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Everything posted by JsARCLIGHT

  1. Thank you for saying that. Some people around here never see the capitalism in things the way I and Agent do.
  2. Osmosis Jones... which blew. I don't know what to think about this movie. I loved Reservoir Dogs, I liked Pulp Fiction and I thought Jackie Brown was eehhh OK... I'll go see Kill Bill part 1 and decide if part 2 is worth seeing.
  3. If you have the time and the patience I'd say go ahead and scan them. Has anyone else ever translated those pages before? If not then "expensive" is sometimes not a word in my vocabulary. B)
  4. Do you happen to have those pages or scans of them? I can get another group of stuff to send to the translation service if you think they hold important things.
  5. That's because we were depending on a beligerent opposition to provide the elements, which they made very clear they could not be bothered to do. It took some time before we could find a member who had the materials mentioned in the thread and it will take a bit more time to get them professionally translated and posted. I figure if no other positive comes out of this thread we will at least have nice, clean and readable pro translations of the FB 2012 liner notes and the DYRL perfect edition liner notes available free for everyone to read.
  6. Abombz: I, EXO, ewilen and Lone Wolf have been trying to get some proof and translations together... it's just taking some time. Thanks to all who have posted proof in this thread, it has been a great help to show people what has been said "in the record" on this issue.
  7. I have no issue accepting that the current Macross story arc has absorbed DYRL into itself as a movie within a movie after 1994 when they had to piece together their future sequels. You accuse us of claiming our stance because we don't like the "idea"... you are guilty of the same thing yourself. You are fighting tooth and nail against just the thought that DYRL was ever just a simple big screen adaptation of a popular TV show and that it was never originally intended to be part of any "timeline" or "continuity". It seems that the mere thought that Studio Nue and Kawamori made something that did not fit into "the box" and then changed things at a later date so it would is just unthinkable to you. People do it all the time. Why can't we all just accept these things and agree that both sides can have it their way? For the last time, we are not debating the current status of the Macross canon timeline, we are pointing out that before 1994 DYRL was not thought of as a movie within the timeline. I agree that DYRL has become a movie within the timeline but it was definately not that from the beginning. While at the same time other people can believe that DYRL is a movie in the timeline to help give the newer macross properties more "legitamacy" and to help the fans who are so confused by why some things are one way in one show and another in another. BTW for those who are interested the translations of the five pieces of material submitted by Lone Wolf are under way and should be ready next week some time. I am thinking of doing some photoshop work to the translations to make "english versions" of the posted scans... unless people think that would just be unneccessary then I'll just post the raw translations...
  8. I think one thing that a lot of the younger people seeing this movie now in 2003 for the first time are missing about Scarface is that when the movie came out in theaters in 1983 it was not only a massive controversy from all the blood and death and cussing but it is the movie that pretty much started the whole "modern high style gritty crime drama" genre. Future movies and TV shows would emulate if not lift a lot of the ideas brought out in Scarface. I know when I saw it I was 14 and thought it was a defining moment in film... much like star wars turned sci-fi into the hot thing Scarface basically let everyone know it was just fine and dandy to cuss their face off while at the same time blowing it to pieces with an M16. I remember most of the critics of the time saying things like "if this level of violence and vulgarity is tollerated then what can the future of movies hold?"... how right they became.
  9. This is actually the third time those sets have been up on eBay... no bids... none... ever.... they just sit and sit and sit... I get emails about them, but no one ever bids... strange... I totally agree.
  10. Is it just me or is the guy in that ad either trying to break the thing and failing... or it looks like hes playing his nice little game phone while blowing one massive fart on his skateboard. Rad... to the next level... diggity... <_< At least the Sidekick is trying to hide it's obvious "youth targeting"...
  11. Isn't this that Batman: Year Zero movie?
  12. I saw that Def Jam special a few nights ago on cable. I was also suprised how much the people they interviewed focused on the "rags to riches" aspect and not the "cruel, sadistic and egomeniacal downfall" aspect.
  13. Freaky... Any idea how they did that?
  14. Why yoo liddo prick! You messin' with Tony Montanah!
  15. The world is yours!... for $44.99 at Best Buy.
  16. (I have triples of all of them)
  17. I bought the collector's pack this morning on the way to work from Best Buy. It has the new DVD, the original 30's movie "scarface" DVD, several trading cards, a neat silk lined box, lobby cards and a kick ass money clip. Some people might not pay $45 for all that but I did. Scarface rules. SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEN'!
  18. Shirow rocks. He was one of the influential forces in my life when I decided to take all those technical drawing classes in college. The man is great. (cough cough shameless plug time) I have entire sets of Appleseed comics and GNs up on eBay right now cheap for anyone interested. All first prints, all in like new shape. Go Here for them. (hack cough) Seriously, the man has talents beyond talents... but he can get a tad bit confusing at times as his plots are even more detailed than his drawings.
  19. The last scene in the first episode. Hikaru's scared reactions to the VT102 shot full of holes and spiraling out of control towards the Macross... Misa's "suggestion" he change configurations... Hikaru's confused response and yanking of the lever... ... the rest is history...
  20. I second that motion on the floor. Batman has come full circle... it started life as a fruity show with an unspoken love between batman and robin, it became the dark and brooding media cash cow no one expected it to and now it has returned to it's technacolor light in the loafers feel.
  21. I too agree that this thing better be something special. $400 is well beyond my "logical price for a single toy" that I have set in my mind. I'll most likely end up getting it but I have this sinking feeling I will be dissapointed... I don't know why, call it spider sense.
  22. Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh... that's it. That game was addictive.
  23. I agree with you there. Perhaps if the ratings and warning were printed as big and bold as the VB disclaimer parents might get the drift. Then again we are talking about parents who say "my child knows the difference between right and wrong, my child is a little genius"... while somewhere in the background little Timmy is eating paste and swinging the cat around over his head like a flail.
  24. I agree with you John, I just think that at this point in the game it would benefit everyone who likes Macross to have a nice readable legit translation of all these apparently "untranslated" and hard to find materials so they can have "the whole story" and form their own opinions. Based on everything I have seen so far the story seems to be that no one really knew what to think about DYRL up until Macross Plus came out which caused the whole issue to be addressed by the creators. At that point a decision was made to enact the "alternate timeline" idea which then became the "movie within a movie" explaination. You never know, perhaps there is something in these liner notes that might shed some more light on this.
  25. I have to admit to owning a Saturn. It was not my favorite console but Macross DYRL is IMHO the only good Macross game ever made... that and I had another game that required the memory pack called Dragon Wars, Dragon World... Dragon... something... it was like Advance Wars in that you fought little armies of critters led by generals against each other on a big map. I liked it, it was addictive... but aside from those two games my saturn sat untouched until the day I sold it.
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