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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. The cast picture makes them look like American Gladiators... just dumber. It's ironic though as that is how I always imagined real life superheroes would look... kind of a cross between Mexican wrestlers and bad cosplay.
  2. If Valkyries can fly in space, how is this an issue?
  3. This is a good redirect, lets all talk about this now... (this may or may not be a suggestion but it is a second warning. Please avoid all political talk... if a subject skews political then perhaps that subject should be put to bed before tempers flair. Ive already received complaints about this, I really dont want to receive any more thanks)
  4. Watch the politics guys. Even mentioning politicos or their actions in passing can cause a ruckus, so please keep that talk out. Thanks!
  5. All this talk of rules and regulations... let's look at the actual rules per the MW TOS: The rules say nothing about OT talk being outright banned or prohibited, just that threads that are OT can be deleted at any time. As for the Other Anime section, the "rules" for that section as laid out by Roy and the Admins are that it covers anything "that geeks like to talk about". Why one thing stays and one thing goes is a judgement call by the mods. That judgement call in no way violates the rules as the only thing the rules clearly state is that "OT topics can be deleted at any time" or "randomly deleted" or consolodated into a larger topic. I still don't see what the fuss is about. The Other Anime section is about ten inches away from being an open OT forum. From what I have seen, almost anything goes in that section for a certain period of time given it is not completely innane or pointless. Goofy threads get locked and yes other threads that may have merrit get locked but in the end most of them stay open (or stay open long enough to run their course). What exactly do people want to talk about with such fervor that these "we demand OT" threads keep coming up? Do people really have this insatiable desire to ask each other about how their day was? To talk about how to bake cookies, debate about the benefits of using jet dry in their dish washer or what shoe polish each other uses? Are we all really that bored? As I have said before, folks just come out and say what you want to talk about. If it is something worthwhile then perhaps we can reach some kind of concession...
  6. Really Macross was sort of right in that the only thing that causes you to die pretty quickly is blood loss. 90% of things that "kill you" in warfare kill you due to blood loss. That remaining 10% is usually something strange or a direct CNS hit to your brain and that's instant lights out. You can blow a guy's arm off, shoot him full of holes or stab him in the chest with a bayonet and people will say "well, he died because he was missing an arm, shot. stabbed, etc" when in reality he died because he bled out resultant from that wound. Poisons, gas attacks, et al all will still kill you and kill you quite nastily but those are rarely encountered on the battlefield today. If someone who is traumatically wounded gets propper medical attention and a transfusion of blood quickly enough, they stand a very high chance of surviving. When I was in the Army they taught us to actually SAY out loud "Remember to stop the bleeding!" when doing mock first aid in the field. I'm not sure if they still teach that today but they'd lean on you if you did not say it every time. According to Army lore, and a good degree of fact, you can practicaly get blown in half and as long as you survive the chopper ride, make it to surgery and don't bleed out you stand a relatively good chance of surviving. My wife can quote me propper numbers but the US Army Medical Corps prides itself on an almost 90% survivability rating... meaning out of a 100 guys that get wounded in many various ways who survive long enough to get into surgery, about 90 survive. How long they survive after that depends on how badly blown apart your vital organs are and how good your medical treatment is.
  7. Wait a sec... I may be mistaken, but I thought MW DID have an Off Topic Forum a long time ago. That was eventually dropped and The Longest Thread became a psuedo-replacement. Then again, I may be wrong. 416989[/snapback] We did until it became filled with politics and religion...Shawn got very angry at us and limited the talk to "geek talk". It's been like that ever since. Our attempt to remedy that was to make the Longest thread (we also did that to test how much the forum system could take, which back in the days of Perl/CGI forums, we were pushing it) We let it go on, and on, and on, and then someone said the wrong thing, someone replied to it, and the rest is history. 417046[/snapback] I had just started coming to MW when the original OT forum was around but I don't remember it being an open free for all OT section. Then again I never seriously looked in there as I was only here to read Macross stuff at that time and OT was the furthest thing from my wants of this place. My first experiences with total, free for all uncontrolled OT on MW was the Longest Thread... and hooo boy was that a trip. If it was any indication I can only imagine how bad the "original" OT forum was... and that was all on a relatively small board at the time. Today we have five times the people, which makes me think we'll have five times the potential for trouble.
  8. Is this thread still about Macross 7? I keep getting lost in here... Please keep on topic guys.
  9. It's not so much that it "didn't work" as much as it was very difficult to moderate, it was near impossible to follow what was going on, people abused it right and left and in the end all it took was a handful of really bad eggs to ruin it for everyone. If I had the powers to do so I'd gladly volunteer to try to moderate another "Longest Thread" just so people would have one again but in reality it was a total clusterf#ck and on many levels I fear another one... several conversations going on at once, the occasional nonsense post, people spamming just to boost their post count, you name it. In the end the Longest Thread quickly became an example of how everything potentially wrong with an OT section can go wrong. In a sense the Longest Thread was MW's "Beta test" of a pure OT section and it crashed in flames.
