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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Please folks, don't start topics about how you got banned from X or Y message board followed by your plans for "revenge". Not only does it come off as very childish but it's a good way to incite message board wars that we don't really want to be getting into. If you want to talk about another message board here please keep it to genial topics of discussion.
  2. He uses a suppressed Walther P99 with a large degree of movie magic for the actual report sound.
  3. I've been waiting for a toy Gunstar since 1984. It strikes me as strange that no one has made one... I can only guess that the licensing must be a galactic nightmare on par with Macross. Logically we should have seen official Last Starfighter toys by now... even if just small run boutique toys.
  4. Contrary to the accusations of others, I do not "hate" this new movie... I simply choose not to see it. It does not interest me, mostly because it is not what Vice is to me. Vice to me is Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas wearing '80s clothes, driving an '80s car. I feel the same way about Macross... to me it's the original TV series and DYRL, everything else I choose not to pay attention to. Really the only part about this DVD release that has raised my eyebrow is that you can buy the HD DVD with the normal DVD. That is what HD DVD needs to do to totally eclipse Blu-ray in this next gen battle. Lord knows I'd buy a HD DVD player tomorrow if all movies from now on came with BOTH formats for one price.
  5. If I remember correctly, in the episode when Hikaru is given charge of Kakizaki and Max, Kakizaki is originally represented as the more experienced of the two. The computer that displays their info (once again going off of memory here) says that Kakizaki has more simulator and flight time than Max. Although they are both rated "Class A", it always seemed to me that more was expected of Kakizaki and he was given higher billing. It was only after their first real combat in which Max is revealed to be an ace and Kakizaki is revealed to be an ass do their true "rankings" come forward.
  6. Speaking of wasted space, looks like it's back up again. Server change. And as such, this thread once again has served it's purpose.
  7. It looks like some people are re-registering so I just tried the same... but no matter what I entered it told me the "cryptic code" was wrong, even when I entered the exact code it displayed.
  8. Looks like I spoke too soon. I'm going to open this back up for a little while just to clear this situation up then it will be closed again. Anyone here know what is happening at AP? Looks like a forum reboot to me, I can't seem to log on... it keeps booting me out calling my valid password invalid.
  9. AP is up and running fine. It was down today but it's back. That said, this thread's mission is accomplished.
  10. Max and Millia's VF-1J's are 202 and 303.
  11. I accepted a long time ago that an actor is not the character they portray in the movie... but many of them find ways to bridge that gap. Big name actors can and will influence the direction movies go in, it's quite common. Now Craig wanting a "Gay Scene" most likely will never fly as it goes against the core of what Bond represents, but don't write his views off as the immaterial rantings of an "actor" who has no push on the film. If he put his mind to it he could easily influence the production... especially if his popularity takes off due to this performance. Then again Craig is not the only Bond actor who has had views on how the franchise should be handled. Every Bond actor has voiced in the press to some degree their desire to alter the Bond character based on their own opinions and views... and nothing has ever come from them to any degree... yet.
  12. Do we REALLY need to go over all of this again? My gut says no. Sorry eight car but this is a sore, sore subject here and your thread, while innocent, will attract elements and issues that cause problems. Please read all the threads you mention for the main reasons people have for their likes and dislikes of the various Macross sequels.
  13. You want sacraligious? Craig wants Bond "Gay Scene" in next movie Who needs Moneypenny when you have Mannypenny?
  14. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Moneypenny has always been M's secretary and she and Bond have always had a sort of "flirt with the bosses' secretary" sort of thing going on. Also keep in mind this movie is a "restart" of the franchise... there may not be a Moneypenny in this new Bond era.
  15. This new Bond was apparently pulled from an SAS special forces unit before entering MI6, he is by no means a "gentleman" at this point in the game. Most operators are rough and tumble, stubble and cigarettes... a far cry from your pleasant, cordial diplomat or front office paper pusher. Manners and carry are not something taught at Hereford, just how to smash doors, wire explosives and make problems for queen and country vanish. M herself even describes Bond as a "blunt instrument", lacking in finesse and tact but more than capable when it comes to violence. After all in the real world "spies" are not born with all their class and personality, they usually grow into that after a while "on the job". Then again most spies are not window smashing, guns-a-blazin' tuxedo commandos either. The character of Bond has always been sort of a cross between the traditional spy and a more modern SAS field operative, more wetworks than cloak and dagger.
  16. Actually I thought the Craig Bond DID feel for the dead that he had known. The way the scenes with the dead Solagne were shot they focused on him staring at the body with this look on his face... to some that look is cold, but to people who have seen that look it is the look of a person doing everything they can to maintain composure and repress their feelings. Later on in the movie when things start going badly you can see him changing... he no longer has to force himself to repress those emotions and you can see him becoming more and more closed off. Spoiler: in particular when he learns of Vesper's betrayal, you can see him become quite emotional but he quickly regains his composure to chase after her... when he finally confronts her and Mr. half tint you can see he is still emotionally struggling with the situation but he is starting to shut his feelings down It is easy for him in this confrontation because he has something to attack and someone to defend, which from a psychological standpoint is quite easy to deal with as you have the emotional stress of worry over a loved one but the emotional release of the fight. Vesper's death then totally breaks his attempts to be icy which may have then given him the emotional damage he needed to completely shut down his feelings. At the end of the movie when he is standing over Mr. White's kneecapped body holding his UMP aloft you can see in his face... the smile. He had by that point completely turned off his emotions and become Bond.
  17. Spoiler response: The MI6 agent Mathis is a turncoat, he tells Vesper on the phone that Felix Leiter and the CIA have captured LaCherrife when they really have not... LaChirrife got the tipoff from Mathis that Felix was going to nab him and he got away. The disposition of Felix Leiter at the end of the movie is that he is alive and well, just without his quarry.
