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Does anyone else collect Fox's Animated DVD Sets?
JsARCLIGHT replied to UN Spacy's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I have Family Guy set one and plan to get the next two when they come out... Simpsons and Futurama I'm waiting until they release the latter "funnier" seasons before I start buying into them. -
The facts of the matter the way I see them: - Max Jenius is captured in battle with hostile forces (the Meltrandi), making him a POW - Supposed deleted materials show that while a POW, Max "endoctrinates" the Meltrandi to the side of "culture" - Max then dons the Meltrandi uniform and flies a Meltrandi unit in combat against Bodolza fleet, presumably in the defense of the Macross He is not so much a turncoat as he is an opportunist. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. His only option for helping the effort was to be super sized and fly a Q-Rau. My guess would be that if the UN Spacy was anything like a normal army they would hold an investigation to see if he did anything wrong while in this capacity, find him innocent and require he repatriate to the UN Spacy when it was said and done at the least. After all, it is just not propper to have a comissioned officer wearing the uniform of someone else and derelicting duty on an "allied" ship. EDIT: screwed up a sentence
Am I totally missing something here? I could have sworn that in Guld's memory Myung is seen arguing with Isamu and then they aparently "make up", which Infuriates Guld as he sees it as Myung choosing Isamu over him. Guld then beats up on Myung... at which point he realizes he just went coo coo for cocoa puffs when he sees himself in the mirror. Guld psychologically blocks out his pain of rejection and places his feelings of rejection on Isamu. He somehow projects Isamu as the one who "lost" Myung and beat her in retribution. There was no rape, Guld just went ape shinkies when he found out that Myung was not "his".
In the 1988 movie Die Hard, the so-called "terrorism expert" being interviewed on TV about the Nakitomi Plaza situation starts talking about the Stockholm Syndrome... but the scriptwriters had him incorrectly calling it the "Helsinki Syndrome". I see tons of people who have seen Die Hard incorrectly call the Stockholm Syndrome the "Helsinki Syndrome". No one seems to catch that in the movie except for me... the joke is lost in a fog now... wandering...
Probably due to it's height when assembled in the package.
now is it just me or is macross pretty close on wh
JsARCLIGHT replied to garoquel's topic in Movies and TV Series
Think about the times in which the original Macross was written... The middle east had become a warzone in the late 70's, the US and the Soviet Union where at each other's throats in the cold war, each building huge armies of new and deadly weapons, several brushfire wars were breaking out all over the globe and terrorism was all over the place. The world has changed a lot since then and in some respects it hasn't. The names of the players may have changed but the game is still the same... and I think at it's heart it will be the same for years to come. So in that sense the "pre-story" of Macross will on some levels bear a resemblance to current times. My life fades. The vision dims. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of chaos. Ruined dreams. This wasted land. But most of all, I remember the Road Warrior. The man we called 'Max'. To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time. When the world was powered by the black fuel. And the desert sprouted great cities of pipe and steel. Gone now, swept away. For reasons long forgotten, two mighty warrior tribes went to war and touched off a blaze which engulfed them all. Without fuel they were nothing. They built a house of straw. The thundering machines sputtered and stopped. Their leaders talked and talked and talked. But nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled. The cities exploded. A whirlwind of looting, a firestorm of fear. Men began to feed on men. On the roads it was a white line nightmare. Only those mobile enough to scavenge, brutal enough to pillage would survive. The gangs took over the highways, ready to wage war for a tank of juice. And in this maelstrom of decay, ordinary men were battered and smashed. Men like Max. The warrior Max. In the roar of an engine, he lost everything. And became a shell of a man, a burnt out, desolate man, a man haunted by the demons of his past, a man who wandered out into the wasteland. And it was here, in this blighted place, that he learned to live again... -
I don't consider myself rich as ever since I assumed partial ownership of the company I work for a lot of my money has been "wandering off" during this office move. I just had to drop $3,300 of my own money on some Herman Miller equipment and a new couch for our new team room... here's hoping I can squirrel some of what's left away for these darn toys!
screenshots for the new robotech game
JsARCLIGHT replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
All I was saying was put up or shut up. So many people are so dang hard on Tommy Yune, the guy is just a simple corporate artist... like me. He does what he is told to do, his masters seem happy with his work and he gets paid. More power to him. People are so harsh on him and I think it's because a lot of them might not understand what he is handed to work with... being someone who works in a similair (or the same) field will give you more insights into his work and perhaps change a lot of the gripes. Maybee HG likes his style... in the end that is all that matters. We can bitch and moan all we want, it will just be empty critisism... but if one of his superiors in HG says "this is crap" or one of the other HG corporate artists one-ups him then we will see a change. -
What is the origion of the term "Cannon"
JsARCLIGHT replied to KingNor's topic in Movies and TV Series
Main Entry: canĀ·on Pronunciation: 'ka-n&n Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Latin, ruler, rule, model, standard, from Greek kanOn Date: before 12th century 1 a : a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council b : a provision of canon law 2 [Middle English, prob. from Old French, from Late Latin, from Latin, model] : the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine 3 [Middle English, from Late Latin, from Latin, standard] a : an authoritative list of books accepted as Holy Scripture b : the authentic works of a writer c : a sanctioned or accepted group or body of related works 4 a : an accepted principle or rule b : a criterion or standard of judgment c : a body of principles, rules, standards, or norms 5 [Late Greek kanOn, from Greek, model] : a contrapuntal musical composition in two or more voice parts in which the melody is imitated exactly and completely by the successive voices though not always at the same pitch synonym see LAW -
They already had one main character die (Guld), two main antagonists die (Sharron Apple and the Ghost), the "hero" recover from a life threatening injury (Isamu) only to loose one girl (Lucy) but get the girl he really wanted. Having him die would have turned the story into a real tragedy in the literal sense, everyone would have suffered for nothing and the moral of the story would have been more one of love and loss than of true love reunited through hardship. Certain characters are always "meant" to die in storys, and if the main character is one of them than it is for some specific reason. Most of the time that reason is for the viewer to learn something about the other characters or about themselves in general. Maximus dying at the end of Gladiator was his spirital "homecoming" that he was denied in life, Ripley dying in Alien3 was her sacrifice to protect the galaxy from the Aliens and Vincent Vega died in Pulp Fiction because Quentin Tarantino (and the rest of the world) really, really want to see John Travolta die in a hail of gunfire on the toilet.