  10. Ah the Longest Thread... it was pretty darn fun until people messed it up. Lessons learned, I guess.
  11. I found P2 to be a superb movie the first time I saw it... but I have never been able to rewatch it since. First time through you are into the story and it's great, every time after that I can't sit through it and wind up either turning it off or fast forwarding to the action scenes.
  12. I think the idea is kind of flawwed considering most modern music and a good deal of popular classic rock uses simplistic drumming (I mean, who wants to simply dump out a 4 beat for a whole song?). Only a handful of rock songs feature actual talented drummers who do something other than keep the beat. My guess would be if they actually made that game it would have four difficulty settings: Lars Ulrich (Simple), Travis Barker (Average), Max Wienberg (Complex) and Niel Peart (Impossible).
  13. Pineapple salad is not really an entre as much as a side dish. I've seen it served, and eaten it, at quite a few barbecues. From what I have seen though pineapple salad is kind of a regional thing and is not served very often in restaurants... it's more of a family picnic thing. As for Roy's death, it is a common hero archetype for the wounded tough guy to either underestimate his wounds and not seek medical attention or as I believe more of a John Wayne/The Cowboys moment in which the hero knows he is going to die and rather than attempt to mend himself he simply lets it happen. As for why Vermillion and Misa don't escape through the hole Britai floated out through you could reverse that... why didn't Britai re-enter the ship through that same hole? I could have sworn the ship "fixed itself" and a bulkhead closed over the blast opening... either that or I'm remembering wrong. Macross sure loved it's self-repairing ship bulkheads.
  14. As to the subject of old Macross getting into HD res, as I said in the other Macross in HD thread I believe that if someone still has the original film reels of DYRL that getting a good, clean, HD transfer of that movie is entirely possible. There is quite a large cottage industry that has grown up around simply taking older full size film masters, digitizing them into HD res and cleaning them up. While the TV show and direct to NTSC video Macross properties were most likely recorded on low grade media like conventional broadcast tapes and the like getting them into HD would require a massive undertaking... but DYRL was theatrically released on full size film. If those master reels still exsist, a good HD cut of the movie is possible. They may need a lot of cleaning up depending on how well they where stored however.
  15. While I would definately seriously think about buying Macross in HD, I would have to wait until a stable format comes around and stays around. I can be accused of being an early adopter on a lot of expensive techy junk (I still own a sony minidisc player) and having been burned by being an early adpoter in the past the comming storm between HDDVD and Blu-Ray just rubs me the wrong way. I want to wait until one or the other is easily noticable as the dominant format before I invest in a player... and even then it could still get one-upped by something waiting in the wings. So I guess my answer is Yes I will eventually buy an HD video system and Yes I will eventually buy Macross on HD video (only SDF TV, DYRL and Flashback though) if it is offered... but I will not buy a HD video system just to get Macross in HD.
  16. Fate's Arrow. Every time I hear it I instantly think of the quick clip in DYRL when Roy dumps all his UUM missle pods while doing a barrel roll. I have yet to hear another musical score that has the raw energy and excitement of Fate's Arrow. I sadly did not see the original SDF Macross TV in it's native Japanese form before I saw DYRL... so for the longest time I was in awe of the music on DYRL thinking "wow what an elaborate, well imagined orchestral soundtrack" only to be totally floored when I found out it was a direct port from the TV series.
  17. I can give you a guesstimate of what I *think* this thing should have cost them... but that is not always the case. I have seen projects that should have been simple, under budget on time affairs turn into red ink nightmares overnight... and judging by how long this pot has been cooking something is amiss. It should not take them this long to get things done. If they are doing this on purpose then their logic is beyond me. HG will most likely never release production numbers on this thing, it's usually just not done on small scale things like this. I have simply been speculating that budget, more precisely their possible overrun, may be the sticking point as to why this cow is taking so long to put to pasture. From my experience only three things will keep a video from market: budget problems, legal issues or the product is just terrible, test screens terrible, gets horrid reactions and the studio decides to bury it.. Seeing as HG owns outright all the material they are using I highly doubt this is a legal issue keeping it held back. HG also has a lot invested in this at this point (or so I have heard) and I doubt they'd pull it even if it sucked... which only leads me to believe it's a money issue. Somewhere on some end the dollar signs are in the red. And if this bloated endeavor is actually in the red by large margins then we'll most likely never see the real budget figures.
