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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. That doesn't hold up though. Sony is releasing Tekkonkinkreet next week on Blu Ray with extras for $25. If Sony can release anime on next gen media for under $80 then BV can as well. This is also next gen. People expect next gen, high def, fully restored and remastered picture and sound for their money. Royal Space Force, BV's first real hd media release, pretty much fails at that. It's picture quality is not up to par and most reviewers rate it "average". "Average" picture quality in a $80 HD media release with no extras is unacceptable to me. It's overpriced shovelware, simply burped onto next gen media simply to have it on next gen media. Even if "Japan is an expensive country to live in" you want to feel you got your money's worth. $70+ for a glorified reissue of the original DVD is a complete waste of money IMHO. BV really needs to get their act together on the next gen thing in order for people, even hardcore fans, to embrace their releases.
  2. Don't get too excited just yet. Bandai Visual's first big foray into high def anime was Royal Space Force: Wings of Honneamise on Blu Ray and HD DVD and from the reviews I've read it is not worth the money or worth the upgrade. If they want someone to dump $70+ on one movie they'd best remaster the hell out of the movie or offer tons of extras and bonus material rather than just push it out in a new format. Royal Space Force on HD was devoid of special features and bonuses, not remastered and pretty much priced triple what it should have been. From the look of the links you gave Jin Roh appears to be heading down that same road. Edit: I hope HD Anime does not start up like this... it feels like the early '90s all over again when anime was overpriced, under featured short playtime stints released in glitzy plastic VHS boxes priced at $50 a pop.
  3. The sequel to Flashback was a game called Fade to Black. I had it for PC and if I remember right it came out on Playstation 1. It was a fully 3D game rather than a side scroller like Flashback was.
  4. I would imagine that if it indeed was released on a next gen HD media, DRYL would be on Blu Ray. Something like 95% of the HD media market in Japan right now is Blu Ray... HD DVD is nearly nonexistent over there according to industry charts.
  5. 1. Genesis Climber Mospeada 2. Patlabor on Television 3. Arcadia of My Youth 4. Fang of the Sun Dougram 5. Cowboy Bebop
  6. I think I'm just used to the Xbox 360 controller... not only is it beefy due to its size and rumble feature but the MS rechargeable battery packs that I use add a lot to it's weight as well. That 360 controller is a barbell compared to the PS3 controller. I vastly prefer the layout and "feel" of the PS3 controller though. All those hours logged on my ancient PS1 and my PS2 have conditioned my hands to that layout. Once it gets some beefy weight to it, it will be perfect. ... now I just need a game to play on the system that isn't a downloaded demo.
  7. Hopefully the Dual Shock 3 controller weighs something... my chief complaint with my PS3 is that the controller weighs nothing. It feels weird in my hands it's so light.
  8. I have one of those separate battery pack chargers and two batteries. When one croaks I put it in the charger and use the other one, then repeat the process. A battery charge lasts me about two to three weeks as I don't play for more than about 6 hours or so a week.
  9. If I remember right you are about 40% of the way through. There are something like 4 or 5 more levels after that one.
  10. Yep this topic was raised, discussed then seemingly quickly abandoned the second everyone found out the Aoshima toys were nothing more than the Toynami ones with new paint and one or two new parts. The original thread is HERE
  11. Until Guy-Manuel's helmet lights up that is.
  12. The picture shows a wired headset though.
  13. Yeah, switchers are freaking expensive. Before I decided on buying a new TV I was looking at getting a multiple HDMI switcher for my old HDTV unit. All the multi HD switch boxes I found were very expensive (+/- $200). I stopped looking and just decided to buy a newer set with more HDMI inputs... of course 1080p was the main reason to buy the new set but more HDMI inputs is a godsend.
  14. Sort of Xbox360 related: A guy at my office told me that if you play the original Halo or Halo 2 on the 360 it will dynamically upconvert the games to 720p and add anti-aliasing, making them look worlds better. Is that true? If that is true, does it do the same for other regular Xbox games?
  15. What do you need the switchbox for? You can solve that problem with a $15 HDMI to DVI cable. Or do you need a multichannel switchbox (meaning multiple HDMI ins and one HDMI out)?
  16. Are you sure it doesn't resolution match with games? I have the Ghost Recon demo on my PS3 and that is a 720p game. My PS3 is in native 1080i mode and when I start that demo I get that screen Bla-BLIP! of it changing resolutions down to 720p. Then when I'm done with the demo and exit out of it I get another Bla-BLIP! as my plasma goes back into 1080i for the PS3 menu.