I was trying to make a Die Hard joke... that aparently no one got... sha...
I believe it was the shadow of the Helsinki sydrome in effect. EDIT: and for those of you who have not seen Die Hard, substitute "Helsinki" with "Stockholm"
One of my RMS-1 missle tabs twisted off in the peg of my 1/60 Super VF-1J Max. Oh and my cat ate one of my 1/48 gun slings... does that count?
They appear in fleeting glances in several episodes, mainly the ones when the Macross is getting close to landing on earth. My guess was that they took damaged Defender Destroids and mounted what was important on them (from the waist up) onto the hull of the Macross to replace damaged or destroyed gun turrets. I remember thinking "wow, that's actually a good idea" when I saw it way back when.
Some gimmicks I would like to see across the whole line of Destroids: - various insignia themes and stickers (from different units, so you can choose to have all of them from the same unit or from several different units) - small support vehicles in scale. They gave some of the MSIA figures little scale vehicles like jets, jeeps and tanks, I'd like to see the same for the destroids... just macross vehicles. Each Destroid would come with one small support vehicle. - seeing as the Destroids are not much more than cannon fodder in the series, I'd like to see swappable damaged parts like battle damaged arms, legs and things. - each Destroid should come with a diorama base (like some of the McFarlane figures), and the diorama bases should all link together to form one big one. They are land units after all and land is an important part of their little lives. The bases could also be integrated into the figures, such as have the Defender split in half at the torso and attach to his base like the "turret Defender" you see every now and then in Macross TV
screenshots for the new robotech game
JsARCLIGHT replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I may not be partial to Tommy Yune's artwork... but he's in print and apparently making money from his work. Are you? If not then quitcherbitchen. It is sooooo easy to critique people's work... heck I do it for a living. But in order for your critique to hold any worth you have to be able to show the person being critiqued "how it is done". My opinion was worth dick three years ago in my field, but now I'm an award winning design manager and my tastes make or break deals. (hows that for an ego) P.S. - based on my hatred of the first robotech game, they had better wow me with this one because I was not impressed with the last one. Now if someone would dump a few hundred grand down me to make the next Robotech game I could assemble a team and show them how it is supposed to be done. B) -
In an effort to put this to rest I emailed the seller and asked if he had any pics of the box and the actual toy for sale. If he responds to me I'll post the pics here, if he ignores me then we can specualte all we want as to how legit this cat might be but with a 2K+ feedback he's either learned to walk a delicate tightrope or he's telling the truth...
My guess is that this guy is telling a small fib so he can sort of get a jump on his eBay compeditors and get some sales in. He may or may not actually have the toys "in his hands", my guess is they are scheduled for a shipment to him or "on order" and he's doing what a lot of eBayer's do: selling things he doesn't have yet under the guise of having them. The truth of it is that the buyer may never know if the guy had the item right when he said he did as any delays in shipping the item out can be blamed on the postal system... unless the actual toys are delayed in distribution from Yamato and then the seller will be called on the carpet. I've seen people do this several times.
My most prized possession is my restored 1970 1/2 Z-28... my most prized toy is my custom made 12" GI Joe scale Vietnam Huey that takes up most of a table in my "basement"... My most prized macross toy is most likely my set of 1/48s as they are the most intimidating and noticable of the collection.
NEW Official MPC Thread!!!
JsARCLIGHT replied to FRED THE FRENCH's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
What are the best pens to use to do pannel lining? I've only seen a few examples that I and my friends have done and we used Micron pens. The problem with microns are that if you don't paint the model then pannel line it the pannel lines look like they "bleed" into the plastic after so long. Is there a way around that?... or is this a question I should be asking in the modelling forums... -
There's another toy we don't need... the monster. I would rather have them make the GBP in two scales than make the farging 1/60 coffee table monster and that dumb helmet. Then again this is most likey the "test the water" toy and accessory to determine just how expensive a toy can get before no one buys it.
To me, the GBP armor is not all that great. It appears for two seconds in DYRL and it appears for half of one episode in Macross TV. Hikaru takes on a Theater scout in the "Miss Macross" with it and even though he launches all it's missles in a counter strike it still fails to totally take out the zentradi unit, it barely does anything worthwhile other than get shot to pieces and keep Hikaru from dying from his mistakes. It's a neat toy and all but Yamato has not produced it so far and I'm thinking they won't make it at all. Much like some people have said in the past, Yamato likes to get as much milage out of their molds as possible so the one-off GBP may have to wait until they can afford to make it all by it's lonesome.
What is the significance of human skull in aliens?
JsARCLIGHT replied to NERV's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
The only place that the skull is really visible in are production photos with good lighting and on that scary-ass 12" alien toy. -
I had to vote for what I think we will get: FAST pack VF-1J. Yamato has not made a GBP yet and if they don't make one soon I'm not sure they ever will.
What is the significance of human skull in aliens?
JsARCLIGHT replied to NERV's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I would enjoy seeing an alien pierce ALF's foam skull with it's mandibles and suck out his brains... actually the alien would only get to eat some dork's hand... oh well. And then the topless hippo from meet the feebles crashes in with the machine gun and blows them all away!