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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. I personally like it how their "feature story" on RT:SC's appearance at Cannes in their RT.com news section (complete with pictures of "billboard advertisements" next to "the other Cannes adverts" and "handout billing sheets") gives the reader the vibe that it was a high gloss packed house public event that was part of the famous Cannes festival that was met with standing ovations... when in reality it is appearing it was nothing more than a closed door, off-site showing to invite-only industry people that had nothing to do with the Cannes festival other than it happening at the exact same time. Spin is your friend. Hell, I bought into it... after looking into things it's no wonder we have not seen anything on it so far. As Az said: No one has really seen it. EDIT: I was looking for reviews of RT:SC online, finding none I googled "Robotech Grey One Theater Cannes" in an attempt to perhaps find some official Cannes listings or perhaps some Cannes coverage of it only all I found where the "typical" links to RT.com and not much else. So I thought perhaps someone on RT.com wrote a "Cannes report" or a review of it from Cannes so I clicked on the first or second link Google gave me... which sent me to a topic started by Tommy Yune with the above quoted text. It was kind of a letdown as I'm overeager to read an outsider opinion of this thing that is not blind RT fanboy blather or jaded Macross Purist vitriol.
  2. I have no doubt it's coming out near or close to the date they have said. Everything leads me to believe HG needs to recoup cash from this project ASAP so why would they delay any longer than they have to? Their excuse has been lack of a distributor so far, that has been solved. I would expect they would stick to their announced schedule at this point... at least if they hope to cash in on Christmas 06.
  3. That is because RT:SC was not part of Cannes... it was simply "shown at the same time as Cannes" in a theater nearby so HG could throw the word "Cannes" around like it was some big muckety muck. The Grey One Theater was not invloved with the Cannes Film Festival and RT:SC was not entered into the competition... i sh!t you not, from the horses' mouth:
  4. I'm also quite skeptical... knowing how lippy and quick on the "IMHO" draw internet fandom is you'd think even a simple review would be circulating by this point with all the supposed screenings the thing has had. As for an NDA that is already out the window. Hell it was supposedly openly screened at Cannes... how can something have an NDA in force when it is publicly screened at Cannes (complete with large public billboards advertising it there)? At the same time how can it be screened and not have some sort of review or "someone's impressions" floating around the internet? I mean it's not like this thing is a DOD project and people are under the pain of death if they talk about it. If HG showed it in an open venue like Cannes with a supposedly packed house attendance you'd think someone there would write their opinion of it, good or bad. And with the perceived legions of hardcore fans that HG believes Robotech has I find it strange this hasn't happened yet.
  5. Because Hasbro swooped in and got the US distribution rights for it as a Transformer before HG had a chance to circle their wagons. Back in the mid '80s it was almost a free-for-all when it came to licensing toys from Japan for distribution in the United States. With different companies signing agreements with different American companies right and left it left a lot of the "real" Macross / Mospeada / Southern Cross / Orguss / Dougram / Dorvack stuff's licensing was left in a mess. Hasbro here, Revel there, HG with their own clutch of things... it was like the Yalta Conference of Japanese toys.
  6. Well from what I recall Robotech toys did not sell too well the first time around back in the mid '80s. They where in hot competition with Transformers and GI Joe (both vastly more popular than RT was). I fondly recall seeing tons of them on pegs and shelves all the time while the more popular Transformers and Joes where half empty or sold out... and then I remember seeing the RT toys all get marked on clearance from 25% off then down to 50% off then down to "free puppy if you take these". They haunted clearance bins all the way until '88 when I left for the Army. It might have just been my neck of the woods but in 86/87 Robotech toys where shelf warmers and it took years for some places to finally clearance out all of them.
  7. Original Thread Already covered and then some.
  8. Only Uber Mods. Us Micro Mods can't even farting cuss.
  9. Roy put out the warning several months back in November of 2005 (see this thread for details: Here) and to my knowledge he has been hunting them down, deleting them and tagging people with the "No Animated Avatars" member title ever since the 2 week grace period ended. The rule of "No Animated Avatars" has also been placed into the MW TOS at the same time. It should be assumed this was done in agreement with Shawn and Graham and I sort of assumed that everyone knew this at this point... if I remember right we've even had a few threads here in the feedback section about it when the initial edict came down and people started the manhunts.
