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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT
I just saw G.I.Joe Spytroops....
JsARCLIGHT replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
It's packaged as a DVD with the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow 12" doll set... do you guys get that toy in Canada? If you do it might be your only way to see it would be to buy that set. It's not like Blockbuster Video carries pack-in toy commercials for rent. -
For the record the Virtual Boy did not really damage people's eyesight... just little kids. The VB shipped from the factory with this giant red warning on the box: !WARNING: This product MUST NOT be used by children under the age of seven (7) years. Artificial stereo vision displays may not be safe for such children and may cause serious, permanent damage to their vision. As I said before, most parents see the words "permanent", "damage" and "vision" on a toy package and they tend to keep walking down the isle.
Best Gaming Platform of All-Time
JsARCLIGHT replied to areaseven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Seeing as I already voted for my beloved PC I feel somewhat two faced by saying this, but: I grew up in the seventies... when the Atari came out everyone thought it was so cool. I had one, everyone had one... but we never played them because it sucked. It sucked big time. It sucked so much ass you'd think it was a butt vaccuum. We where all hooked on coin-op uprights. Those uprights like Galaga, Q-bert, Ms. Pac Man... you name it... their graphics (if you can call them that today) and sound where ten times better than the home systems and we loved them. As time marched on we all got into high school... and that is when that infernal NES 8 bit came out. It spread like wildfire and everyone had one. I remember trading carts with a guy in my weights class in the locker room all senior year. I held onto that guy through college as I had no cash to buy the new SNES when it came out... After that the next system I bought was a PS1... the day they came out, too. So I guess then the original NES was my SNES. -
Best Gaming Platform of All-Time
JsARCLIGHT replied to areaseven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Hey now, I still want my 1969 COPO Camaro PS3 next year! -
All this great material Lone Wolf is providing I'm having professionally translated on my own coin. As soon as I get the copies and get them to the translators the sooner I'll get them back. I'll post the translations for all the pertinant materials here in this thread.
Oh man... ... let's give Man Faye that kid's auction listing.
Now THAT is evidence and proof. You've written some papers in your life, haven't you?
Keith, are we calling you a liar? Have any of us said that there is no chance in hell of you being right? NO. We are asking for you to proove your stance with fact, something that other members are willing to do. If you proove to us that your summation is correct, that DYRL since day one has been scripted to be a movie inside the timeline of a then unwritten future extension of macross, we will believe you. But not without proof. If you have been studying Macross for as long as you say then coming up with these materials should take you ten minutes. Not providing any proof is hurting you more than anything. Think about it, let's say I had a theory that the universe revolved around Mia Farrow... if I present no evidence to the point and just keep bleating on and on that people should "watch the movies as they explain all" no one would take me seriously., even if it was considered to be "general knowledge" in the Mia Farrow fanboy society. There is just so much stuff in Macross and other creative materials like it that people just assume things about and those assumptions somehow become "fact". All I and the other members caught up in this are asking is that you (or someone else) show us the interview, liner note, article or doccument that states your point. I'm getting a guy in my office to translate the liner notes Lone Wolf posted above and I'll post his translation here. If anyone thinks I'll try to pull some trick and "mistranslate" the doccument (as has been claimed here before on other things) I'll gladly pay out of my own pocket to take that and all the other liner notes to a third party translation service to be done. (I know I said above that I had posted my last in this thread, but that was before people started ponying up facts and proof... seeing as I was asking for that all along it would remiss of me to clam up now.)
OT Whats the law against throwing at cars?
JsARCLIGHT replied to NERV's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
You got me. My guess would be they might get you on assault if they think you intended harm to the passengers of the vehicle (assault with a taco, that's a new one to me) or they might get you on defacing/damaging property if it caused any damage (but what damage can a taco bell taco do to a van?)... Then again these laws are different everywhere... who knows there might be a funny "road rage" law on the books that this might fall under... or perhaps the people will not report it at all. True story: When I was dating a girl in college in chicago we were driving somewhere in her car and she merged onto the highway in a rather haphazzard way (even I said "whooaaaah!" when she did it) and she cut some guy off. He drove past us screaming and honking and he threw an orange at her car and it bounced off my side window. She got all hot and bothered that the guy did that but I pretty much sided with the guy, she was driving like an idiot. Who knows, maybee nothing will come of this. If anything does, explain your position to the cops and perhaps they will go easy on you. -
Nintendo's Virtual Boy: a lobotomy in a box. Any game console that can cause serious eye damage right out of the box and has to ship with a giant warning label on it is just headed for the pasture before it even gets off the ground.
