swirled into curly q's... it just is. It's to achieve a visual look and style to the show, nothing more. If the show was animated like real life then all the japanese characters whould have brown or black hair and all the military characters would have their hair high and tight... you'd never tell anyone apart.
  17. Max's hair isn't dyed... it's blue. He has blue hair. This is anime... anime people have blue hair. Stig Bernard from Mospeada has blue hair. Blue hair in anime is quite common. Anime is an artistic art form of open expression, one outlet of that expression is giving characters various colored hair to differentiate them from the other characters. Anime has been doing it for decades. It does not mean they dye their hair, they just have colored hair. It's art.
  18. Well he's in the right section, not flaming and the question pertains to Macross. I'm not going to lock it unless it gets any more retarded than it already is. You want it to go away? Don't post to it, let it sink off the first page and die.
  19. Um... it's anime? Its all heavily stylized and artistic... We have transforming fighter jets, 50 foot tall aliens, space warping battleships and a pop star saving humanity with a song. They could all be wearing mohawks and it would not seem out of place to me.
  20. Exactly. I play games to PLAY GAMES not sit on my ass and watch pointless cutscene after cutscene filled with unintelligible gobbledegook and sideways tech speak. MGS2 was fun right up until I heard the word "leelaalooolaaleeloooluuuh" or whatever the hell that was... after that I completely lost interest in the game. Well, that and the 20 some minute cutscenes between 5 minute gameplay spots got really freaking old. Every time I hear that codec sound now I want to just throw my controller as it's an audible notice that the momentum you just built up is going right into the trash can for a ten to twenty minute blabber fest. I can only imagine the total monologuing horror that would be a Metal Gear movie. Every character would have a 10 minute speach followed by two minutes of action with another ten minute speach afterwords. It would be like Dragonball, just slightly less/more stupid, depending on if you like Dragonball or not.
  21. It's been so long since I played the original metal gear 2D games that I have no memory of how good or bad they where. I do remember that I bought MG for the NES just because the box art looked like Michael Behn from Terminator and I thought it would be like the movie Terminator.
  22. What was the point of the Doom movie? or the Resident Evil movies? or the House of the Dead movie? or the Alone in the Dark movie? or the Tomb Raider movies? or The Wizzard starring Fred Savage? The point is exploitation. There is money to be made off of fanboys, lots of money. And seeing as how the Metal Gear franchise is total fanboy gush material a movie is a no brainer. My question is: will the movie be as rife with technical innacuracies, sluggishly plodding with wandering dialogue and downright confusing yet cliche as the games are? Don't get me wrong, MGS was a good game... everything since has been awful.
  23. I would if I could but I can't so I won't. "Non SE OT on DVD" says enough for me but I suppose just to prevent about fifteen more dupes showing up in the next 24 hours we should. DA? EXO? Roy?
  24. Already posted... twice. Main thread on this Here
  25. Why did I suddenly have a vision of New Coke being yanked from shelves and Coke Classic filling it's place?
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