  10. That is what they were talking about, the over use of blood and gore effects in the gun fights.
  11. While I still have no plans to go see Vice, a few friends of mine (who are beat cops) went to see it yesterday and they told me about it today at the gun range. They all liked it but they seemed to agree that the violence level (read = graphic gore) was waaaaay over the top, "hollywoodized" and nowhere near in line with reality. As I have not seen the movie, I cannot say if they where right or wrong. I will say though that Vice appears to have nudged Pirates out of first place for this weekend boxoffice totals. I wonder how long it can hold the number one place?
  12. Are his confirmation emails getting stuck in a junk mail filter? That happened to me a loooooong time ago when we transferred to the new board.
  13. Well I'm ENDING it you bastids!
  14. Just out of respect for the dead (the Toynami Beta) can we please keep this topic about that? Sheesh, why does every Toynami topic have to degrade into a pissing match between Yamato toys and Toynami toys. They've both had their lemons... get over it and move on.
  15. Already been posted in the Shadow Chronicles thread here: MW RT: SC Thread Please ask your Kenji Terada question in there as I want to know the answer to it as well. On and nothing personal, just housekeeping.
  16. Name what you want to talk about, outside of sports. I'm serious. List subjects you want to talk about that have a history of being deleted or locked on MW or which are not TOS violations. I need to have some idea of what people are clammoring about, because for the life of me I don't see it. And if I, one of the self proclaimed "more liberal minded" mods doesn't see it, then there is a good chance the people who make the decisions don't see it either. Or they don't want to see it, which possibly relates back to what people want to talk about.
  17. I noticed that we allowed a World Cup topic to remain open as long as the World Cup was on and I'm assuming based on that that we will leave a Superbowl topic up during Football season, and like topics for World Series, Final 4, Stanley Cup and whatever. Hell, I'll even volunteer to monitor those topics if it will solve this issue... And if anyone remembers I have occasionally volunteered to moderate a pure OT section (against my better sanity) but IMHO what difference would it make? Basically it would be the same as what we have now with the same "a mod decides what stays and what goes" law. The MW TOS would not change at all... all that would happen is that we would supposedly "relax" the posting restrictions a tad, to what end is hard to determine. It will be fine and dandy for a few weeks or months but "it" will eventually happen. Someone would post a stupid thread about eating boogers or something and I or another mod would delete it and then they'd puff up in a fit of burly indignation that "Someone closed their thread but left -blank- open! RAGE!" and we'd have this exact same argument all over again with people calling us bastards or a hypocrites for locking their booger thread while not locking someone else's thread. There is always going to be someone making a judgement call on what stays and what goes, nothing is going to change that. And in the same breath there is always going to be someone claiming favoritism or persecution on behalf of the staff when their topics are deleted or locked. IMHO folks here do have a valid argument that sports topics seem to be an area a lot of people want to discuss and it would not be that massive of a strain on the system to allow a handful of subject sports topics. I myself am a football fan but in reality I don't like to talk about Football with other people so I don't care if MW has a Football thread or not, but that is just me. I figure if other people want a SINGLE Football thread (and of course the equalizer baseball, hockey, soccer threads) that that would not be too increadibly difficult to keep track of... but once again, that is still pretty much "the line" in my book but it is still not up to me to decide, it is up to the Admins Shawn and Graham. But it always seems to me that anything outside of sports that remains to be talked about we either already cover in some way, is all useless personal garbage ("how was your day"? threads, "I got a parking ticket" threads, "someone help me build a computer" threads or the dreaded "what are you drinking/eating right now?" threads), useless "news event of the day" topics (people posting news stories, which quickly skew political a lot of times) or stuff thare are outright TOS violations (religion, politics, personal flames, etc).
