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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT
Well, the valks do have those side view mirrors on the console in them... for... looking... behind... them...
...delusions of grandeur... I'm not saying that I look exactly like that twit... I'm more emaciated in the face... People say I look like Denis Leary with long hair. I'm hoping that perhaps this will mean that my hairstyle is going to be back in style for a bit now... I'm getting sick of getting lumped in the same fashion group as all those long haired dungeons and dragons playing, network administrating dorks.
Holy freaking sheepdip... He looks like... ME!!!! Comb his hair, bleach it out a bit, give him a black satan mustache and beard and put him in a suit and he's ME!!!! .... I always wondered what I'd look like as a whiny jedi. Great... after having to endure the Johhny Depp pirate comparissons now I'll have to endure the fabio jedi comparissons... oh well, I better go buy a brown bathrobe.
what obsessions besides macross do u guys have?
JsARCLIGHT replied to kanata67's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I have waaaaay too many expensive hobbies, the most notable are my cars (1970 1/2 Camaro Z-28 Split Bumper fully restored and a 2000 Honda Prelude). I'm also an avid gun nut with two preban AR15s, a WWII 1911A1, a Glock 21 and I'm getting ready to buy a Glock 27 and possibly a Springfield Armory M-1. There are tons of other things I blow money on from books to DVDs to my home computer (which I just totally upgraded into space)... in all actuality on a cash total spent basis Macross is one of my cheaper hobbies. Of course my fiancee is trying her best to remove all those programs from my system on a regular basis... -
Halo is already out for the PC?
That would have been like the same kind of music though... think about it, it would be like Yes or a Mother Jugs and Speed cover band cutting an album. The Macross definately had other talent on board but when you think about it how many they had would still be an issue. Even if there where ten other bands/performers you would still be saddled with ten choices. I can name almost thirty bands/singers that I like to listen to. If limited to ten bands I'd still go insane after a while. I wonder what the suicide rate was like on the macross? With the bridge crew getting so many non-combatants killed so often I bet those numbers would be foggy at best.
... but the one actually coming out from Yamato will have a RED heatshield! That pic of the Hikaru 1S with the black heatshield is only like that because they photoshopped a pre-exsisting Roy 1S into red and could not change the black shield. RED RULES! BLACK DROOLS!
I wouldn't say that. I don't hate Blue Gender deep down in my soul like I do Macross 7... it just suffers from many issues that prevent it from being a special or unique and interesting show. I rate it as having the "me too" complex, meaning it does just enough to be tollerable but it is nowhere near being a memorable or noteworthy show. I think of it like most people do of Southern Cross: the designs are so so, the characters are tollerable but boarderline annoying, the story feels ripped off and vague and the show would have just faded into obscurity if not for it's airing on american TV.
WHAT? No Vietcong? No Global Operations? No Jedi Outcast? I'm afraid I can't vote as I don't play any of those games online.
My question is will the end of the movie feature a spot where some dumbass suburban kids are in their backyard thinking of smoking, drinking, climbing that phone pole, doing drugs or having some other life experience when all of a sudden the Joes emerge from their hiding spots in the yard just in the nick of time to set those well meaning kids on the road to stuffy midwestern values and white bread living! Because Knowing is half the battle! (This movie will suck so bad that the other half of the battle will be trying to get your $7.50 back from the ticket window out front)
Shao Pai Lon IMHO was made by the people of Macross more for the propaganda aspects than anything else. Rushed, low budget, badly acted and poorly produced can sometimes be overlooked when you are thousands of miles away from earth on a military ship surrounded by aliens bent on your death. I for one would have gone mad on the Macross... think about it. We complain that superstars like Brittney Spears are "shoved down our throats" in this global market... think about life on the Macross. Outside of the small amount of music, movies and TV shows they might have had copies of about the only new source of material for all three was freaking Minmay. If you didn't like Minmay then I'll bet you had one hard year going back to earth... if you even survived. So in a sense, if you want to make a movie on a shoestring budget and ensure everyone sees it, do it on the Macross.
