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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. 2001 is a strange duck... at the time of it's release it's effects were groundbreaking, but the movie itself is one giant multi hour snore fest slash psychoanalytical jerk off. Personally I would not rate it as one of the best but IMHO it doesn't belong on a "worst" list. Now, the tepid Gene Hackman / Gregory Peck astronauts trapped in space movie Marooned that came out one year after 2001 more than belongs on this list...
  2. The Empire Strikes Back... In the face of Paramount/Dreamworks deffection to HD DVD FOX reaffirms Blu Ray exclusivity, Shows some if it's "Hand"
  3. KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park? ... and wow is this an old thread. I see people from looooooooooong ago in this thing... next to the T-Rex skull and the phonetician boat.
  4. I'm not much of a Trekkie... in fact I've never seen 75% of Star Trek. I've always been a Star Wars person myself, although I do agree that Trek will sell a butt load of HD DVD's. My personal watermark titles are the first three Star Wars movies, the Indiana Jones movies and Aliens. Two of those three are 20th Century Fox and as yet to be declared on a HD format. Technically Indy is yet to be declared as well, but to have Indy's parent company suddenly pull support of Blu Ray is kind of damning in my book. I know a lot of Indy fans (and Trek fans) have just "had their minds made up for them" so to speak. I find it interesting that they are pulling the Blu Ray releases they already announced so close to their release, like the Blades of Glory Blu Ray. I have to imagine that someone, somewhere saw this coming. Some person in some level of management suddenly noticing them NOT making any Blu Ray editions but only HD DVD editions. I wonder how hard it was to contain THAT from leaking out?
  5. But... but... but... Blu ray is winning! The plot thickens.
  6. Fast connection + roam a lot + mod. I see all. You got me how most firmware updates are intended to be performed. My guess would be D. Any of the Above. I would just really think it would suck big time to go out and buy a new BD or HD DVD movie, get home and pop it into your player only to discover it won't play a lot of the features... or at all... because you don't have the current firmware installed. Then the user would have the hassle of getting the firmware installed onto their player before they could enjoy their new movie. With those of us who run PS3's and Xbox HD DVD addons it's simply a matter of 1. Insert disc, 2. Hit play, 3. See a pop-up saying we need to upgrade to watch the movie, do we agree? 4. Hit yes and wait for it to upgrade itself, 5. Watch movie.
  7. A recent big one was the BD-J spec update. Pretty much every old standalone player on the market did not support that spec and had to be firmware updated to properly play all the features of some of the new BD-J discs that used java embedded features. Pirates of the Caribbean, The Descent and Chicken Little are three that come to mind... with Descent in particular just plain not working in pretty much every player without a firmware upgrade to support BD-J.
  8. Another big reason I bought a PS3 as a BD player, besides cost, was that it has an active internet connection built in (WiFi) as well as access to an online update service. With all the talk of BluRay requiring firmware updates I figured it would be easier to keep track of if the box itself was "smart" and connected. The way I see it an "off the shelf" standalone BD player will need to be "spoon fed" firmware updates as they come in whereas the PS3 "knows" it has an update waiting. The same is true of the Xbox 360 HD DVD drive. Being connected to the Xbox much like the PS3 it is "hot" and actively connected to an update network... which means when I pop in a movie if there is an update for that movie or a firmware update it automatically finds it and does it. Many standalone boxes don't really have that luxury.
  9. As always I'm late to the party. I DL'ed Bioshock over the weekend and played through the demo. Is it just me or did the demo kind of end right in the middle of something? I guess they wanted to build tension for the game so people run out and buy it... and to that degree it worked on me. I wasn't too keen on the actual "game" as I'm not much of a fan of console shooters, but the atmosphere and the creepiness have sold me on it. Now comes the wondering... does anyone think this game will "sell out" on release day? I remember trying to find a copy of Gears of War for like two months after it got released was tough... then again that was in the middle of Christmas.