  18. I have a Toshiba upconvert DVD player hooked into a plasma so I can speak to it's abilities (now that this thread is totally derailed and into the Other Anime section that is). My Toshi upconvert player will upconvert to 780p or 1080i, I leave it on 1080. It actually has a button on the front of the unit and the remote that lets you actively cycle through the three resolutions on the fly to see what they look like. When viewing a perfect signal DVD (read = something from a new master or a remaster, some TV on DVD has crap quality) in 480p it looks... well... "normal". Pressing the button up one level to 720p really only makes the image look a tad bit more contrasty. Outside of that, no real gain. Pressing the button again up to 1080i once again increases the contrast a tad bit more, once again nothing too impressive. I generally watch my DVDs upconverted to 1080i on this player. No reason really... I just do. The slight boost in contrast, when mated to a good quality plasma, results in a very crisp picture that will make people say "wow, so that's a HDTV"... but in truth the image quality is not HD level and is far from it. I would put upconverted DVD image quality on par with any standard HDTV channel movie. Like when you tune in to Showtime HD or HBO HD to watch one of their movies, it is not really all that good of an HD signal. But when you watch a hard coded pure HD program like sunrise earth, Fox sports in 720p or HDNET specials you say "holy sh!t, THAT is HD!" One place that an upconvert DVD player and a HD set really get janky is with animation. When played back upconverted to 720p most animation takes on a hazy, almost blurry look to it. It's like the upconversion to 720p "softens" the animation. But when you meep the button and set it to 1080i suddenly everything is jagged... and it looks far too "sharp", the exact opposite of the "soft" look you got with the 720p. I mostly blame that on going from progressive to interlaced. So I guess what I'm trying to say in my very un-technical way is that the best you can hope for with upconverted standard DVDs is a slightly sharper, "more contrasty" picture that resembles the standard fare conversion HD programming that you get with an HD connection from Dish TV (which is what I have) but that look pales vastly in comparisson with a strong, full HD program like Sunday football on FOX in 720p. I mean, I'm counting grass blades watching football... but the upconverted DVD is not remotely that clear. It's clear and "nice" to watch, but it's not HD. Oh and yes, I am an HD addict. SD television pisses me off now... or should I say the lack of HD versions of things. I have actually found myself getting miffed that something I want to watch is not simulcast in HD. Having to watch a 4:3 NTSC signal on a 16:9 HD plasma makes you feel like your eyes are out of focus.
  19. Looks like a Cylon after Jenny Craig. How close is that to the real costume? The hockey gloves and weird boots don't look right to me... then again I have not seen a Cylon since the original show aired.
  20. Funimation is best known for their releases of Dragon Ball. They also have Yu Yu Hakusho, Fullmetal Alchemist, "Case Closed" (Detective Conan) as well as a few other shows. What they are really known for in fanboy circles is their sometime practice of butchering anime into edited, dubbed "americanized" versions and not making the original unedited versions available. From what I have seen they have changed that policy to some degree but they are still known to hack stuff up and dub it moreso than simply translate and release. So in a sense HG and Funimation are a match made in heaven.
  21. Funimation... interesting. Is it just me or is the cry of "The most hated producer in anime (HG) signs on with the most hated distributor of anime (Funimation) to bring people one of the most complained about and derided sequels of all time (R:SC)" already going off in everyone else's mind as well as mine?
  22. Reading the musing about Valkyries under water why is my mind buzzing with this classic exchange from Futurama: Professor Farnsworth: Dear Lord, that's over 150 atmospheres of pressure! Fry: How many atmospheres can this ship withstand? Professor Farnsworth: Well it's a spaceship, so I'd say anywhere between zero and one.
  23. Then I guess what keeps it "in the air" is suspension of disbelief... which is the same thing that lets them transform into robots. My real question is if the Zentradi plant "gravity mines" that are so powerful they hold the Macross down, wouldn't those same mines immobilize the smaller defese units as well as the Valkyries?
  24. According to the TV show a standard Valkyrie's magical nuclear engines allow it to fly nearly anywhere, even without FAST packs... so I'd imagine they fly just like they do in space using their magical apogee motors to turn rather than with control surfaces.
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