  18. Terry didn't mean anything negative by his remark, he was just making assumptions none of which were really racially or geographically motivated. I think other people are reading into his comments too much... let's let it drop. For all we know they did animate to an english script and nailed it perfectly... only to have HG do a rewrite mid-production and do a bunch of ADR that threw off all the dialogue (it happens more than you think). Also, especially in trailers, the dialogue is pushed around to get the best shots and quotes so sometimes they may use a clip of a character saying "I like beans with ketchup" and overdub it with "we're all going to DIE!" because it's more dramatic for the trailer. Or they may take a line in the movie of a character saying "we are all motherfrakking going to motherfrakking DIE you motherfrakkers!" and remove all the language so they can show it in the trailer to all audiences (the GTA game commercials are notorious for this now). And in the end when you think about it, cheap 2D animation lip synch is just a series of wah-wah-wahs usually only using two or three mouth positions anyway. The character may be saying "we are all going to DIE!" but their mouth is saying "wah-wah-mah-mah-wah-wah-maaaaaaaaaaaah!"
  19. A TON of modern cel work is done in Korea (Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama, etc. etc.) and they all seem to get the mouths to line up with the english voices just fine. Sounds more like cheap and or sloppy animation to me rather than some issue with using a Korean studio.
  20. It's been a long time since I saw the episode but didn't the call from Gunsite One come in just before that telling Max to run for it because he was being targeted? My money would be that Focks was distracted trying to make sure his group was doing OK along with making sure Max was retreating combined with his own stuff. With as chaotic as they make Macross dogfights out to be lord only knows how someone survives as long as the main characters do... it's like the Normandy beach landing in planes every time they go out. I doubt the real world has ever seen the scale of air to air conflicts they depict in Macross... and I doubt very many pilots could comprehend the flow of the battle let alone keep themselves alive all that time.
  21. Best Bond: Sean Connery Worst Bond: Timothy Dalton Best Bond Film: Goldfinger Worst Bond Film: Tie: Die Another Day / License to Kill Best Bond Villain: Ernst Stavro Blofeld (as played by the mystery man in FRWL and Thunderball) Worst Bond Villain: Every Bond villain from 1973 (Live and Let Die) to 2002 (Die Another Day) Best Bond Girl: Pussy Galore (and her Flying Circus, Goldfinger) Worst Bond Girl: Christmas Jones (World is Not Enough) Best Name for a Bond Girl: Pussy Galore Worst Name for a Bond Girl: Christmas Jones Best Bond Villainess: Dominique "Domino" Derval (Thunderball) Worst Bond Villainess: Tie: Xenia Onatopp (Goldeneye), Bambi/Thumper (Diamonds are Forever) Best Evil Henchman: Jaws (ibid) Worst Evil Henchman: Zao (Die Another Day) Best Bond Car: Aston Martin DB5 (Goldfinger, ibid) Worst Bond Car: AMC Hornet (Man with the Golden Gun) Best Bond Gadget: Walther PPK Worst Bond Gadget: Plastic Explosive Toothpaste (just plain lame) (License to Kill) Best Bond Outfit: The Black Tux (ibid) Worst Bond Outfit: Japanese-afied Connery in You Only Live Twice Best Bond Theme Song: Tie: "View to a Kill" Duran Duran and "Living Daylights" a-Ha Worst Bond Theme Song: "Die Another Day" Madonna Best Bond Director: Maurice Binder (Title Sequences 1962 - 1989) Worst Bond Director: Lee Tamahori (Die Another Day)
  22. I'm kind of hoping SPECTRE makes a comeback in the next films. We have our new modern Bond, I'd love to see a modern Ernst Stavro Blofeld.
  23. Call me blind here but I still do not see many correlations between Macross Plus and Top Gun. When you think about it, the plots and characters are quite different... about the only thing the two have in common is the notion of a hotshot a-hole pilot who has trouble with authority getting booted from a combat position into a non combat one, at which he is pretty good. Right about there the similarities end. Unless "Highway to the Danger Zone" is blaring somewhere I don't see and Val Kilmer makes a cameo as yet another arrogant a-hole hotshot pilot in Mac Plus I think the comparisons between the two are shallow at best. As for my own views I don't really like Mac Plus. Sure it's "neat" and the animation is good but the story never grabbed me. I found it very blah... then again I'm not an uber aviation dork or mechafreak, and yet another brooding, overplayed "repressed emotions" Japanese melodrama is not my idea of entertaining. But to each their own...
  24. Knob creek belongs in the Weapons Banter thread here: Link
  25. -more spoiler talk- I can buy the "depresison" angle but in the movie when the whole sequence in the crumbling building is going down, my wife originally thought her intent was NOT to kill herself out of depression or guilt but to prevent Bond from trying to save her, thus endangering himself in the process. But the way it all plays out in the movie you can't really see it as that because he dispatched all the thungs and mister two-tone glasses (which we still can't figure out if that was LeChireffe or just some lookalike) and had tons of time to rescue her from the elevator. The whole "suicide from depression" angle just does not play out too well in my mind. It seems kind of flaky. Then again Vesper is a very underdeveloped and misused character in the movie. IMHO she is just basically "there"... she is more a plotpoint, something to complicate Bond's character rather than being an actual character like LeChireffe or Mathis. I guess what I'm trying to say is that Vesper should have been handled a bit differently if they where going to play up the depression leading to suicide angle... I can see hints of where they where probably trying to do that but it just all came off very shallow and undeveloped IMHO. I guess they did not want to waste any character development or growth on someone other than Bond in this movie, after all when you look at Vesper simply as an anvil on which Bond is forged you stop caring about why she died.-more spoiler talk-
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