Best Gaming Platform of All-Time
JsARCLIGHT replied to areaseven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I'm voting based on your verbage in the poll: you said platform and not console so my most favorate gaming platform is PC. So I vote OTHER: PC (yes it is not in the spirit of the poll, but us PC groupies have to raise a little hell now and then) -
Now we are getting somewhere. Thank you EXO. EXO provided his proof and his source for everyone to read. This is the kind of factual proof we need to clear this up.
I just saw G.I.Joe Spytroops....
JsARCLIGHT replied to terry the lone wolf's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
I saw parts of it last night. It was tollerable. By far the quality of the animation was typical toy commercial budget stuff. I found it interesting that when I originally saw the toy commercials I thought the animation was so intertesting and detailed... but it was all in the editing, rapid cuts to make it look like it was more detailed than it really was. The animation was also all hand key, no mocap. That's what gave it that lanky jerky look, the characters where just snapping between poses. -
(notices that we are obviously drawing attention) This is my last post in this thread. And Keith, NO the proof is NOT in the animation as the animation is a reflection of the present and it could have easily been altered by the creators to place in elements that where not originally intended to be there just to bolster their story. We are none the wiser. "Watch the animation", that is a COP OUT answer. To me, Kawamori changed the nature of DYRL at a later date so he could fit it in the Macross 7 story. Until you provide PROOF that DYRL was always meant to be that from the day of it's birth you will always have us in your face. I want those liner notes you hold as such high truth posted here and any other interview print materials (of the times Kawaori or Studio Nue big wigs alone said that DYRL was a movie in the timeline before Macross 7). I know someone in my office who is japanese and can translate them for me and I'll then counterpost the translations if you don't have them. Please post them as we all want to know. Lone Wolf, thank you for your offer. Please scan them and post them here if you have them, I'm sure by now EVERYONE wants a legitimate answer on this subject. But one thing this thread has shown me is that proof is apparently out there but the opposition for some reason would rather call me names than post it. Of course you know by now, I am really an idoit for blindly accusing the great Kawamori and everything Macross of not being the best thing since sliced bread and somehow insinuating that he is a mere mortal that may have changed his story to accomodate future projects is just automatically wrong. Is it so heathen and evil of me to ask these things? Am I "beating this to death"? Am I "arguing for argument's sake"? No. I am asking for proof to this issue so we can all understand this better and only a handfull of people have ponied up.
Links? Pics? Printouts? Copies? Show me. I do not take people's word for things. Show those items here, in this thread. Not the shows but these liner notes that explain everything, along with their translation. Proove me wrong and I will shut up. The only reason I am so upset in this thread is because every time I ask for someone to put some proof in this thread they (aside from EXO) just banter a bunch of stuff and show no evidence. Think of me as your college english professor. I will not go looking for your sources, I expect you to give them to me with your findings. Tell you what, show all those facts prooving all this mess right here in this thread via screencap, link, cut and paste I don't care at this point just as long as it has some valid credentials to it and I will shut up and leave you alone.
Movies with horses, ford mustangs, or ferraris
JsARCLIGHT replied to KingNor's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Well... there is a promenant Shelby GT500 Cobra in Riding Bean and Gunsmith Cats anime... it looks like a mustang but that ain't no pony, she's a snake. You of course have the automatic Gone in 60 Seconds original which features a nice vintage mustang... the remake has elanor as a Shelby cobra though I'm too drunk at the moment to remember any more... I'll think about it and get back to you. -
I'm not out to proove what I'm saying is or isn't true. I'm asking for proof of what is true. There are tons of interviews with Kawamori and Studio Nue people out there in print that have been translated, I've read a lot of them. NONE of the one's I've read has this subject ever been talked about or even hinted at. I want a line drawn to the day and place where someone in creative control of Macross said either on or off the record to any source in print what the status of DYRL PRE MACROSS 7 is. Heck, I'd even take some proof from post Macross 7. I just want proof. I don't need to proove anything as I am the one asking for proof! Edit to add: and unless the proof on the Macross Compendium is in the form of a statement from Kawamori credited to him or another member of Studio Nue then it is conjecture and heresay. Heck, 80% of all the stuff in Macross is conjecture and heresay. There are in actuality very few legitimate print materials available for macross information. I will agree that the macross compendium is a good source for macross facts, but some things taken for fact may not be true facts but conjecture based on someone else's input. I am asking for proof from the horse's mouth on this one.