It's a two sided sword with anime: if they just have a simple one dimensional story of war then people will complain the show is too bland... but then most of them always go with some over the top moral lesson ending that usually requires a total bitchslap of a plot device that leaves people saying "WTF?" or "I didn't see that one coming". Poor writing, nothing else. These scriptwriters need to get a grip on basic storytelling and stop trying to rub everyone's noses in some political or ecological thing all the time. There are times when you can be just as poignent and gripping with some well developed realistic characters as you can with psudo science mumbo jumbo. Plus in reality things are never wrapped up in nice neat little packages or solved in 20 episodes... just because you are telling a story does not mean that the entire story of all things must come to a close with a happy or unhappy ending. Blue Gender IMHO resulted from a bunch of scripwriters watching the Starship Troopers movie and then debating about how they would have infused some sort of moral justification of the bugs and how they could make mankind into the bad guys... like a lot of other anime shows.
(I think he's talking about me) Blue Gender is just another me-too imitator title that offers nothing new to the genre... and Yuji is a putz. Those are about the only reasons I have to dislike it. I saw it on DVD all the way through a while back and from what I remember Fulcy's summation is about right. The "Blue" are simply a genetic mutation caused by the earth to return the world to balance. Humanity had grown unchecked like a cancer and the Blue are basically earth's form of Chemotherapy.
I went to that link you had and most of the sets on there appear to be Takatoy's sets... I think. But the new low vis one that you have up there (and on the site) has the "Black Roses" emblems on it that Anasazi used on his custom. I'm not sure who made those now. Maybee Takatoys or Anasazi will chime in and let us know.
Ooooooh those are nice. They look like one of Anasazi's sets.
I painted the tips of the AMM missles red on my 1/60 Yamatos from the TV series. I think it looks interesting. After all, we are talking about missle racks on a transforming robot airplane and not on a F/A-18. They give the TV units a bit of a twist. My DYRL units on the other hand all sport unaltered UMM pods and RMS missles... and they seem to be the majority of 1/60s anyway.
Yes it would... We just have to wait... A fun trick to pass the time is to tell stories that don't go anywhere. Like the time I took the ferry over to Shelbyville to get a horn for my shoe. So I got a ferry ticket to Morganville, which was what we called Shelbyville at the time, and I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. Now a ticket for the ferry cost only a nickel, and back then, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. "Five bees for a quarter," you'd say. Now where was I? Oh yeah, the important thing is, I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, you couldn't get white onions, because of the war. All you could get were those big yellow ones...
I was in high school when Robotech was on TV so my childhood halcyon days of toys and action jacksons where far behind me. I bought collectable toys mainly because they are neat and intricate. I like good design and the VF-1 is a marvel of mechanical engineering as a toy... the new Yamato 1/48 even more so. I'm not out to recapture youth or bask in the glory of days gone by, I just like the looks of them.
Another case closed! Now onto the case of the missing Yamato GBP Armor sets... this may be a tough case to crack.
They don't come "in" the boosters they should be on sprue trees. Do you not have the sprue trees?
I would actually like to see a japanese take on Spawn. I felt this show (the american HBO one) was very heavy-handed, stereotypical and way too over the top for it's own good. Much of the cartoon feels forced and a lot of the dialogue is predictable. A lot of scenes feature ultra-violence and nudity it seems just because they can... then again it is what it is. You sort of need to be a Spawn fan to get much out of it other than mindless blood, guts and boobs. Since it got canned before it finished you have not much to look forward to since the story wanders in and out of a plot and then just sort of sputters to a halt without finishing. The animation is top notch american style though, if you like good animation it won't dissapoint... but it you want your story to have a point and an ending you had best start reading the comics as the animation will just punk out on you. In the end I prefer the animated MAXX show better.
I have all three of the HBO Spawn animated shows released on VHS if anyone wants them. My VCR bit the ship last year and I have no use for them. Pay shipping and they are yours. Oh and VHD: GO HERE FOR INFO
OK Time to start a crusade against the Poll Feature!
In the end it's all anime anyway, and anime is a lower form of entertainment in my mind. It can never equal the emotion and presence of a live action movie. To me, anime is no different than american cartoons, it just has more mature subject matter.