  17. I could be wrong but doesn't the PS3 dynamically rescale it's output to match it's source? I mean, if I'm watching a 1080i Blu Ray and some 480i special feature is played the unit automatically downshifts to that resolution. And while I don't own any games yet I've noticed that it does automatically adjust itself to the resolution of the demo you are playing. I'm not sure why you'd have to manually readjust the resolution settings.
  18. People will ridicule this movie no matter what it has. It could have the most perfectly designed trans atmospheric fighter to date or a giant flying Pikachu and the movie would still be hated by several people... and let's not forget the usual onslaught of critical "praise" that will be lauded on it. At this point in the game I'd like to see the movie made just to read some of the reviews by stuffy critics mainly just to see them try to "summarize" the original show.
  19. Not to "reverse sell" LLA but it's pretty much a clip show with footage recycled from the series mixed in with new "concert footage" of Yellow Belmont as well as "interview footage". It's an interesting companion piece to the series and it does offer a small, small tidbit of "where are they now" sort of feel but is kind of a "for fans only" sort of thing. Think of it as Mospeada's Flashback 2012.
  20. I joined the Army back in the '80s to drive tanks and kill commies. I wound up a schmuck in a truck with a map and a hat. Having seen a lot of the Abrams tank inside and out, in action and at base I love those big guys. I also saw a lot of T-72ish junk piles in my time in the Army and they really made me appreciate the design of the M1 so much more. Albeit I never crewed one they were around me a lot so I have a soft spot. I'm sure there are "better" tanks out there in the stables of the other big budget first world armies... but the Abrams holds a place in my heart, kind of like a kid's first car. The actual vehicle I crewed (Humvee) on the other hand...
  21. It's not much of a "movie", more of a clip show slash music video OAV release. Unless you are a complete Yellow Belmont fanboy you will not get much out of LLA other than having it in your collection. It was however released on DVD in that bootleg Mospeada set a while back but it was more or less an encode of an old, degraded VHS tape possessing terrible video and audio with no subtitles.
  22. Yes but that first "push" for the Silver/Schwarzenegger Watchmen was back when "the iron was hot" for superhero movies and nothing came of it for years and years. And think of how many totally crap movies get made when there is a fad timetable to try and hit. I still expect this "project" to go nowhere outside of a manila folder placed into a filing cabinet labeled as "future possibility". On the off chance that it does indeed proceed unabated it will most likely bear no resemblance to anything we know and like anyway. Basically, as already stated, if it does indeed clear the runway when boiled down it will be just another rush job "me too!" giant fighting robots movie with bad acting, a simplistic fourth grade fanfic-ish script, tons of blurry jumpy camera work and an audience of hardcore fanboys complaining that it was not a 100% faithful adherence to the original which itself was not 100% faithful to it's original source material. So I guess the long and the short of all I have to say is wait for production photos... model shots... costume shots... and all the other myriad of online leak material before getting all psyched or bummed about this project.
  23. Yeah but not ten years ago when it was first reported to death... and not with Joel Silver directing... or Arnold Schwarzenegger starring... The Watchmen movie has been in development hell for nearly two decades now, as has the "new" Indiana Jones movie that is finally being filmed. Hell they even made a "fake" Fantastic Four movie just so they could make a "real" one ten years later. My point was that people should not instantly assume when they hear about a movie being made in the press that it is being made right now, right this instant by the people reported to be involved. How many times have we heard Ghostbusters 3 is "in it's early stages of development" or "started filming"? People just get so ramped up and bent out of shape with hollow reports on Hollywood's shopping list. All a celebrity has to do is mention something and the news rags run with it. Most of the time it's all rumor and conjecture, or some celebrities' pet project that goes nowhere until more "important" people get behind it.
  24. Link appears to have gone dead already... what was it? Edit: nevermind... that's weird, click the link once and it goes to a "dead link" page on Gamestop... click it again and it goes to MSG: Mobile Ops. Strange.
  25. Isn't the Direct X install popup with software pretty much an optional thing these days? It seems like every time I install a program on my computer it gives me a Direct X installer, even when I'm running that version of Direct X. Have you tried just hitting NO or Cancel and seeing if it runs? Is there any chance it could be a Vista compatibility issue and not a Direct X issue if it's not running right? We have some machines at the office running 64 bit Vista and I'll be damned if that OS is not the most useless, incompatible pile of crap I've ever seen.
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