Good threads end badly because people get into pissing matches without any PROOF. Heresay and conjecture makes people mad, like me. I'm not trying to flame or rant or bitch and moan about this. BUT I will not back down from this thread and my stance on this issue until I get a link or pic or transcript to gag me. You guys know me, I'm usually a calm and rational person but this topic struck a nerve with me and I want this hatchet buried once and for all. I will gladly apologize and slink away into the shadows and shut up if I am prooved wrong... with factual doccumented proof, not "what I think I heard someone say a while back".
Keith, you keep accusing us of providing no evidence when we keep asking you to proove your point with evidence, you keep failing to post it in your replies. If this where a research report you'd get an F because you keep quoting things and never post any factual proof. Both Agent One and I want to see some form of hard evidence, be it an interview transcript or another form of print media from before Macross cranked out all these sequals that supports your position. Post some links, post some hards facts or shut up. I and Agent One will go away when we can read with our own eyes some unbiased printed interviews that say these things. What I am claiming needs no proof as it is mainly asking for you to proove me wrong, which you have failed to do other than state known facts about the show and warp them to fit your argument. You claim my views are shallow? IT'S A FARKING CARTOON FOR GOD'S SAKE! IT'S NOT FREAKING REAL! IT, AND ALL IT'S ASSININE CHILDREN WHERE MADE BY SOME JAPANESE PEOPLE TO ENTERTAIN ME. I alone choose to watch what I watch and think what I think about it. And I think that this show had wonderful designs and story that showed to be profitable so they just kept cranking things out and worried about how these things fit together when they got to that bridge. People can claim whatever they want about these things but until I see it in print from the horses' mouth it is just scatterbrained fanboy banter to me. ... oh and I'll listen to Basara's song only if I can kill him afterwords. (Edit to tone down the angry)
Actually that article has mispronounced the new name of Pioneer entertainment... they are actually changing their name to Genom and plan to release a new line of robots to help mankind into the next century.
Some things to note in this matchup should be the following: Most advantages in combat come from opportunity, terrain and skill. Someone on the high ground with good cover and small numbers can easily beat superior numbers attacking. Both sides have their strong points and weak points, the issue is does the other side recognise those and exploit them. Military facts time! There are really only three types of encounters in combat: the ambush, the "meeting engagement" and the seige. An ambush occurs when one side or the other deliberately plans an encounter and either lays in wait for an unsuspecting enemy or they manuver and attack and unsuspecting enemy. We can assume for fairness this matchup cannot be an ambush engagement (something the Meltrandi seem to excell at). The seige is a tactic in which one side deliberately attacks the other within his line of sight or makes no effort to hide his approach and inevitable engagement. In modern combat this sort of engagement most of the time favors the defenders as they have ample warning to prepare and brace for the attack, making the assault all the harder on the attacker (this type of fighting seems to favor the Zentradi). Lastly is the "meeting engagement" where two manuvering forces randomly encounter one another in the field. Neither one expects the other and they just sort of "run into" each other and a fight breaks out. This is the most random and dangerous of encounters as both sides are at a disadvantage. In this type of encounter things like individial skill and courage, the terrain and the environment can make the biggest difference. Assuming this match-up will be a "meeting engagement" between like numbers of Zentradi and Meltrandi is on even terrain with a neutral start... I'd have to say it is a toss up. Either side could win, either side could loose or they could kill each other dead. The pure randomness of combat is not something that can be metered based on certain factors. Seeing as the Zentradi and Meltrandi are clones however you can potentially eliminate the "ace" gene from them and have an equal number of equally skilled troops square off against each other. In a world of pure science and math those two forces could (and most likely would) fight each other to a stalemate every time barring any unusual actions by either side. Seems to me that is what has been happening in the world of DYRL for the last couple thousand years. But always remember that in any randomly generated encounter there is always a chance that any of the three different endgames will play out in any possible combination of numbers.
This auction does not look too sane to me... most of these have been going for under $150 on eBay right now... and those are the ones with no yellowing and good spelling. eBay auction
does anyone else have this problem?
JsARCLIGHT replied to nemesis120's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
At home I have AOL and it has popup conotrols that default to ON that I must customize for each page I visit... and when at work we have Netscape and the new version 7.whatever Netscape also has automatic popup controls that default to on. I'd say check your popup controls first. -
Another singer bites the dust...
JsARCLIGHT replied to Captain of the SDF-1 Macross's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
"Remember" Power Station? They never went out of my mind! Get it on! Bang the gong, Get it on! -
Another singer bites the dust...
JsARCLIGHT replied to Captain of the SDF-1 Macross's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Dude... Sledgehammer is Peter Gabriel. Don't you remember the bevvy of short haired, black dressed women in his "band" on "Simply Irresistable"? Edit: Does THIS jog your memory? B)