  18. Just answer me this: is this about sports topics? I mean, everything else that falls into the "mature discussion" relm that does not violate the TOS exsists on this board or has exsisted in the past on this board in some capacity. The only topics that routinely get axed with any predictable predjudice are TOS violations, retarded threads like "I got a dog who looks like elvis", "who here shops at Target?" or "why is my computer hard drive buzzing?"... and of course the odd sports topics. But why does it seem to me like every time a sports topic gets locked or deleted we get a thread like this asking for a OT section? So I ask again, would large sports mega threads (like a dedicated Soccer thread, baseball thread or football thread) solve this problem? Or will it simply create more demand for more OT to be allowed? (I can already hear the cries for a Foosball thread)
  19. Something's wrong. Somewhere, something involved in this project is wrong. I mean, if they are shopping it around the "film festival" circuit that would lead me to believe they have a finished product. If they have a finished product, why have they not issued a release date yet? What is the holdup? I'll say what I've said a million times before... they broke the bank on this monstrosity. It cost them way too much to make and now they are in a tight spot trying to recoup their costs. Chances are they are asking way too high a distro percentage or fee. Either that or they banked on some deal that fell through and left them in trouble. It almost seems like a student project at this point... or like some independent PC game mod that never gets finished. ANN reports that Shadow Chronicles was only a private screening at Cannes for distributors, and now they seem to be going public in small venue, small turnout screenings in the states. Something is fishy, very fishy. AnimEnron, anyone? Then again I've been saying that for a year now.
  20. In a nutshell what we already have is as close to an OT forum as I think we are going to get... I mean, when you think about it what we already have is an OT forum. Anything not strictly japanese Macross related is off topic and as such resides in the Other Anime section. The difference between a true OT section and our own Other Anime section is that the Other Anime section has the unspoken rule of "moderator's choice" in effect... meaning any topic deemed "not MW worthy" gets the boot while other seemingly pointless topics are deemed "MW worthy" and stay. Roy summed it up best a while back when he said "if the topic is 'in the theme' of Anime or another 'macho' subject that internet dorks like" then it has a good chance of staying around. Sports topics seem to bear the brunt of the "not MW worthy" wrath but when it comes to movies that are non-sci fi a lot of them do have threads and the threads to stick around for quite a while or until someone does something stupid to get them locked. So effectively, the only "legitimate" Other Anime subjects (ignoring the stupid "hey have you seen this video" threads or "look at my dog's butt" threads) that have a history of being locked are sports topics... and some of which never got locked, they just faded off the front page. So it may just be me but I think the Other Anime section already is an OT section. And it's also my opinion that if we did get a OT section in name it would probably be policed just like the Other Anime section with mods ghosting topics that they felt did not fit the "vibe" or "fashion" of MW. In the end I guess I am saying the exact same thing I say every time someone has a complaint about why one topic was deleted or locked while another of similar status was not... it's a judgement call. Someone in command makes a judgement based on what they see as being "propper" for MW. Now it could just be me but I see shades of Duke Togo's last thread on this subject (which UN Spacy linked to above) in this thread... which is the seeming prejudice against sports topics. If all people want is the ability to discuss a sports topic in Other Anime then perhaps that might be arranged with a single super thread on baseball, soccer, whatever ala the Car thread, guns thread, etc. Would that solve this problem for good?
  21. The only two shows I routinely watch on AS are Venture Brothers and Boondocks... and only when they have new episodes... which means I am routinely disappointed. Aqua Teen was good when it first started as were Birdman and Sealab, but AS has a serious "wash, rinse, repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat" problem. What personally kills AS and makes it completely unfunny and unwatchable to me is the sheer volume of repeats they have. Something in the nature of 90% of their programming are not just repeats, but repeats of repeated repeats. Watching AS is like trying to watch a full DVR... everything is something you have seen a million times before (but keep forgetting to erase) but every once in a blue moon something new shows up... and it's usually something stupid that Tivo "picked for you" that totally sucks.
  22. The pattern is always the same, today's "enthusiast" technology is tomorrow's mainstream norm. When Radios came out they cost as much as a few months pay for the working man and only the rich had them. As technology marched on soon everyone had a radio. Repeat that process for black and white TV, color TV, VHS, DVD, Record players, 8-Tracks, Cassette Tapes, Reel to reels, Cd's and on and on and on. The cutting edge is always the bleeding edge and only the wealthy or "enthusiast" folks (like us) will be buying the next gen stuff as it is first made available... but eventually everyone will have it if it's a "good" product. As for HDTV being "underwelming" all I can say is FOX football coming off the satelite in 720p on a 52" Plasma is pure heaven. If the game is boring I can always count the blades of grass.
  23. This morning on the long drive into work I was playing VHS or Beta's "Night on Fire" and their followup "Le Punk".
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