  10. Action Man dates back to the 12" dolls. The 12" "Joe" dolls in the UK were called Action Man. Unlike the American Joes who were shrunk down to become cheaper and fashionable, Action Man always remained a 12" Doll with cloth clothes. They even tried to bring Action Man to the US in the '90s... I remember seeing it on shelves here in brightly colored boxes. I'm pretty sure it bombed terribly.
  11. I'm not sure what you are playing at with your statement, but the staff have received complaints about this issue and this recent post has generated more complaints. The topic in question is verboten here by decision of the administration.
  12. As David said, NO MORE discussion of that incident please.
  13. Snake Eyes is a blond haired, blue eyed white guy who looks like Casper Van Dein or Michael Biehn.
  14. That was casting a Brit as a Brit, this is casting a Brit as a hard boiled American super criminal. PLUS this movie does not need to be remade. The original is perfectly fine. Count me among those who wanted to see Russell in "Escape from Earth". Snake Plisken IS Kurt Russell and vice versa to me. Next thing you know they are going to remake Big Trouble in Little China and put Tobey Mcguire in the Kurt Russell role.
  15. I'd say Kurt Russell has an argument if Gerard Butler can't do a decent "American Accent". It sounds weird but I agree with Russell... Plisken is the quintessential American criminal. Half Cowboy, half gangster and all attitude.
  16. Action Man is the UK version of GI Joe. "Action Man" is not one joe per se, it is the name of the British toy line that paralleled The American GI Joe line.
  17. There is a scene with Flash on the jungle floor of Arboria where he falls into some big blowup trashbag looking plant.
  18. You want something REALLY cheezy? No I did not make this, I found it by accident last night looking for the Queen "Flash!" Music Video: FLASH! Maaaaaaaaaaa-croooooooooss!
  19. The proportions look really weird... I like the look of them but it almost appears as if they had each part scaled off-axis in strange ways. They just look... off. Almost like if you looked at the official line art then looked at a fan made copy of the line art that had all these strange proportions and carries of the line length and thickness. I know most people probably won't follow that analogy... it just looks "off".
  20. Personally for me I liked how the comics tied the characters to real world wars and countries, which gave them a more "tangible" feel to me. My three favorite Joes from the comics where the 'Nam buddies Snake Eyes, Stalker and Storm Shadow... but I only liked them in the early comics before Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow became super uber ninja jujitsu warriors. My biggest fear with a live action modern day GI Joe is that all these wonderful characters will once again be watered down into catchphrase shouting glorified Rambo super soldiers who throw down their "laser" rifles in order to have a nice fistfight with the faceless Cobra soldiers... complete with jumpy "what the hell is going on" Michael Bay meets Borne Ultimatum camera work with a blaring Good Charlotte or My Chemical Romance soundtrack and some dog dump of a band like Third Eye Blind singing the theme song.
  21. For as much as the Hama Marvel comics were totally soap opera-ish in their constant twists, turns and double-backs I still love them to death. My personal favorite being the three or four issue arc around issue 11 in which Cobra lures the Joes to Springfield. That arc was also the introduction of Desto, the Baroness, Dr. Venom, Kwinn and all sorts of other great classic Hama Joes. But as Bsu said I love them until about issue 50. The thing that strikes me as funny is that nearly everyone knows GI Joe from the cartoon and not from the comics. And the cartoon has next to zero character development or backstory. I wish I had not pitched all my old Joe comics from the '80s. I'm still looking for a place I can buy all the collection issues and re-live some teenage comic book reading lazy afternoons.
  22. I think you're confusing your Joe characters. The Baroness, AKA Baroness Anastasia DeCobray, was not VietCong. She has always been Eastern European in race. In fact she was only a child during Vietnam. She WAS in Vietnam though as her older brother the Baron Eugine was funding relief efforts in Vietnam only to discover his money was being spent on weapons rather than medical supplies. The young Anastasia -thought- she saw Snake Eyes kill her brother in a warehouse full of illicit weapons which started her down the path to Cobra.
  23. Flash was always one of my favorite movies back in the '80s. It was just so corny and campy that it worked... and the blasting Queen soundtrack sealed the deal. What really sucks is Universal have not released it on HD DVD. This movie with all it's bright colors and texture deserves an HD release.
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